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DramaShare Ministries

Moms Are Special

Moms Are Special

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Cast Number

Janie is frustrated while looking for a Mother’s Day gift. Margaret and Billy join her, and Billy struggles to remember the occasion. Once he realizes it’s Mother’s Day, he admits he hasn’t planned anything, as his dad usually just pays for gifts. Billy then recalls his mom mentioning she wanted a mop and bucket, which Janie and Margaret find unacceptable. Margaret encourages Billy to think of a gift that truly shows appreciation. Through the conversation, Billy realizes that his mom is special every day and that he should express his gratitude regularly—not just on Mother’s Day. 

Cast: 3 (m or f, likely youth)

Bible Reference: Ephesians 6:1-3

Set: bare
Lighting: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
Song: none
SFX: none
Costumes: standard
Props: magazines
Special Instructions: none
Time: 6

Sample of Script:

Janie comes onstage, sits, goes through magazines, mumbles, shakes head, more pages.

Janie: That is super sure something she would not want!
(turns pages)
And this even I couldn’t want!
(turns pages)
Where do old people come up with these ideas?
(turns pages)
(turns pages)
And this is just real bad!

Billy & Margaret come onstage.

Margaret: Hey Janie, whatcha doing?

Janie: Getting more and more upset with finding a present is what, Margaret!

Billy: If you’re lookin’ for a present for me I could give you some real cool ideas Janie.

Janie: Just exactly why would I ever want to go and get a present for you Billy Thompson?

Billy: Just tryin’ to be helpful is what Janie. . . . So whose birthday is it Janie?

Janie: Nobody’s birthday that I know.

Billy: Then why a present?

Margaret: Think Billy! . . . What big important day is coming up?

Billy: Let’s see, it’s not Christmas. . . And I already had my birthday. . . . Sorry, I can’t think of any important days.

Margaret: Anyone in your house that might be having a special day?

Billy: Well my little brother lost a tooth but I’m not gonna go get him a present for that!

Janie: It’s your mother Billy Thompson!

Billy: My Mom lost a tooth?

Janie: You know something Billy Thompson? . . . Sometimes you are such a pain!

Margaret: That’s not a nice thing to say Janie.

Billy: Thanks for stickin’ up for me Margaret.

Janie: So, Margaret, you don’t think Billy Thompson is sometimes a pain?

Margaret: Billy Thompson is ‘most always a pain, I just don’t think you should come out and say so.

Billy: Thanks again . . I think, Margaret. . . . Anyhow is anyone gonna tell me what special day is happenin’?

Janie: Wake up Billy Thompson! . . It’s Mother’s Day, a day to do ‘specially nice things for your Mom.

Margaret: What did you get special for your mom Billy?

Billy, thinks: Well .. . it’s . . . it’s . . . kind of hard to describe.

Janie: You didn’t get one thing for your mom, did you Billy Thompson?

Billy: Well, Dad’s been very busy, what with hockey playoffs on and all.

Janie: What’s your dad’s hockey got to do with you getting your mom a Mothers Day present Billy?

Billy: See, may Dad and me we got a special thing going about buyin’ presents for my Mom.

Margaret: Awww that’s nice Billy! Your Dad helps out with gift ideas for what your Mom would like, right?

Billy: No actually my Dad helps out with his credit card.

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