DramaShare Ministries

Name That Parable

Name That Parable

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game show which shows what we know about the parables. The Parables were written so that God could give us working examples of how He demonstrates His love and power. However, not knowing much about the Parables could really set someone back in their Christian walk!

The Parables were written so that God could give us working examples of how He demonstrates His love and power.  However, not knowing much about the Parables could really set someone back in their Christian walk!


Key words:  Parables  stories  examples  God’s love and power



This drama consists of 4 people.  In the writing, there are two male actors and one female actor, however this could be altered to suit the people available.  At the opening, there is also a male voice over.  This voice over should be deep and booming.



The set should represent a simple game show backdrop.  To do this, get two matching desks that the two contestants can each stand behind.  The host will position himself in the middle, with a contestant on either side.  Each contestant could have a bell or some kind of a buzzer on their desk.



If available, there should be laser lights or a moving spotlight roaming around just before the host appears.  Once he appears, then full stage lights will be all that is necessary for the remainder of the drama.



The contestants should wear everyday clothing, but the host should have on some kind of loud, bright suit.



If available, the actors should be wearing a lapel microphones.  Perhaps some game show music could be played while the voice over is introducing the host and also at the end.




Scene opens with only moving spotlight on, roaming all over the set.  Then voice over begins while spotlight continues to roam.


Voice over, very loud and phony:    Gooooood evening, everyone!  Welcome to another addition of your favorite game show, Name That Parable!!!  Now heeeeere’s the only host we could afford, Harry Arms!!


Harry enters stage right, smiling and waving.


Harry:      Helloooo, everyone!  Thank you, thank you, you are too kind!  Oh, thank you, thank you!  Welcome to Name That Parable!  We have a very special treat for our audience and our friends at home today!  Instead of our usual contestants that are typically made up of backstage crew members, we have brought in some really big names!  Yes!  We have two new people!  These people are excited to come out and share their knowledge about the Bible, that they have so closely kept with them.


Well, without any further delay, let’s bring out the contestants!


The contestants run onto the stage, entering from stage right.  They each take a place behind a desk.  They are smiley, and excited.


Harry:        Contestant number one, (pointing to Jehoiakim), is from northwest Tanzimabia!      Wow!  He enjoys skydiving, bungee jumping, and learning new languages!  He has been a Christian his entire life!  Please welcome, Jehoiakim!


Jehoiakim:    Thank you, Harry!  It is a real pleasure to be here!


Harry:        That’s quite the name, Jehoiakim.  Where did it come from?


Jehoiakim:    Well, my parents decided to give me a Biblical name.  That way, I would grow up in the foundation of the word!


Harry:        Well if that’s your first name, what is your last name?


Jehoiakim:    Smith.


Harry:        All-righty then!  Moving right along!  Contestant number two hails from Plainsville, Ohio.  Sounds exciting!  She enjoys spending time with friends and family, reading and spending quiet time with God.  She has only been a Christian for 4 years.  Please welcome Sarah Mills!


Sarah:        Hi Harry!  Thanks for having me!


Harry:        Sarah, are you excited to show us all what you know about the parables?


Sarah:        Well, I continue to read God’s word regularly, so I’m trusting that God will grant me wisdom.


Harry, speechless for a moment:     Okay.  Right.  Sure.  Well, let’s get on with the game!


Question number  one – Explain the parable of the net, found in Mathew chapter 13.


Jehoiakim rings his bell quicker than Sarah.


Harry:        Jehoiakim!  What’s your answer!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Parables written so God could give us working examples of how He shows His love and power.
This game show tells us that not knowing much about the Parables could really set someone back in their Christian walk!
Key words:  Parables  stories  examples  God’s love and power

Cast: 4 m or f

  • Harry (host) - m or f
  • Sarah - m or f
  • Jehoiakim - likely male
  • OSV (Offstage Voice) - male, deep booming voice

Bible Reference: Matthew 13:13-15


  • simple game show backdrop or posters.
  • two matching desks which contestants stand behind. Host will stand in the middle, with a contestant on either side.
  • Each contestant has a bell or some kind of a buzzer on their desk.


  • wireless mics if available
  • game show music while the voice over is introducing the host and also at the end

Song: none


  • standard but with a spotlight roaming the set before host appears

SFX: none

Props: none


  • contestants wear normal clothing but host needs loud, bright clothing

Special Instructions:

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Scene opens with only moving spotlight on, roaming over the set.  Voice over begins while spotlight continues to roam.

Voice over, very loud and phony:    Gooooood evening, everyone!  Welcome to another edition of your favorite game show, Name That Parable!!!  Now heeeeere’s the only host we could afford, Harry Arms!!

Harry enters, smiling and waving.

Harry:      Helloooo, everyone!  Thank you, thank you, you are too kind!  Oh, thank you, thank you!  Welcome to Name That Parable!  We have a very special treat for our audience and our friends at home today!  Instead of our usual contestants that are typically made up of backstage crew members, we have brought in some really big names!  Yes!  We have two new people!  These people are excited to come out and share their knowledge about the Bible, that they have so closely kept with them.

Well, without any further delay, let’s bring out the contestants!

The smiling, excited contestants run onto the stage, each take a place behind a desk. 

Harry:        Contestant number one, (pointing to Jehoiakim), is from northwest Tanzimabia!      Wow!  He enjoys skydiving, bungee jumping, and learning new languages!  He has been a Christian his entire life!  Please welcome, Jehoiakim!

Jehoiakim:    Thank you, Harry!  It is a real pleasure to be here!

Harry:        That’s quite the name, Jehoiakim.  Where did it come from

Jehoiakim:    Well, my parents decided to give me a Biblical name.  That way, I would grow up in the foundation of the word!

Harry:        Well if that’s your first name, what is your last name?

Jehoiakim:    Smith.

Harry:        All-righty then!  Moving right along!  Contestant number two hails from Plainsville, Ohio.  Sounds exciting!  She enjoys spending time with friends and family, reading and spending quiet time with God.  She has only been a Christian for 4 years.  Please welcome Sarah Mills!

Sarah:        Hi Harry!  Thanks for having me!

Harry:        Sarah, are you excited to show us all what you know about the parables?

Sarah:        Well, I continue to read God’s word regularly, so I’m trusting that God will grant me wisdom.

Harry, speechless for a moment:     Okay.  Right.  Sure.  Well, let’s get on with the game!

Question number  one – Explain the parable of the net, found in Mathew chapter 13.

Jehoiakim rings his bell quicker than Sarah.

Harry:        Jehoiakim!  What’s your answer!

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