DramaShare Ministries

Moving On

Moving On

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Message:     Sometimes moving on to new experiences and changes can be frightening if you don’t know why you are being moved, the need to grow.  Can be used for youth group graduation.


Bible Reference:   


Cast:         2
likely teens, male or female


Set:          No special set required.


Costume:     The actors should be in everyday clothing.


Sound:       If available, the actors should be wearing lapel microphones.


Lighting:      Regular stage lights are all that will be necessary.


Time:        8


Scene opens as Jeff and Trevor enter stage.  Stage lights are already up at this time.  Actors move to center stage and begin dialogue.


Trevor:             Can you believe it?  This is the last time we’ll be doing this!


Jeff:         I know!  Seems like only yesterday we were just youth group freshies, not even knowing the proper technique on how to toilet-paper the pastor’s front yard.


Trevor:       Yeah!  Man, we got pretty good at that over the years, huh?


Jeff:         Well, I guess it comes with lots of practice!


Trevor:       And what about all the kind gestures we made towards the church secretary that she looked forward to each Monday morning?


Jeff:         You would think that after four years, she would catch on to the whoopee-cushion-on-her-chair, thingie!


Trevor:       Some people just don’t learn real quickly, I guess.


Jeff:         Seriously, you know what I’m going to miss the most, though?


Trevor:       The youth retreats?  The all-nighters?  Sitting all together in that section during church that no one else would dare enter?


Jeff:         No.


Trevor:       Car rallies?


Jeff:         No.


Trevor:       Drinking Coke until you puked?


Jeff:         No, although those were good times.


Trevor:       I know!  I know!


Jeff:         What, Jeff.  What do you think is the one thing I am going to miss the most about youth group?


Trevor, (winking and nudging):     New youth group freshies!


Jeff:          No, I’m afraid not even that is what I’m going to miss the most.


Trevor:       Then what, man?  What could you possibly miss more than staying out until 2am every Saturday night with all your friends and showing up a church the next morning stumbling and bleary-eyed, then all 43 of us invading the Burger Shack for lunch?


Jeff:          I’m going to miss the talks.


Trevor:       About girls?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Moving on to new experiences and changes can be frightening.
Especially if you don’t know why you are being moved, the need to grow.  A comedy looks seriously at change. Used widely for school or youth group graduation.


  • 2 m or f, likely teens
  • Trevor
  • Jeff

Bible Reference: James 1:5-8

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 8

Sample of script:

Scene opens as Jeff and Trevor enter stage.  Stage lights are already up at this time.  Actors move to center stage and begin dialogue.

Trevor:             Can you believe it?  This is the last time we’ll be doing this!

Jeff:         I know!  Seems like only yesterday we were just youth group freshies, not even knowing the proper technique on how to toilet-paper the pastor’s front yard.

Trevor:       Yeah!  Man, we got pretty good at that over the years, huh?

Jeff:         Well, I guess it comes with lots of practice!

Trevor:       And what about all the kind gestures we made towards the church secretary that she looked forward to each Monday morning?

Jeff:         You would think that after four years, she would catch on to the whoopee-cushion-on-her-chair, thingie!

Trevor:       Some people just don’t learn real quickly, I guess.

Jeff:         Seriously, you know what I’m going to miss the most, though?

Trevor:       The youth retreats?  The all-nighters?  Sitting all together in that section during church that no one else would dare enter?

Jeff:         No.

Trevor:       Car rallies?

Jeff:         No.

Trevor:       Drinking Coke until you puked?

Jeff:         No, although those were good times.

Trevor:       I know!  I know!

Jeff:         What, Jeff.  What do you think is the one thing I am going to miss the most about youth group?

Trevor, (winking and nudging):     New youth group freshies!

Jeff:          No, I’m afraid not even that is what I’m going to miss the most.

Trevor:       Then what, man?  What could you possibly miss more than staying out until 2am every Saturday night with all your friends and showing up a church the next morning stumbling and bleary-eyed, then all 43 of us invading the Burger Shack for lunch?

Jeff:          I’m going to miss the talks.

Trevor:       About girls?

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