DramaShare Ministries

Missions Support

Missions Support

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Theme:       The church roof needs repairing and we need to replace the plumbing. In this day of rising costs and struggling finances do we need to revisit our commitment to missions efforts?
Bible Reference:     Matthew 28:20


Cast:         3 (m or f)


Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:     standard


Time:        4


Sample of script:


Randi & Joey on stage, watch as Brian comes on stage, projects talking to someone offstage


Brian:        Yes I am sure it is an urgent need, I’m sure it deserves our financial support!  . . . But there’s a limit to what average people like me can support. . . . Sorry, I don’t have any more to give at the moment. . . .  Sorry!


Randi:       Another group trying to hustle you for money Brian? . . . Seems the whole world is out to beg for money!


Brian:        It’s really not that Randi, I mean they are all good, worthy charities and stuff. . . . But, fact is, you just can’t support everything.


Joey:         What I do is figure out how much I want to spend, how many charities are out there, divide one by the other and they all get a bit. . . . That’s my way Brian.


Brian:        Well I couldn’t do that Joey, I mean there are some that in my mind are a higher priority than others.


Randi:       I agree, in our case our church is a family priority.


Joey:         Fine Randi, but even in the church there’s different folks pushin’ new ideas, expectin’ you’re gonna support them.


Randi:       New initiatives in church are good, keeps our focus on opportunities at home and around the world.


Brian:        You’re right Randi, but with costs going up every day hard to say which are priorities.


Joey:         Well before we do any good anywhere, at home or around the world, we have to, like I always say, . . .  make sure we look after the home fires.


Brian:        “Look after the home fires?” . . . Not sure what you mean Joey.


Joey:         Like my old Dad used to say . . . charity begins at home. . . . Gotta make sure you look after things at home . . . pay the salaries, church buildin’ maintenance, upkeep, all that.


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Church roof needs repairing and the plumbing needs replacing.
In this day of rising costs and struggling finances do we need to revisit our commitment to missions efforts and the Great Commission?

Cast: 3 (m or f)

  • Randi
  • Brian
  • Joey

Bible Reference: Matthew 28:20

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

Sample of script:

Randi & Joey on stage, Brian comes on stage, sees someone offstage

Brian:        Yes I am sure it is an urgent need, I’m sure it deserves our financial support!  . . . But there’s a limit to what average people like me can support. . . . Sorry, I don’t have any more to give at the moment. . . .  Sorry!

Randi:       Another group trying to hustle you for money Brian? . . . Seems the whole world is out to beg for money!

Brian:        It’s really not that Randi, I mean they are all good, worthy charities and stuff. . . . But, fact is, you just can’t support everything.

Joey:         What I do is figure out how much I want to spend, how many charities are out there, divide one by the other and they all get a bit. . . . That’s my way Brian.

Brian:        Well I couldn’t do that Joey, I mean there are some that in my mind are a higher priority than others.

Randi:       I agree, in our case our church is a family priority.

Joey:         Fine Randi, but even in the church there’s different folks pushin’ new ideas, expectin’ you’re gonna support them.

Randi:       New initiatives in church are good, keeps our focus on opportunities at home and around the world.

Brian:        You’re right Randi, but with costs going up every day hard to say which are priorities.

Joey:         Well before we do any good anywhere, at home or around the world, we have to, like I always say, . . .  make sure we look after the home fires.

Brian:        “Look after the home fires?” . . . Not sure what you mean Joey.

Joey:         Like my old Dad used to say . . . charity begins at home. . . . Gotta make sure you look after things at home . . . pay the salaries, church buildin’ maintenance, upkeep, all that.

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