DramaShare Ministries
Old Friends
Old Friends
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a short dramatic skit about the unlimited love and forgiveness of God, even after terrible transgressions. Very dramatically tells of sudden loss of a spouse, bringing on depression, reliance on pain killers, leading to drug addiction, losing custody of children and then the long road back to sobriety and putting a life back together.
This script is very highly recommended!
Keywords: forgiveness, redemption, death, drugs, friendship, conversion
Bible Reference: Ephesians 1:7
Cast: Three women, ages 30-50:
Set: The exterior of a “Starbucks”-like coffee shop with tables, plastic chairs, etc.
Special effects: None
Props: Coffee cups with lids, paperback New Testament, purses/handbags
Costumes: Lisa wears clean but “no-frills” clothing, something that might have come from Goodwill. Karen and Sue are both very well-dressed, upper middle-class.
Lighting: Standard
Sound: Standard
Special instructions: None
Time: 10 minutes
Sample of script:
LISA sits at a table, KAREN and SUE, approach. They ignore Lisa as they start to go inside.
Karen, elatedly:
Can you believe it? Tom actually got that assignment in Paris! We’re going to be there for six months!
Sue: Wow! You know I hate you, now, don’t you?
Karen, feigning haughtiness:
Don’t hate me because I’m lucky. (a beat) Or rich.
Both of them LAUGH. Karen glances at Lisa curiously, then suddenly stops.
Karen, to Sue:
You go on in. I’ll be there in a second.
Sue: Do you want me to order for you?
Karen: Sure. A decaf, non-fat extra hot latte. Tall.
Sue exits. Karen approaches Lisa warily.
Karen: Lisa? Lisa Kensey? I’m Karen –
Lisa turns to look at her. Flash of recognition, then sudden embarrassment.
Karen, continuing:
Karen Wills. From the yoga class we too, remember? It’s been what – five years?
Lisa stares back. Obviously an awkward moment for both.
Lisa: Sure, I remember you. How are you, Karen?
Karen: Good. Great – thanks. How about you?
Lisa, noticing Karen’s appraising stare at her clothes:
Not great. But better lately.
Karen: Are you waiting for someone? Mind if I sit down for a minute?
Lisa: No, I’m alone. (gesturing to chair) Please, sit.
Karen: I wondered what happened to you when you stopped coming to class. Seems like we were becoming friend, but then you kind of disappeared. I missed you. (a beat) So how’s – Bill, right?
Lisa, glancing away quickly, obviously pained:
Bill died. Two years ago. Liver cancer.
Karen: Oh, Lisa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. What about your girls? How are they coping?
Lisa: Okay, I guess. They’re with Bill’s family. After he died, I, uh, I lost custody.
Karen, genuinely stunned:
What!? Lisa – I know it’s none of my business, but I’m just so shocked. You had such a perfect life!
Lisa, smiling wistfully:
Perfect? Yeah, sure seemed like it. But perfect can’t last, can it? When Bill died, it was so sudden – I just couldn’t handle it. One day he complained about a pain in his stomach, and three months later he was gone. So I did what a lot of people do in that situation. I shut down. Tried to fend off the pain. First with pills. Then with alcohol. And somehow cocaine entered the mix. I ended up spending Bill’s insurance settlement on drugs. Didn’t even think about the girls or what they needed. I couldn’t. All I wanted was to block out the pain.
Karen: So that’s why you lost custody?
Lisa, nodding: Because I was an addict. AM an addict – in recovery. Thankfully, I admitted it to myself a couple years ago. But back then, Bill’s parents decided I was, how did their lawyer put it? Temporarily unfit for motherhood. Which I was. So they took Jill and Sandy. But there really wasn’t another option, since I’d lost the house to foreclosure.
Karen: So where did YOU live?
Lisa: In a homeless shelter downtown.
Karen: Oh, how terrible! I can’t imagine losing my husband, then my kids! How in the world did you keep going?
The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
God's unlimited love and forgiveness, even after terrible transgressions.
Very dramatically tells of sudden loss of a spouse, bringing on depression, reliance on pain killers, leading to drug addiction, losing custody of children and then the long road back to sobriety and putting a life back together.
This script is very highly recommended!
Keywords: forgiveness, redemption, death, drugs, friendship, conversion
- 3 females middle age:
- Lisa
- Karen
- Sue
Bible Reference: Ephesians 1:7
- exterior of a “Starbucks”-like coffee shop with tables, plastic chairs, etc.
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
- Coffee cups with lids, paperback New Testament, purses/handbags
- Lisa wears clean but “no-frills” clothing, something that might have come from Goodwill.
- Karen and Sue very well-dressed, upper middle-class.
Special Instructions: none
Time: 10
Sample of script:
LISA sits at a table, KAREN and SUE, ignore Lisa as they start to go inside.
Karen, elatedly: Can you believe it? Tom actually got that assignment in Paris! We’re going to be there for six months!
Sue: Wow! You know I hate you, now, don’t you?
Karen, feigning haughtiness: Don’t hate me because I’m lucky. (a beat) Or rich.
Both LAUGH. Karen glances at Lisa curiously, then suddenly stops.
Karen, to Sue: You go on in. I’ll be there in a second.
Sue: Do you want me to order for you?
Karen: Sure. A decaf, non-fat extra hot latte. Tall.
Sue exits. Karen approaches Lisa warily
Karen: Lisa? Lisa Kensey? I’m Karen –
Lisa turns to look at her. Flash of recognition, then sudden embarrassment
Karen, continuing: Karen Wills. From the yoga class we too, remember? It’s been what – five years?
Lisa stares back. Obviously an awkward moment for both
Lisa: Sure, I remember you. How are you, Karen?
Karen: Good. Great – thanks. How about you?
Lisa, noticing Karen stare at her clothes: Not great. But better lately.
Karen: Are you waiting for someone? Mind if I sit down for a minute?
Lisa: No, I’m alone. (gesturing to chair) Please, sit.
Karen: I wondered what happened to you when you stopped coming to class. Seems like we were becoming friend, but then you kind of disappeared. I missed you. (a beat) So how’s – Bill, right?
Lisa, looks away, obviously pained: Bill died. Two years ago. Liver cancer.
Karen: Oh, Lisa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. What about your girls? How are they coping?
Lisa: Okay, I guess. They’re with Bill’s family. After he died, I, uh, I lost custody.
Karen, stunned: What!? Lisa – I know it’s none of my business, but I’m just so shocked. You had such a perfect life!
Lisa, smiling wistfully: Perfect? Yeah, sure seemed like it. But perfect can’t last, can it? When Bill died, it was so sudden – I just couldn’t handle it. One day he complained about a pain in his stomach, and three months later he was gone. So I did what a lot of people do in that situation. I shut down. Tried to fend off the pain. First with pills. Then with alcohol. And somehow cocaine entered the mix. I ended up spending Bill’s insurance settlement on drugs. Didn’t even think about the girls or what they needed. I couldn’t. All I wanted was to block out the pain.
Karen: So that’s why you lost custody?
Lisa, nodding: Because I was an addict. AM an addict – in recovery. Thankfully, I admitted it to myself a couple years ago. But back then, Bill’s parents decided I was, how did their lawyer put it? Temporarily unfit for motherhood. Which I was. So they took Jill and Sandy. But there really wasn’t another option, since I’d lost the house to foreclosure.
Karen: So where did YOU live?
Lisa: In a homeless shelter downtown.
Karen: Oh, how terrible! I can’t imagine losing my husband, then my kids! How in the world did you keep going?