DramaShare Ministries

Movin on Up to Christmas

Movin on Up to Christmas

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When you combine the folks from “The Jeffersons” with the “Good Times” people, it can only be a zany time. But add in a Christmas theme and you have . . well . . a zany Christmas drama. But in spite of all the hilarity there is a message that we need to hear, the message of the birth of Jesus Christ, and the salvation he brought.
Ends in a narrated nativity scene.

Cast: 18+
George Jefferson
Louise Jefferson (George’s wife)
Olivia Jefferson (George’s mother)
Lionel Jefferson (son)
Jenny Jefferson (daughter-in-law)
Jessica Jefferson (granddaughter – very young)
Florence Johnson (housekeeper)
Tom Willis (neighbour and father of Jenny)
Helen Willis (Tom’s wife)
Harry Bentley (neighbour)

James Evans
Florida Evans (James’ wife)
JJ Evans (son)
Thelma Evans (daughter)
Michael (son)
Willona Woods (neighbour) (is one of the narrators in Scene 4)
Stanley Brown (Willona’s date) (is the other narrator in Scene 4)

Teacher1 in Scene 4

there can be (and should be) extras for Scene 4 nativity scene

Set: Scenes will be separated by lighting
Scene 1: Jefferson’s upscale apartment, should show affluence
Scene 2: Evan’s apartment, will be furnished plain
Scene 3: The Help Center office, desks or tables and chairs
Scene 4: Church hall, can be plain stage. The actors will first come to left side of stage, then will move stage right which becomes the nativity scene where all will gather. actors will end up gathered around Mary, Joseph and the baby (which is the downstage focus)

The sets are very plain, no need to overdo it. Backdrops could be used to identify location

Costumes: For Scenes 1, 2 and 3 actors will wear standard clothing
Scene 4 should likely be traditional costuming in Biblical attire

Lighting: Spotlights which can separate the acting from the nativity scene areas of the stage in Scene 4

Sound: As available.
In Scene 4 the actors and narrators may: (a) say their lines live, or (b) the complete Scene may be pre-recorded and lip-synced, or (c) may be pre-recorded and actions mimed with no attempt made to match actor to words being spoken.

An optional song is included in the drama, (Movin’ on up to Christmas), to the tune of “The Jeffersons” theme song. The words to this song are found at the back of this script.

Special Instructions:
Always when comedy is involved in a serious Christian message there is a danger that the crucial message will not be properly put across. It is essential that as Scene 3 progresses that the atmosphere becomes more serious, and that in Scene 4 there is no hint of comedy.

Sample of script:
Act 1 – Jefferson’s apartment

Louise and Mother are sitting drinking coffee

Louise: Would you like a nice cup of coffee Mother Jefferson?
Mother: Yes Louise I would. . . But I am just too tired to go make it. . . Just bring me more of that strange concoction you been serving me ever since I got here.
Louise: So now you don’t like my coffee, is that it?
Mother: Well Louise, fact is I have never liked your coffee, but complaining simply isn’t in my nature. . . When is my son expected home?
Louise, looks at the clock: George usually trips in here about now.
Florence comes on stage, dusting
Mother: Well if you were to keep things neat and tidy and off the floor maybe my son wouldn’t be tripping.
Florence: Somebody got something to say about my house neat and tidy?
Louise: It’s alright Florence . . . Mother Jefferson knows that you are a wonderful housekeeper.
Florence: Well let me tell you, once Florence Johnson cleans a room if there was any dust bunnies around they’d be neat, tidy and wearing a cape and gown.
Mother: Well, I have to tell you, when I was young I never needed a maid to keep my house cleaned. . . And just look how my son George turned out.
Florence: You have a point Mrs. Jefferson . . . Maybe us housekeepers could use that comment for advertising and for demanding better wages.
noise off stage, George comes in the door, holding a gift, looking behind himself, talking
George: Like I said Ralph, I always leave tips for you down in the lobby in that red pot . . go quick get it before some hustler steals it away.
George quickly slams door shut, locks it, sets gift down on table
Louise: What do you mean you leave tips for Ralph in a red pot down in the lobby? . . . There’s no tip pot in the lobby . . (thinks) . . . George Jefferson! . . You know very well that the red pot in the lobby is the Salvation Army collection pot!
George: Weezy, I know that, and you know that, but that don’t mean Ralph the door guy knows that!
Louise: How dare you George? . . That collection goes to help the less fortunate, especially at the Christmas season.
George: The less fortunate? . . . Maybe if they just go get a job. . . then they maybe won’t be so less fortunate.
Florence: Depends who they go to work for.
George: Maybe I could give you a lift down to the unemployment office.
Florence: I wouldn’t want to leave you defenceless at Christmas.
doorbell rings, no one moves to answer, rings again
Louise, annoyed: George, would you answer the door please?
George: There you go, answer the door, Florence, after all you are the hired help.
Florence: If it’s dirty I clean it, if it rings that ain’t my department.
Louise: Oh for heaven’s sake George!
Louise opens the door, Tom, Helen and Harry enter
George: What’s this, a delegation from the Committee to Bring Back Equal Rights?
Harry: Hi George, I was just here to . .
George: What is it you want to borrow from me this time Harry?
Harry: Actually nothing George . . .
George: Amazing! . . Must be the Christmas season.
Harry: Actually it was Louise I came to see. . . Could you perhaps spare a pinch of salt?
George: I knew it, a mooch never changes.

The rest of this script, (and all 1,600+ DramaShare scripts), are available free of charge to DramaShare members, or the individual script may be purchased online by non-members.

