DramaShare Ministries

Of Whom The Prophets Speak

Of Whom The Prophets Speak

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Examine prophetic proof of coming & return of Messiah.

Bernie, the new angel joins with Michael, the angel discussing God's plans.
Mary and Joseph tell of their role, as does Herod, Pilate, Simeon and Anna, the Innkeepers wife, Herods daughter, Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptizer, John the Baptizer, Zacharias, Mary Magdalene, Luke, Judas, and many others.
Human Video, (mime to music), with 5 or more mimes and readers used.  A detailed look at he of whom the prophets told.
In Scene XVII we show Herod coming to the tomb to check on security. We realize this likely did not happen but it facilitates a discussion without creating any problem to the theology.

IMPORTANT NOTES: In Scene II we indicate a conversation between angels and God, where God is planning that Jesus will go to earth as a human. In this rendering, we show that Satan is displeased with this decision and that this disagreement is the reason for God banishing Lucifer from heaven. The writers of this script fully realize that we have taken poetic license with this situation as the exact reason, and also the timing of this happening is not as indicated in this script. However we believe that this adaptation does not overstep acceptable rendering of this situation, and we ask that those who read and use this script will look beyond the obvious and into the basic reason for the interpretation, as we believe the audiences will if given the opportunity.

Cast: (roles may be combined, many may be male or female)

  • Bernie, the new angel
  • Michael, the angel
  • Offstage voice of God (VOG)
  • Offstage voice of Angel 1
  • Offstage voices of Angel 2, Angel 3
  • Noah, (the woman), any age
  • Prophets (number as required)
  • Mary, teen
  • Joseph, late teen
  • Simeon, made up to look very old
  • Anna, made up to look very old
  • Lydia, young shepherdess
  • Lois, middle age or older,
  • Innkeeper’s wife
  • Claudia, teen,
  • Herod’s daughter
  • Elizabeth, old woman, mother of John the Baptizer
  • Salome, late teen or early twenties, mother of James and John King
  • Herod, middle age, caustic character
  • John the Baptizer, any age
  • Zacharias, any age
  • Woman who touched Jesus, middle age
  • Mary Magdalene, any age
  • Luke, any age
  • Judas, late teen to older
  • Temple guard, any age
  • 2 or more offstage voices for Sin of the Follower scene
  • John
  • Stephen, late teen to twenties
  • 5 or more extras for Stephen scene, male or female
  • Human Video mimes, 5 or more
  • Readers: any number
  • Jesus
  • Flavius
  • Praneius
  • Fortunatus
  • Simon of Cyrene
  • Person in crowd
  • Person in crowd 2
  • Person in crowd 3
  • Joseph of Arimethea

Run-time: 120 minutes + (may be reduced very easily by removing individual segments)
Set: There will be three acting locations:
Location 1 is at downstage right at main stage Michael and Bernie will perform from this location
Location 2 is at a more upstage location but, from a left to right perspective, covering all of the stage not taken up by Location 1.
The front, (downstage), of Location 2 will be covered by scrim panel, exposing action behind only when main (front) lighting is reduced and lighting behind the scrim is increased, (see Lighting below).

NOTE: that in Scene I and XVIV, the location: “floor” refers to a raised position, likely a table top, sufficiently high that the audience has a good view. The robe, jewellery and crown “float” downward in Scene II, and this process reverses itself in Scene XVIV where these items are moved to a raised position.
The crucifixion scene and tomb will be located on main stage Location 3 – for choir, located as available
NOTE: For Finale all of Location 1 and 3 will be used
NOTE 2: if it is not possible to use scrim you may use lighting to, (as much as possible), conceal movement

Lighting: There will be sufficient lighting up front to a) light Location 1 and b) to keep all activity hidden behind the scrim panel at Location 2.
There will be lighting behind the scrim panel at Location 2 in order, (at those points indicated in the script), to expose the activity behind the scrim panel. There will be sufficient light behind the scrim panel at Location 2 to not only show the action but also to expose the robe, jewellery and crown in Scene II and XVIV Special effects of lightning Special effects of blue sky/ clouds projected on scrim in Scenes II & XVIV

Sound effects: thunder, crowd noise, gentle wind, curtain tearing, coins landing on the floor

Costumes: all Biblical era characters dressed in traditional costumes Angels would be in regular leisure clothing
Special Effects: The robe, jewellery and crown will be manipulated using fishing lines, which will allow the final placement as indicated in those scenes.
Props: crown, robe, jewellery, basket for embalming supplies, crossbar for cross
  Bible Reference: Luke: 2

Sample Script:

Scene I: Location 1

Bernie wanders on stage, acting like a tourist, looking around at everything in amazement and awe, snapping pictures.

Bernie: Wowwwwwww! I knew heaven would be some place but this is, like, . . . wowwwww!

Bernie thinks, feels his shoulders, back, thinks, frowns, suddenly gets an idea, runs a couple of steps and jumps, falls to the floor, gets up, very disappointed
After a short time of playing this, Michael comes on stage

Michael: Sorry to keep you waiting, I was . . . . (looks at Bernie hopping around) Mind if I ask what you are doing?

Bernie: Well, there must be a mistake somewhere. I can’t fly!

Michael: You can’t fly?

Bernie: Nope, see when I try I . . .

Bernie again tries running, jumping, falls to floor

Bernie: See what I mean? Nothing!

Michael: Well, may I ask, have you ever been able to fly?

Bernie: No, but then I have never been an angel before. Maybe when I came here to heaven I wasn’t assigned the right equipment, wings, halo, stuff like that. I mean, I am sure you have your wings and all . . .

