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DramaShare Ministries

My Short Story

My Short Story

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Growing up short, in a tall world.

A PK (preacher’s kid) tells of some of the examples of short, or small, people in the Bible, and how they dealt with circumstance. Like the boy who gave his lunch to Jesus, and Zaccheus, and the Magi, the three wise men . . . who came in one accord . .  three guys on a road trip from the orient had to be small if they came in one Honda Accord. . . Maybe bad example.

A short (pun intended) comedy skit with a message
We wrote this script for a DramaShare client for use in a competition.

Cast: 1,monolog, m or f

Bible Reference: Ephesians 7:20-21

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage

Hi, it’s nice seeing all of you.

First off I want to tell you a couple of things about me, just so’s you know me better and all.

First is, I am a PK. . . . That’s like . . a preacher’s kid. . . See, my Dad, he’s a pastor.

Some people think, must be kinda hard, growing up a preacher’s kid.

But fact is I feel blessed, growing up in a Christian home, Mom and Dad, fine Christian role models.

So it’s all good.

The other thing I need to tell you, maybe you didn’t notice,  . .  I am short.

Some people call it height challenged, me I just say it like it is . . . I’m . .  short.

Not a bunch of problems being short . .

Some people sometimes mention my shortness but hey, that’s OK

One guy in my church suggested my Dad should arrange his kids be taller and his sermons shorter.

But what is . .  is.

Probably nowhere better to find successful short people, little people than in the Bible.

Hebrew word for “little” is Njq qatan kaw-tawn’

Means small, young, insignificant or unimportant.

But read your Bible, there is lotsa examples of small and young people who were neither insignificant nor unimportant.

I’m sure you’re gonna want some examples.

Way I see it, the Magi had to be small people. Bible says Magi came to the stable in one accord.

Now me and a couple of friends rode for a few miles in a Honda Accord. I can tell you no way can you feel royally comfy in an Accord, especially if it’s a road trip from the Orient.

But maybe the Magi are bad examples.

How about the boy who came to hear Jesus at a park nearby?

His mother made him a lunch of 5 small loaves and 2 teeny little fish.

When I hear the account from the Bible I always kinda dream about how it musta been.

Mom says to little Johnnie, . . .

Not sure why but I always kinda figured this boy’s name was Johnnie . .

Anyways, Johnnie’s momma says: “Now Johnnie, I packed you a small lunch, it’s the best I can do for you. . .  Now don’t go and give it away!”

Anyhow, the talk at the park was there was no food for the crowd of 5,000 people.

Little Johnnie he never hesitated; he gave his lunch to Jesus.

It was a wow moment. And guess what . . . 5,000 people have a full banquet!

Doesn’t end there . . When they finished eating they filled 12 baskets with leftovers!

(moves to a different stage position)

And what about David?

Yeh, the same King David, but back when he was just a kid.

See Israelites were at war with Philistines, and the Philistines had this huge 9 foot giant name of Goliath. Goliath challenges the Israelites to bring out their best fighting man for a battle, one on one.

Everyone in the Israelite army was too scared to face Goliath but David he says, “just let me at him!”

And with his slingshot and a stone David defeated Goliath; the entire Philistine army turned and ran!

Then there was Zaccheus.

Zaccheus. . . surely you remember Zaccheus.


Zaccheus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he

He climbed up into a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see.

Yeh, him.

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