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Nehemiah was building the walls around Jerusalem, something that needed to be done.
Whether we are Nehemiah in the Old Testament or a young Christian in a modern day Sunday School class we need to have a burden to serve God.

This is one segment in our series of "Children's Ministry" collection.

The first part of the drama is for Nehemiah to spend time with the children during the full church service, then they proceed to their S.S. class and continue lesson.

Sample of script:

Prior to Nehemiah entering the sanctuary, the pastor invites the children to come to the front of the church.

Pastor says: The great thing about Children's Church is that you get to learn about God and about people in the Bible who have served God. And again this morning we have a special treat for you! We have a very special person coming to talk to you in Children's Church this morning.

Nehemiah enters sanctuary from side door:

Good morning. My name is N@chemyah (pronounce nekh-em-yaw'} Some may know me better as Nehemiah. My name means "God comforts". You may not have heard of me. But God had a very, very important job for me many years ago.

God gave me a burden. Does anyone here know what a burden is?. . . . . . . . Well a burden is something big or important that we have to do. Usually a burden is something we, ourselves, feel is just too difficult or too big for us.

And that's the way I felt about the job that God gave me to do. You see God asked me to rebuild the walls around the town of Jerusalem.

Do you children sometimes have a hard job to do, a burden? . . Well, this morning we are going to go to your Sunday School room and talk about burdens, the tough jobs and duties which God has for each of us to do. But before we go to your room for your church service, let's talk to God .

"Dear God, I thank you for these children and for their interest in learning about You. Bless them, their families and their teachers in Children's Church. We pray in Your name. Amen."

Nehemiah takes the hand of a couple of the most minor children and leads them down the aisle and out the back doors of the sanctuary.

In the Children's classroom Nehemiah reads to the children an account of some of the highlights in Nehemiah's life.

I was an important assistant to the king in my country. I had a good job. I was called a cupbearer. Do you know what a cupbearer did? . . Well a cupbearer's job was to taste some of the food of the king before the king ate. That way the king would know that all he was about to eat was good and would not hurt him.

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