DramaShare Ministries
Misfits Or Mustfits
Misfits Or Mustfits
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Where do Christians stand on the reason for Christmas?
Do we do the usual Christian thing of knowing the right reason, talking about it with our Christian friends, perhaps even doing outreach as part of an organized church activity?
But what about telling our friends? . . Not hitting people over the head with a Bible, but taking every opportunity to make known what we stand for. Or do we have a live and let live attitude, allowing people to make their own decisions without our input? God came down to earth at Christmas that we might have abundant and eternal life. So if we aren’t telling others we may be blocking their opportunity to eternal life, making our attitude “live and let die.”
Cast: 1 monolog
Bible Reference: Mark 16:15
Set: Bare
Sound: wireless mic
Song: none
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions: none
Time: 5
Sample of script:
Lights up
(Actor shivers.)
Hey, chill in the air—kinda sorta. Guess fall is here and . . .
Hold on—guess it’s like, very close to . . . Christmas!
Have you noticed? . . . Seems like one Christmas just gets wrapped up, and here we go—
. . . it’s Christmas again!
Most folks figure out it’s Christmas time when their credit card bills get mostly paid off.
I tell ya . . . young folks today, they just have no money sense—spendin’ like there’s no tomorrow, like somehow, magic-like, the bills will just . . . go away!
And the Christmas music . . . I tell ya, seems like they start singin’ it earlier every single year!
(Sings badly, trailing off in the words.)
Here comes Santy Claus . . . here comes . . . .
And then there’s . . .
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer . . . had a very shiny . . .
Man! . . . The whole lot!
And of course, there’s still some folks talkin’ about . . . you know . . . the baby in the manger, the star, that part . . .
Thing is . . . everybody has an opinion of what’s really part of Christmas, and what’s just like . . . you know . . . extra stuff, window dressing . . . know what I mean?
Or some stuff some rich guy in Hollywood or New York just figured out to make a buck.
I mean, you’ve seen what kinda stuff happens on Black Friday!
It’s like . . . insane! . . .
Folks say it’s part of Christmas, go out shoppin’ . . . say it’s presents for the family. . .
Ya right! . . . Most of what they buy’s for themselves, far as I can see!
Even the stuff they buy for others . . . it’s broke or set aside by Boxing Day!
Or returned for what they really wanted!
So like I say . . . what’s really, really the main thing of what Christmas is all about?
Any ideas?
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