DramaShare Ministries
Parum Christmas
Parum Christmas
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A 3 act Christmas program shows that we all have something to give back to God.
The school is planning a Christmas program, non-traditional, looking at music with a raggae or Hip Hop beat, but, with advice from a “nerd” they settle on something less cutting edge.
Uses Little Drummer Boy song as theme
Mrs. Bond, middle age mom
Molly Bond, teen or pre-teen
Simon Bond, the teenager “nerd”
Reggie Bond, young child
Betty Bond, young child
Tony, same age as Molly
Jana, same age as Jana
extras for nativity scene if available/desired
uses a split stage with one side being the Bond home and the other being the school music room
set pieces may be as substantial or sparse as desired/available
drums”geeky” glasses and pocket protector for Simon
wireless mics would be preferred
if Molly has basic ability she will play “Little Drummer Boy” on drums, but if not a pre-taped sound file can be played. Note there are many locations on the web where sound files can be found, example:http://www.night.net/christmas/little-drummer-boy.html
Spotlights which will allow switching attention to the relevant side of stage
A blue gel for the nativity scene would be appropriate
regular leisure/school clothing for all
for nativity scene you may use traditional costumes however a very interesting representation could be done where each actor, as they move to the nativity scene picks up a symbolic costume item/prop, such as shepherds crook, crown, shawl, etc.
Sample of Script:
Scene I – School
Molly, Jana and Tony are discussing music for the school Christmas program
Jana: OK guys, listen up. Mrs. Thompson asked us to come up with ideas for the music for our school Christmas party. We were supposed to have this done like a month ago, so let’s get at it.
Molly: Mrs. Thompson is the teacher; she gets paid to make decisions like these, how come we have to always come up with the ideas?
Tony: Because every year when she makes decisions for us, people like you always get annoyed about the music that is chosen.
Molly: Oh, sure Tony, like here we are, sitting here in the twenty-first century and we are supposed to be playing songs from like the sixteen hundreds!
Jana: You just want to let loose on those new drums your mom got you, that’s all.
Molly: Look Jana, we need something with a beat! Something with emotion. Jazz. Rhythm and blues. Rap. Hip Hop.
Tony: Christmas is all about tradition. There’s not a lot of Hip Hop in Christmas tradition.
Molly: And that’s why not many people know anything about Christmas nowadays.
Jana: So let me get this straight, Molly Bond, you are saying that if we play Hip Hop music at the school concert people will have a better chance of getting the message of Jesus’ birth?
Molly: Likely. Maybe. Likely. For sure people will be more interested than with some painful music from the middle ages.
Tony: OK Molly, but we gotta remember there will be old folks here as well, we need to keep it sensible.
Molly: Sensible? Tony are you saying my suggestions for music aren’t sensible?
Tony: To quote a person I know, “likely, maybe, likely”!
Molly, angry: Tony Fletcher, you make me soooo angry!
Jana: Look you two, this isn’t getting us anywhere.
Molly: No it certainly isn’t, (staring at Tony), and it is obvious who is to blame for that!
Jana: Suggestions for music, come on!
Molly: Well I happened to hear an awesome version of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” done to a reggae beat. And you gotta admit that song goes back hundreds of years. Here, let me show you!
Molly beats loudly on drums while Jana and Tony look on in shock
Tony: OK, so do we have another suggestion?
Molly: What gives with you Tony? Try to climb out of the ice age! What exactly do you have against good modern Christmas music?
Tony: Nothing at all. Do you know where we can find some?
Jana: OK you two, cool it! But Tony is right Molly; I don’t think that kind of music is appropriate for a Christmas concert.
Molly: Thanks a lot Jana! Some kind of friend you turned out to be.
Jana: This is not about friends; this is about putting together a good Christmas program, one that will tell the story properly.
Molly: Well I think we need to come out swinging, loud and proud; after all, it was a wonderful story.
Tony: A wonderful story, of course, but it wasn’t meant to be a bugle marching band type thing.
Molly: I give up! How are we supposed to have a decent program with Mr. Behind-the-times shooting down every good idea we come up with?
Tony: Or with Ms. Boom-bash-bang and her outrageous ideas!
Molly: Outrageous? Just you watch out whose ideas you are calling outrageous, you . . you . . .
Jana: OK, that’s enough from both of you! Look, let’s go home, and meet back here tonight. But no more of this silliness from anyone, understood?
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We all have something to give back to God.
