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No Room At The Inn

No Room At The Inn

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The Innkeeper’s wife’s perspective

Sample of script:

In keeper’ wife” (walk in wiping her hands on her dress)

Now you kids— go play outside- If you can’t find anything to do I have lots of floor you can sweep- ha ha that always gets em running—

Oh, hi there. Nice to see you—Will you be needing one room (looks as if counting all the people) or two. Three!!! Well, your timing is just right, You can have as many rooms as you want. It’s good you came today. Why? Well, we have had a lot of excitement around here and it all started with that silly old census.

Now I’m not complaining about the business. We were full to the rafters every night for a week. That will keep us out of the poor house, ha at least this month, but boy these poor hands were red and raw with all the cleaning and cooking I had to do.
Yea, yea that is an Inn keeper’s wife’s job to keep the rooms clean and cook the best food on the block. If I say so myself my lamb stew has won awards, heck that’s probably why my husband married me. ( ha ha)
What, oh yea back to the rooms, well they are all clean with fresh linens. It took a lot for me to get them that way, let me tell you. what with the baby and all.
Huh, baby, oh I didn’t mention the most exciting thing that happened? Well, sit down, take a load off while I tell you a story of a life time, at least my life time. (sits down)
Like I told you everyone was in town for the census, that’s the only reason anyone would want to come to this town. Of course every room we had was full with people. Well, that might be great for business, but let me tell you it’s not great for my back.
At first I was so excited. I could see the money just pouring in. When all the rooms were full I thought my husband would just say “No” go on to another place, but does he say that—let me tell you what he says, He says Well, all our rooms are full, but how badly do you need a space? How badly do you need a space Ha! Not once did he think of my poor hands, all he saw was that money .
Well anyway, around midnight I had finally cleaned my last dish when this knock comes on the door, well let me tell you I just about wanted to cry. We had no space, absolutely no space. There were people sleeping EVERYWHERE even in my room. I didn’t even know where I was going to sleep, but of course I was so tired they could just prop me up against the wall and I would sleep like a baby.
Well anyway, back to my story, This knock came on our door, and I’m saying “Don’t answer it, maybe they’ll go away”, but noooooo my money hungry husband had to open the door. When I saw that young couple I knew I didn’t want to give them any thing. I didn’t want to give them food, space, or my time.
When I saw her waddle toward the house I got a closer look at her, she stuck out to here. I changed my mind I decided I did want to give her something I wanted to give her a piece of my mind. I wanted to yell Don’t you know you’re too young to be bringing a child into this world. Don’t you know that you are ruining your life, having a baby this young. You have your whole life in front of you. I could tell my husband was trying to figure out how to get their money. Well, I didn’t want that woman in my house. Who knows when she would pop, and that would be double work for me… I just wasn’t having it. I pulled my husband aside, and shut the door. I gave him a piece of my mind and yep he listened sooooo well. I stormed out of the room telling him “There’s no more room at this Inn” and went to find a place to sleep.
I was sleeping like a baby, that is until around midnight, when this loud scream scared me almost to death and made me run outside. Here I am in my night clothes standing around and there it was again, from the stable and it sounded human. I crept over there and peeked in, well what do you know, old money bags did it again. He put that foolish young couple out in our stable. and then it happened again. This time the scream was so loud it might near broke my ears. I walked in and saw that young girl in agony and her husband just standing by twiddling his thumbs. Men are so useless when it comes to the down and dirty part of child bearing. I sent him away to get some bedding and to stir the fire. I guess I was going to have to guide this child in having a child.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The Innkeeper's wife's perspective of birth of Jesus

Beautifully written monologue by DramaShare friend Carol Dickson

Cast: 1 monolog woman, mid age
Bible Reference:Luke 1-2

Sound: wireless mic
Song: none
Lighting: as available
SFX: none

Costumes: likely traditional
Special Instructions:
Time: 6

Sample of script:

Innkeeper’s wife” (walk in wiping her hands on her dress)

Now you kids--- go play outside- If you can’t find anything to do I have lots of floor you can sweep- ha ha that always gets em running—

Oh, hi there. Nice to see you—Will you be needing one room (looks as if counting all the people) or two. Three!!! Well, your timing is just right, You can have as many rooms as you want. It’s good you came today. Why? Well, we have had a lot of excitement around here and it all started with that silly old census.

Now I’m not complaining about the business. We were full to the rafters every night for a week. That will keep us out of the poor house, ha at least this month, but boy these poor hands were red and raw with all the cleaning and cooking I had to do.
Yea, yea that is an Inn keeper’s wife’s job to keep the rooms clean and cook the best food on the block. If I say so myself my lamb stew has won awards, heck that’s probably why my husband married me. ( ha ha)
What, oh yea back to the rooms, well they are all clean with fresh linens. It took a lot for me to get them that way, let me tell you. what with the baby and all.
Huh, baby, oh I didn’t mention the most exciting thing that happened? Well, sit down, take a load off while I tell you a story of a life time, at least my life time. (sits down)
Like I told you everyone was in town for the census, that’s the only reason anyone would want to come to this town. Of course every room we had was full with people. Well, that might be great for business, but let me tell you it’s not great for my back.
At first I was so excited. I could see the money just pouring in. When all the rooms were full I thought my husband would just say “No” go on to another place, but does he say that—let me tell you what he says, He says Well, all our rooms are full, but how badly do you need a space? How badly do you need a space Ha! Not once did he think of my poor hands, all he saw was that money .
Well anyway, around midnight I had finally cleaned my last dish when this knock comes on the door, well let me tell you I just about wanted to cry. We had no space, absolutely no space. There were people sleeping EVERYWHERE even in my room. I didn’t even know where I was going to sleep, but of course I was so tired they could just prop me up against the wall and I would sleep like a baby.
Well anyway, back to my story, This knock came on our door, and I’m saying “Don’t answer it, maybe they’ll go away”, but noooooo my money hungry husband had to open the door. When I saw that young couple I knew I didn’t want to give them any thing. I didn’t want to give them food, space, or my time.
When I saw her waddle toward the house I got a closer look at her, she stuck out to here. I changed my mind I decided I did want to give her something I wanted to give her a piece of my mind. I wanted to yell Don’t you know you’re too young to be bringing a child into this world. Don’t you know that you are ruining your life, having a baby this young. You have your whole life in front of you. I could tell my husband was trying to figure out how to get their money. Well, I didn’t want that woman in my house. Who knows when she would pop, and that would be double work for me… I just wasn’t having it. I pulled my husband aside, and shut the door. I gave him a piece of my mind and yep he listened sooooo well. I stormed out of the room telling him “There’s no more room at this Inn” and went to find a place to sleep.
I was sleeping like a baby, that is until around midnight, when this loud scream scared me almost to death and made me run outside. Here I am in my night clothes standing around and there it was again, from the stable and it sounded human. I crept over there and peeked in, well what do you know, old money bags did it again. He put that foolish young couple out in our stable. and then it happened again. This time the scream was so loud it might near broke my ears. I walked in and saw that young girl in agony and her husband just standing by twiddling his thumbs. Men are so useless when it comes to the down and dirty part of child bearing. I sent him away to get some bedding and to stir the fire. I guess I was going to have to guide this child in having a child.

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