DramaShare Ministries
Most Wonderful Time
Most Wonderful Time
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A youth group are having less than total success practicing for a Christmas play, their antics result in the director walking off the job.
A happy and humorous play for Christmas
Some singing and simple dancing
Cast: 6 speaking parts plus any number of singers, dancers, crowd
Sound: The song “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” can be found at many locations on the internet including:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HHVQ0RxbYM or
Props: small bells for “jingling”
Sample of script:
music starts,actors come on stage “walking in waltz steps”
director, frustrated, waves her arms for all to stop, music stops
Director: No, no, people! . . It’s as though you are all dancing your own little dance! . . You aren’t getting the concept!
You are totally missing the whole flow of the Christmas play!
Now then, the scene is an elaborate Christmas ball, the most lavish soiree of the whole Christmas season!
Nancy: Soiree?
Bill: A fancy schmantzy name for party.
Ellen: I don’t thing so! . . Party is like, . . (slouches, mimes wiping nose on sleeve) . . sausage and pretzels, . . . soiree is like, . . . (mimes being snooty, looking down nose, eating with pinkie extended) . . . lobster and petite fours.
Director: People!!!! . . We have less than two weeks until opening day and you people are fixated on tom foolery!
Bryan: Tom couldn’t come but he sent his buddy Tim.
Director, throws up hands, flings script: OK, I give up! . . . In all my years in professional theatre I have never had such lack of professionalism!
Nancy: But we are like . . amateurs, . . not professionals.
Bill: Hey, back up the truck there Nancy, if our director wishes to pay us, I mean who are we to. . . . .
Director: They simply can’t pay me enough to work with you clowns! . . I quit!
Linda: Wait, please, come on guys, quit clowning around, now where were we . .?
Bryan, dances with Linda, sings: It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .
Linda: Ouch, that was my toe!
Bill: You will have to excuse Bryan stepping on your feet when dancing . . he walks all day on his own feet; when he goes out dancing he walks on his partner’s feet.
Linda: Not if I am his partner he doesn’t!
Director: Clowns and incompetents! . . I am out of here, you are on your own!
director, angry, walks off stage
Linda: OK now you guys have done it! . . What are we supposed to do without a director to direct us?
Bryan: Way I see it Linda, I think you would be a great director.
Linda, shock: Me? . . Just what makes you think I would be a great director? . . Never in my whole life have I directed a play!
Bryan: Yah, see, that’s the point.
Linda: The point? . . . And the point would be?
Bryan: Well, see, after your direct this play, then we all can say that you have real life experience.
Bill: Makes perfect sense to me Linda. . . Lucky us guys are here to give you your big break.
Linda: Well dream on, I am not going to direct this play!
Ellen: If not you Linda, then who?
Linda: I have no idea. . . But it shall not be me.
Nancy: So I guess we just forget the idea of a Christmas play for the neighbourhood kids then.
Bryan: That’s a shame really, kids were counting on it.
The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.
A youth group are having less than total success practising for a Christmas play. Their antics result in the director walking off the job.
A happy and humorous play for Christmas
Some singing and simple dancing
Cast: 6 m or f
6 speaking parts plus any number of singers, dancers, crowd
Bible Reference: Luke 2
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
- The song “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” can be found at many locations on the internet including:
- http://www.xmasfun.com/Lyrics.asp?ID=83
Lighting: standard
- jingle bells. (in case the "jingling" doesn't happen)
- small bells for “jingling”
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 20
Sample of script:
music starts,actors come on stage “walking in waltz steps”
director, frustrated, waves her/his arms for all to stop, music stops
Director: No, no, people! . . It’s as though you are all dancing your own little dance! . . You aren’t getting the concept!
You are totally missing the whole flow of the Christmas play!
Now then, the scene is an elaborate Christmas ball, the most lavish soiree of the whole Christmas season!
Nancy: Soiree?
Bill: A fancy schmantzy name for party.
Ellen: I don’t thing so! . . Party is like, . . (slouches, mimes wiping nose on sleeve) . . sausage and pretzels, . . . soiree is like, . . . (mimes being snooty, looking down nose, eating with pinkie extended) . . . lobster and petite fours.
Director: People!!!! . . We have less than two weeks until opening day and you people are fixated on tom foolery!
Bryan: Tom couldn’t come but he sent his buddy Tim.
Director, throws up hands, flings script: OK, I give up! . . . In all my years in professional theatre I have never had such lack of professionalism!
Nancy: But we are like . . amateurs, . . not professionals.
Bill: Hey, back up the truck there Nancy, if our director wishes to pay us, I mean who are we to. . . . .
Director: They simply can’t pay me enough to work with you clowns! . . I quit!
Linda: Wait, please, come on guys, quit clowning around, now where were we . .?
Bryan, dances with Linda, sings: It’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .
Linda: Ouch, that was my toe!
Bill: You will have to excuse Bryan stepping on your feet when dancing . . he walks all day on his own feet; when he goes out dancing he walks on his partner’s feet.
Linda: Not if I am his partner he doesn’t!
Director: Clowns and incompetents! . . I am out of here, you are on your own!
director, angry, walks off stage
Linda: OK now you guys have done it! . . What are we supposed to do without a director to direct us?
Bryan: Way I see it Linda, I think you would be a great director.
Linda, shock: Me? . . Just what makes you think I would be a great director? . . Never in my whole life have I directed a play!
Bryan: Yah, see, that’s the point.
Linda: The point? . . . And the point would be?
Bryan: Well, see, after your direct this play, then we all can say that you have real life experience.
Bill: Makes perfect sense to me Linda. . . Lucky us guys are here to give you your big break.
Linda: Well dream on, I am not going to direct this play!
Ellen: If not you Linda, then who?
Linda: I have no idea. . . But it shall not be me.
Nancy: So I guess we just forget the idea of a Christmas play for the neighbourhood kids then.
Bryan: That’s a shame really, kids were counting on it.