DramaShare Ministries

Moody Blues

Moody Blues

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This drama tells how King Saul enjoyed David’s company until David became very popular throughout the nation, then Saul became paranoid and jealous.

Sample of script:

Paul is on stage, Lucy enters

Lucy: Hi there Paul, how are you?

Paul, annoyed): I beg your pardon? That, without question, has to be the all-time silliest question I have ever heard!

Lucy: It does?

Paul: Yes, it most certainly does! It is totally beyond me how you could come up with such a silly question.

Lucy: Actually not too hard really. I just thought for a minute and, bango, there it was.

Paul: Bango?

Lucy: Yep, bango. Yep, that was how it was alright.

Joey comes on stage

Joey: Hi Lucy, Paul. How are you guys today?

Paul: Would you people mind telling me what gives with the ridiculous questions? I gotta tell you, I have never in my life . . .

Lucy: Hi Joey, guess you got caught up in the same silly question as me.

Joey: What do you mean, same silly question? All I asked was how are you guys today and . . . . . .

Paul: Would you two give it a rest with the silly questions? First it was Lucy, now it’s you Joey! I simply can’t understand you guys and your questions!

Joey: Paul, are you by any chance in a moody blue mood today?

Paul: I beg your pardon? Me, in a moody blue mood, (screams), just exactly what might give you the silly idea that I am in a moody blue mood? Huh? I ask you?

Joey: Well, it’s just that no matter what Lucy and I say to you, well, it just seems like you’re a bit out of sorts, seems like.

Paul: OK, that does it! I do not have to stand here and listen to this silly talk about me being in a moody blue mood and out of sorts! I have never, and may I repeat never, been out of sorts in my whole life! Do I make myself very plain and clear?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

King Saul enjoyed David's company until David became very popular throughout the nation. But then Saul became paranoid and jealous and King Saul didn't want anyone except himself being popular. Like King Saul we often feel jealousy creep in as well.
A short drama with lyrics written to the tune of "Ode To Joy." The music can be found in many places on the internet, the short song should be sung a cappella by the three actors.

Cast: 3 m or f

Lucy - (becomes Advisor in final act)
Joey - (becomes Joseph in final act)
Paul - (becomes Saul in final act)

Bible Reference: 1Samuel 16-21

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available


song lyrics written to the tune of "Ode To Joy." The music can be found in many places on the internet, the short song should be sung a cappella by the three actors.

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Paul is on stage, Lucy enters

Lucy: Hi there Paul, how are you?

Paul, annoyed: I beg your pardon? That, without question, has to be the all-time silliest question I have ever heard!

Lucy: It does?

Paul: Yes, it most certainly does! It is totally beyond me how you could come up with such a silly question.

Lucy: Actually not too hard really. I just thought for a minute and, bango, there it was.

Paul: Bango?

Lucy: Yep, bango. Yep, that was how it was alright.

Joey comes on stage

Joey: Hi Lucy, Paul. How are you guys today?

Paul: Would you people mind telling me what gives with the ridiculous questions? I gotta tell you, I have never in my life . . .

Lucy: Hi Joey, guess you got caught up in the same silly question as me.

Joey: What do you mean, same silly question? All I asked was how are you guys today and . . . . . .

Paul: Would you two give it a rest with the silly questions? First it was Lucy, now it’s you Joey! I simply can’t understand you guys and your questions!

Joey: Paul, are you by any chance in a moody blue mood today?

Paul: I beg your pardon? Me, in a moody blue mood, (screams), just exactly what might give you the silly idea that I am in a moody blue mood? Huh? I ask you?

Joey: Well, it’s just that no matter what Lucy and I say to you, well, it just seems like you’re a bit out of sorts, seems like.

Paul: OK, that does it! I do not have to stand here and listen to this silly talk about me being in a moody blue mood and out of sorts! I have never, and may I repeat never, been out of sorts in my whole life! Do I make myself very plain and clear?

Lucy: Not sure about you Joey, but it’s comin’ through loud and clear to me, Paul is incredibly not out of sorts!

Paul: Oh, so now I’m incredibly not of out sorts, am I? And just what would make you an expert in those who are, or are not, out of sorts? Tell, me, tell me that one will ya, Lucy with the . . the . . the long fingernails!

Lucy: Gee, thanks, glad to hear that you like my fingernails. Just last night I went and I . . .

Paul: I do not, repeat, do not, like your fingernails! They are much, much too long and . . .well, just long, that’s all I will say.

Joey: I don’t understand. Paul, your fingernails are longer than Lucy’s, so I mean, doesn’t that . . .

Paul: Oh, Mr. Fingernail expert here, huh? All of a sudden Joey can tell us all we don’t need to know about length of fingernails!

Joey: Can I sing you a song, Paul?

Paul: What gives with you people? Silly questions, and now Joey wants to sing a silly song!

Joey: No, not a silly song. Nice song, I think. My guess is you will like it, soothe your nerves.

Paul: So now you’re saying my nerves need to be soothed.

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