When you combine the folks from “The Jeffersons” with the “Good Times” people

It can only be a zany time. But add in a Christmas theme and you have . . well . . a zany Christmas drama. But in spite of all the hilarity there is a message that we need to hear, the message of the birth of Jesus Christ, and the salvation he brought.
Ends in a narrated nativity scene.

Cast: 18+
George Jefferson
Louise Jefferson (George’s wife)
Olivia Jefferson (George’s mother)
Lionel Jefferson (son)
Jenny Jefferson (daughter-in-law)
Jessica Jefferson (granddaughter – very young)
Florence Johnson (housekeeper)
Tom Willis (neighbour and father of Jenny)
Helen Willis (Tom’s wife)
Harry Bentley (neighbour)

James Evans
Florida Evans (James’ wife)
JJ Evans (son)
Thelma Evans (daughter)
Michael (son)
Willona Woods (neighbour) (is one of the narrators in Scene 4)
Stanley Brown (Willona’s date) (is the other narrator in Scene 4)

Teacher1 in Scene 4

there can be (and should be) extras for Scene 4 nativity scene

Set: Scenes will be separated by lighting
Scene 1: Jefferson’s upscale apartment, should show affluence
Scene 2: Evan’s apartment, will be furnished plain
Scene 3: The Help Center office, desks or tables and chairs
Scene 4: Church hall, can be plain stage. The actors will first come to left side of stage, then will move stage right which becomes the nativity scene where all will gather. actors will end up gathered around Mary, Joseph and the baby (which is the downstage focus)

The sets are very plain, no need to overdo it. Backdrops could be used to identify location

Costumes: For Scenes 1, 2 and 3 actors will wear standard clothing
Scene 4 should likely be traditional costuming in Biblical attire

Lighting: Spotlights which can separate the acting from the nativity scene areas of the stage in Scene 4

Sound: As available.
In Scene 4 the actors and narrators may: (a) say their lines live, or (b) the complete Scene may be pre-recorded and lip-synced, or (c) may be pre-recorded and actions mimed with no attempt made to match actor to words being spoken.

An optional song is included in the drama, (Movin’ on up to Christmas), to the tune of “The Jeffersons” theme song. The words to this song are found at the back of this script.

Special Instructions:
Always when comedy is involved in a serious Christian message there is a danger that the crucial message will not be properly put across. It is essential that as Scene 3 progresses that the atmosphere becomes more serious, and that in Scene 4 there is no hint of comedy.

Sample of script:
Act 1 – Jefferson’s apartment

Louise and Mother are sitting drinking coffee

Louise: Would you like a nice cup of coffee Mother Jefferson?
Mother: Yes Louise I would. . . But I am just too tired to go make it. . . Just bring me more of that strange concoction you been serving me ever since I got here.
Louise: So now you don’t like my coffee, is that it?
Mother: Well Louise, fact is I have never liked your coffee, but complaining simply isn’t in my nature. . . When is my son expected home?
Louise, looks at the clock: George usually trips in here about now.
Florence comes on stage, dusting
Mother: Well if you were to keep things neat and tidy and off the floor maybe my son wouldn't be tripping.
Florence: Somebody got something to say about my house neat and tidy?
Louise: It’s alright Florence . . . Mother Jefferson knows that you are a wonderful housekeeper.
Florence: Well let me tell you, once Florence Johnson cleans a room if there was any dust bunnies around they’d be neat, tidy and wearing a cape and gown.
Mother: Well, I have to tell you, when I was young I never needed a maid to keep my house cleaned. . . And just look how my son George turned out.
Florence: You have a point Mrs. Jefferson . . . Maybe us housekeepers could use that comment for advertising and for demanding better wages.
noise off stage, George comes in the door, holding a gift, looking behind himself, talking
George: Like I said Ralph, I always leave tips for you down in the lobby in that red pot . . go quick get it before some hustler steals it away.
George quickly slams door shut, locks it, sets gift down on table
Louise: What do you mean you leave tips for Ralph in a red pot down in the lobby? . . . There’s no tip pot in the lobby . . (thinks) . . . George Jefferson! . . You know very well that the red pot in the lobby is the Salvation Army collection pot!
George: Weezy, I know that, and you know that, but that don't mean Ralph the door guy knows that!
Louise: How dare you George? . . That collection goes to help the less fortunate, especially at the Christmas season.
George: The less fortunate? . . . Maybe if they just go get a job. . . then they maybe won’t be so less fortunate.
Florence: Depends who they go to work for.
George: Maybe I could give you a lift down to the unemployment office.
Florence: I wouldn't want to leave you defenceless at Christmas.
doorbell rings, no one moves to answer, rings again
Louise, annoyed: George, would you answer the door please?
George: There you go, answer the door, Florence, after all you are the hired help.
Florence: If it’s dirty I clean it, if it rings that ain’t my department.
Louise: Oh for heaven’s sake George!
Louise opens the door, Tom, Helen and Harry enter
George: What's this, a delegation from the Committee to Bring Back Equal Rights?
Harry: Hi George, I was just here to . .
George: What is it you want to borrow from me this time Harry?
Harry: Actually nothing George . . .
George: Amazing! . . Must be the Christmas season.
Harry: Actually it was Louise I came to see. . . Could you perhaps spare a pinch of salt?
George: I knew it, a mooch never changes.

The rest of this script, (and all 1,600+ DramaShare scripts), are available free of charge to DramaShare members, or the individual script may be purchased online by non-members.

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