The school is planning a Christmas program.
Non-traditional, looking at music with a raggae or Hip Hop beat, but, with advice from a "nerd" they settle on something less cutting edge.
Uses Little Drummer Boy song as theme, 3 act drama
Cast: 8
- Mrs. Bond, middle age mom
- Molly Bond, teen or pre-teen
- Simon Bond, the teenager “nerd”
- Reggie Bond, young child
- Betty Bond, young child
- Tony, same age as Molly
- Jana, same age as Jana
- extras for nativity scene if available/desired
Bible Reference: Luke 2
- uses a split stage with one side being the Bond home and the other being the school music room
- set pieces may be as substantial or sparse as desired/available
Sound: wireless mics
- if Molly has basic ability she will play “Little Drummer Boy” on drums, but if not a pre-taped sound file can be played. Note there are many locations on the web where sound files can be found, example:http://www.night.net/christmas/little-drummer-boy.html
- Spotlights which will allow switching attention to the relevant side of stage
- A blue gel for the nativity scene would be appropriate
Props: drums”geeky” glasses and pocket protector for Simon
- regular leisure/school clothing for all
- for nativity scene you may use traditional costumes however a very interesting representation could be done where each actor, as they move to the nativity scene picks up a symbolic costume item/prop, such as shepherds crook, crown, shawl, etc.
Special Instructions:
Time: 25
Sample of Script:
Scene I - School
Molly, Jana and Tony are discussing music for the school Christmas program
Jana: OK guys, listen up. Mrs. Thompson asked us to come up with ideas for the music for our school Christmas party. We were supposed to have this done like a month ago, so let’s get at it.
Molly: Mrs. Thompson is the teacher; she gets paid to make decisions like these, how come we have to always come up with the ideas?
Tony: Because every year when she makes decisions for us, people like you always get annoyed about the music that is chosen.
Molly: Oh, sure Tony, like here we are, sitting here in the twenty-first century and we are supposed to be playing songs from like the sixteen hundreds!
Jana: You just want to let loose on those new drums your mom got you, that’s all.
Molly: Look Jana, we need something with a beat! Something with emotion. Jazz. Rhythm and blues. Rap. Hip Hop.
Tony: Christmas is all about tradition. There’s not a lot of Hip Hop in Christmas tradition.
Molly: And that’s why not many people know anything about Christmas nowadays.
Jana: So let me get this straight, Molly Bond, you are saying that if we play Hip Hop music at the school concert people will have a better chance of getting the message of Jesus’ birth?
Molly: Likely. Maybe. Likely. For sure people will be more interested than with some painful music from the middle ages.
Tony: OK Molly, but we gotta remember there will be old folks here as well, we need to keep it sensible.
Molly: Sensible? Tony are you saying my suggestions for music aren’t sensible?
Tony: To quote a person I know, “likely, maybe, likely”!
Molly, angry: Tony Fletcher, you make me soooo angry!
Jana: Look you two, this isn’t getting us anywhere.
Molly: No it certainly isn’t, (staring at Tony), and it is obvious who is to blame for that!
Jana: Suggestions for music, come on!
Molly: Well I happened to hear an awesome version of “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” done to a reggae beat. And you gotta admit that song goes back hundreds of years. Here, let me show you!
Molly beats loudly on drums while Jana and Tony look on in shock
Tony: OK, so do we have another suggestion?
Molly: What gives with you Tony? Try to climb out of the ice age! What exactly do you have against good modern Christmas music?
Tony: Nothing at all. Do you know where we can find some?
Jana: OK you two, cool it! But Tony is right Molly; I don’t think that kind of music is appropriate for a Christmas concert.
Molly: Thanks a lot Jana! Some kind of friend you turned out to be.
Jana: This is not about friends; this is about putting together a good Christmas program, one that will tell the story properly.
Molly: Well I think we need to come out swinging, loud and proud; after all, it was a wonderful story.
Tony: A wonderful story, of course, but it wasn’t meant to be a bugle marching band type thing.
Molly: I give up! How are we supposed to have a decent program with Mr. Behind-the-times shooting down every good idea we come up with?
Tony: Or with Ms. Boom-bash-bang and her outrageous ideas!
Molly: Outrageous? Just you watch out whose ideas you are calling outrageous, you . . you . . .
Jana: OK, that’s enough from both of you! Look, let’s go home, and meet back here tonight. But no more of this silliness from anyone, understood?