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DramaShare Ministries

Mom Calls

Mom Calls

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Two college students, Jordan and Taylor, navigate their first semester away from home, reflecting on their relationships with their mothers. Jordan avoids his mom’s calls, eager for independence, while Taylor depends on frequent check-ins. As the weeks pass, their perspectives shift, leading to a realization of love, growth, and the biblical parallel of Jesus and Mary. The play explores themes of family, support, and trust in God's plan.

Run-time: 6-8 minutes
Biblical Reference: John 19:25-27 – "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother..."

JORDAN – A college student eager for independence, initially avoiding their mom’s calls.
TAYLOR – A college student who relies heavily on their mom, calling frequently.

A split stage. One side represents Jordan’s world, the other Taylor’s. The lights focus only on the student currently speaking; the other remains frozen in thought until their turn.
Sample Script:

Scene 1 – Move-in Week
(Lights up on Jordan’s side. Taylor is frozen in their half of the stage.)

(Checking phone, sighs) Mom called again. Of course, she did. I just got here. (Mockingly) "Did you make your bed? Did you eat?" (Laughs) I couldn’t wait to get out of that house. Finally, freedom.
(Jordan silences phone. Lights shift to Taylor’s side; Jordan freezes.)

(On the phone) Hey, Mom! I know, I know, I just called, but guess what? My dorm room is all set up! And yes, I labeled everything with my name, just like you said. (Pauses) No, my roommate is fine. Yes, I’ll call you again tomorrow. Love you!

(Lights fade. A week passes.)

Scene 2 – Week Two: First Week of Classes
(Lights up on Jordan.)

Classes are... harder than I thought. And I may have… accidentally done the wrong reading for my English class. (Checks phone, sighs) Mom called. Again. Probably to tell me to get enough sleep. (Rolls eyes) Yeah, yeah. I got this.
(Jordan silences the phone. Lights shift to Taylor.)

(On the phone) Mom? (Pauses, frowns) Mom? (Pulls phone away) She didn’t answer? That’s weird. Doesn’t she know I’m at college? I could have a major crisis! (Dials again) Okay… maybe she’s just busy. (Nervous chuckle) I’ll call later.

(Lights fade. Another week passes.)

Scene 3 – Week Three: Homesick Moments
(Lights up on Jordan.)

(Sitting on bed, sighing) My laundry pile is out of control. I actually miss my mom’s spaghetti. And... okay, maybe I miss her a little. (Checks phone) She didn’t call today? Huh. Weird.
(Lights shift to Taylor.)

(*Checking phone, concerned*) Mom hasn’t called back yet. We talk everyday. This isn’t normal. (*Tries calling again*) Straight to voicemail? Okay, okay, I’m not panicking. (*Beat*) What if something’s wrong? What if she’s hurt. Maybe she’s trapped under the car and the phone is damaged!

(Lights fade. Another week passes.)

Scene 4 – Week Four: A Rough Day
(Lights up on Jordan, pacing.)

I bombed my test. I don’t even know why I’m here. (Pauses) . . .

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