Bernie goes behind Michael, feels his back, frowns, disappointed

Bernie: I don’t understand! You don’t have wings either. Aren’t you an angel?

Michael: Yes I am.

Bernie: An angel. Without wings? (thinks, gets an idea) I got it! I saw a show on TV back on earth one time, this angel messed up and lost his wings. Did you see that show?

Michael: Uhh, I believe I may have missed that one. Now perhaps if we were to . .

Bernie: Not to worry, I watched it several times, I remember what Chester did to get his wings back.

Michael: Chester?

Bernie: Yep, Chester the Charming angel.

Michael: . . . . the Charming angel?

Bernie: Disney Channel. But why don’t you have your wings on? How do you get around?

Michael: Well, here in the office walking has always seemed to work for me.

Bernie: Don’t use wings in the office?

Michael: Never tried it but seems to me they would be in the way, folks would be forever bumping into each other, knocking things off shelves.

Bernie: I can live without wings. But I do need my halo.

Michael: Ummmmmm, as I was saying . . . let’s get some of the paperwork done first and then we can talk about, .

Bernie: No prob. Sorry, where are my manners? (sticks out hand to shake hands) What was your name?

Michael: Michael.

Bernie, (amazed, flustered): Not the real Michael? I mean . . . . not as in . . .

Michael, embarrassed: Uhhh, yes, I guess I am the . . . real Michael. Now then . ..

Bernie: Here I am a new angel in heaven and who is the first angel I meet? Michael! Wowwww!

Michael: Just a few questions, uhhh . . . (Michael looks in his notes)

Bernie: Bernie’s the name. Sure an honour to meet you Michael!

Michael: Good meeting you Bernie, now then . . .

Bernie: If I may say so, that’s another little detail I was wondering about.

Michael: Detail?

Bernie: My name. Bernie. I was kind of expecting to get a new name here in heaven.

Michael: You don’t like Bernie as a name?

Bernie: Love it! Manly, shows strength and character.

Michael: I am confused. If you like your name why would you want to change it?

Bernie: Bernie’s great as earth names go, but it’s not real angel-ish.

Michael: Angel-ish?

Bernie: I was wondering if Ocatvius Sanctumus might be available, or has it been spoken for already?

Michael: Ocatvius Sanctumus?

Bernie: Yep, I played an angel in the concert in Grade 6 one time, my name was Ocatvius Sanctumus, liked that name, kinda. Except for Johnnie Edwards, he couldn’t remember my name and when he got nervous on stage he called me Berniemus.

Michael: What say we compromise and call you Bernie?

Bernie: Hey, I can live with that.

Michael: Anyhow, I can say that we are excited to have you here Bernie; it’s my pleasure to show you around, make sure you are comfortable.

Bernie, quietening, sincere: This is so awesome! I can’t wait to see my family who are here, my friend Tim. Mostly though, I want to meet Jesus, in person I mean.

Michael: He wants to meet you too Bernie, in person.

Bernie: You know, it was back on this day in 1993.

Michael: Yes, it was Bernie.

Bernie: You knew that it was back on that day in 1993 when I became a Christian? You keep records of those things?

Michael: Yes, we do keep records of those things Bernie. (Michael opens book, shows it to Bernie) See, it’s right here.

Bernie: Wow! It is too. (saddens) Guess you will have a record of May 18, 1996 too, won’t you?

Michael: Well, no record of what happened, but I can see a drop of blood here on that page.

Bernie: No record? Well, I did something I am really ashamed of, I .. . . drop of blood?

Michael: Yes. (looks on next page) This explains it. Shows here you asked God to forgive you

Bernie: Wowwww! Totally as though it never happened! Guess I didn’t realize everything about forgiveness! You know, I am looking forward to orientation.

Michael: Orientation?

Bernie: There are so many things I have never understood. Creation . . . the birth of Jesus . . . resurrection . . . . and forgiveness!

Michael: Bernie, let me tell you something, there are many, many things you will never understand. But we can get some answers anyhow. Where would you like to start?

Bernie: Actually, I always wondered about Jesus leaving heaven and coming to earth. I mean . . . to leave all that behind! Guess you, as an angel, would see the big picture, but my humanness just can’t understand how He, how God, could do that.

Michael: Well, the fact is, many angels had trouble as well.

lights down on Location 1, up on Location 2

Scene II: Location 2

As music begins in the dark, blue light (to represent sky) is projected on rear scrim.
Sound effect of gentle wind

Voices are heard:
Angel 1: No, it will not, it must not, it will not happen!

Angel 2: The very God! Going to live on earth? A common . .. . man?

Angel 3: We refuse to allow this to happen!

VOG, angry: You . . . . . refuse? (more angry) You . . . . refuse?

White fluffy clouds float across blue sky.

Angel 1: It is unspeakable . . . . unthinkable.

Angel 2: Unfathomable!

Angel 3: Preposterous!

VOG: May I remind you to whom you are speaking?

White clouds intensify as music volume increases

Angel 1: You are the great I Am.

VOG: That is true. And you are the heavenly host, set somewhat above man, but regardless still having no right to question Me or My plans.

Angel 2: It is not that we question, only that we wish another, more acceptable alternative.

Angel 3: An option whereby Yahweh would not be humbled, destroyed.

VOG: All of you have witnessed my creation, you have seen how in order to bring life there must first be destruction. So it is when the flower creates a seed then dies. So it now must be with Yahweh. My reputation, might and power will be left behind.

lights on behind scrim

Elaborate robe descends from top left to lower center lowest level

Angel 1: But must all godliness be set aside?

VOG: You forget, angel, I have made man in my image, therefore seeds of godliness dwell in the heart of man.

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