DramaShare Ministries

Oneness Of Purpose

Oneness Of Purpose

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Theme:       Lectionary script for Jan 31/15. We must willingly make ourselves available for God’s calling, lovingly, humbly dedicated to others in simple trust.

Bible Reference:     Jeremiah 1:4-10, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Luke 4:30


Cast:         3
Al Godfrey, male, likely older
Mackenzie, m or f
Tony, m or f, younger


Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:     standard


Props:        desks or table with chairs, envelope with papers


Time:        6


Sample of script:      


Tony & Mackenzie are sitting at desks working, after a few seconds Tony is unsettled


Tony:        This is so weird! . . I am having a tough time, trying to keep my mind on work.


Mackenzie:    What’s with that Tony, we have a project we are working on here, the whole office knows how important it is, Boss expects we bear down and get it done.


Tony:        Look Mackenzie, I for sure know what’s going on, the importance of this project. But there have been all the rumors floating around. They say there is going to be reorganization here in the corporation, and there’s the staffing for the Caption Division when it happens.


Mackenzie:    Tony, when you have been around as long as I have you come to realize that rumors happen, reorganizations happen, it just is what it is. And fact is some of us might be affected, but until it happens we just do our jobs, do what's asked of us, the world turns as it should.


Tony:        I s’pose, but through it all there’s uncertainty. . . . Anyhow, I best get back to work.


Mackenzie:    Couldn’t’a said it better myself Tony.


Tony & Mackenzie go back to working, After a few seconds Al comes onstage, others show respect


Mackenzie:    Hey Boss, welcome to our humble department, how are you Al?


Al:          Hey Mackenzie, how's the family?


Mackenzie:    Doing well, thanks for asking.


Al moves to Tony


Al:          Hi Tony, your boss gave me the recycling report you put together, impressive.


Tony, nervous:       Well, . . .thanks Mr. Godfrey, I . . . just thought it was something that . . kind of . .


Al:          You have a good analytical mind Tony; all of us in Administration have been closely following your progress since you came to General Dynamics.


Tony:        I am, . . that is . . very nice to hear that, I am enjoying . .


Al:          Tony, maybe you have heard rumors about our new Caption Project. I wanted you to know there is an important spot open in management in the new project. We think that you will fit well there.


Tony:        Wow, I . .  I mean, that is very nice of you to say and . .  But I mean, I have only been with General Dynamics for like, three years now, and . . I mean, there are so many ahead of me that would . . 


Al:          Yes Tony, you are young and will need guidance in your new job. But I and some of our other senior personnel will be watching carefully and assisting where necessary. We need a combination of experience with some of our veterans and new ideas from some of our junior people.


Tony:        I mean, like, it’s an honor and all, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that,  . . I mean, someone like Mackenzie here would do so much better and would . . .


Al:          Mackenzie is a key employee here at General Dynamics and we have other duties in mind for him. But for this particular position you have the unique skillsets we are looking for. . .  You are young and we want to grow someone into a key, long-term leadership player in the corporation.


Tony:        Well, Mr. Godfrey, don’t get me wrong, I mean, I am honored and all, and for sure the position sounds wonderful, but it’s just that . . .


Al:          Listen Tony, I realize this news is being dropped on you kind of out-of-the-blue.
(hands Tony a package)
Here’s some details about the position, you think it over, talk with your family. What say we get together in my office Thursday at 10, discuss it further? Sound good?

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Theme:       Lectionary script for Jan 31/15. We must willingly make ourselves available for God’s calling, lovingly, humbly dedicated to others in simple trust.

Bible Reference:     Jeremiah 1:4-10, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Luke 4:30


Cast:         3
Al Godfrey, male, likely older
Mackenzie, m or f
Tony, m or f, younger


Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:     standard


Props:        desks or table with chairs, envelope with papers


Time:        6


Sample of script:      


Tony & Mackenzie are sitting at desks working, after a few seconds Tony is unsettled


Tony:        This is so weird! . . I am having a tough time, trying to keep my mind on work.


Mackenzie:    What’s with that Tony, we have a project we are working on here, the whole office knows how important it is, Boss expects we bear down and get it done.


Tony:        Look Mackenzie, I for sure know what’s going on, the importance of this project. But there have been all the rumors floating around. They say there is going to be reorganization here in the corporation, and there’s the staffing for the Caption Division when it happens.


Mackenzie:    Tony, when you have been around as long as I have you come to realize that rumors happen, reorganizations happen, it just is what it is. And fact is some of us might be affected, but until it happens we just do our jobs, do what's asked of us, the world turns as it should.


Tony:        I s’pose, but through it all there’s uncertainty. . . . Anyhow, I best get back to work.


Mackenzie:    Couldn’t’a said it better myself Tony.


Tony & Mackenzie go back to working, After a few seconds Al comes onstage, others show respect


Mackenzie:    Hey Boss, welcome to our humble department, how are you Al?


Al:          Hey Mackenzie, how's the family?


Mackenzie:    Doing well, thanks for asking.


Al moves to Tony


Al:          Hi Tony, your boss gave me the recycling report you put together, impressive.


Tony, nervous:       Well, . . .thanks Mr. Godfrey, I . . . just thought it was something that . . kind of . .


Al:          You have a good analytical mind Tony; all of us in Administration have been closely following your progress since you came to General Dynamics.


Tony:        I am, . . that is . . very nice to hear that, I am enjoying . .


Al:          Tony, maybe you have heard rumors about our new Caption Project. I wanted you to know there is an important spot open in management in the new project. We think that you will fit well there.


Tony:        Wow, I . .  I mean, that is very nice of you to say and . .  But I mean, I have only been with General Dynamics for like, three years now, and . . I mean, there are so many ahead of me that would . . 


Al:          Yes Tony, you are young and will need guidance in your new job. But I and some of our other senior personnel will be watching carefully and assisting where necessary. We need a combination of experience with some of our veterans and new ideas from some of our junior people.


Tony:        I mean, like, it’s an honor and all, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that,  . . I mean, someone like Mackenzie here would do so much better and would . . .


Al:          Mackenzie is a key employee here at General Dynamics and we have other duties in mind for him. But for this particular position you have the unique skillsets we are looking for. . .  You are young and we want to grow someone into a key, long-term leadership player in the corporation.


Tony:        Well, Mr. Godfrey, don’t get me wrong, I mean, I am honored and all, and for sure the position sounds wonderful, but it’s just that . . .


Al:          Listen Tony, I realize this news is being dropped on you kind of out-of-the-blue.
(hands Tony a package)
Here’s some details about the position, you think it over, talk with your family. What say we get together in my office Thursday at 10, discuss it further? Sound good?

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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