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Now Thats A Love Story

Now Thats A Love Story

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Reflecting on the love story in the Song of Solomon. This drama takes the love story found in Song of Songs and applies it to our daily Christian walk. A beautiful poetic book in the Bible, seldom touched on in the church.

Cast: 2 plus offstage voice

  • Tara is the narrator, could be any age.
  • Young girl between 16 and 25
  • Solomon any age

Bible Reference:  Song of Solomon

Set:  bare

Lighting:   spotlight

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: none

Costumes:      standard

Props:  Bible, clothing to wash, a fake rock

Special Instructions: none

Time:  4

Sample of script:

Scene opens with spot on Tara, reading her Bible. She takes a deep breath, then closes the Bible.)

Tara: Wow! That sure was something! I just read the entire book of Song of Solomon – or Song of Songs, if you want to be proper! What beautiful poetry!

(Looks at audience.)

Oh, you’ve never read it before? Well, let me tell you about it.

(Spot on Tara fades, up on young girl who is working hard, rubbing a piece of clothing against a rock. Wiping the sweat off her brow, etc.)

Young Girl: Oh, Solomon. My truest love. Can he be for real? Can it really be that he would love me? Just look at me! I’m forced to work outside all day, so my skin has been burned by the sun and my hair matted by the wind. And yet, he claims to love me! Me! Why, he could have any woman he wanted, and yet he wants me!

(Spot goes down on young girl and comes up on Solomon.)

Solomon: I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is her I want. I will try to explain it, but it would be easier to…to capture a sunbeam in my hand than it would be to put my deep love for her into words. Mere words almost seem an insult to describe my feelings. For I will stumble over pathetic phrases and tired sonnets, while trying to select the perfect description for her beauty. She is beautiful. What makes her even more stunning is the fact that she doesn’t even know how beautiful she is. This whole situation has certainly given the palace gossips something to talk about. Many question why I would waste my time, as they say, with a woman who obviously has not been introduced to the fine things in life. I wish I had an answer for them. All I can say is that (pause) I see something special in her. True, I have many, many women at my disposal who are far more refined who fit in to my way of life. But I just want her. I could describe her in infinite detail, but I shall attempt to sum up her beauty in one word – exquisite.

(Spot goes down on Solomon and comes up on young girl.)

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