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DramaShare Ministries

The Dreaded Volunteer Recruitment

The Dreaded Volunteer Recruitment

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Recruiting church volunteers can sometimes feel like a desperate mission—a task filled with searching, beseeching… okay, outright begging! In this lighthearted and comedic one-act play, a well-meaning but overly enthusiastic church leader scrambles to fill various ministry roles, “voluntelling” unsuspecting church members for everything from music coordinator to VBS leader to the ever-important coffee and cookie crew.

As each reluctant volunteer attempts to resist, scripture is humorously woven into the conversation, reminding them that serving God is both a privilege and a calling. Through the chaos, laughter, and a few shocked expressions, the play highlights the joy and impact of serving in the church, leaving the audience both entertained and challenged.

The real question remains: Who will step up to serve… and who will bring the coffee? ☕🍪

Key Themes:

  • The importance of volunteering in church ministry (1 Peter 4:10-11)
  • Using our gifts to serve others (Colossians 3:23-24)
  • Spreading the work among many instead of overloading a few
  • Finding joy and purpose in serving God


  • Leader – Energetic, overly enthusiastic, possibly a pastor or committee chair.
  • Misty McFine – New attendee, shocked by sudden responsibility.
  • Florette – Randomly recruited volunteer, confused.
  • Gary Goodhearted – Longtime church member, gets put in charge of VBS.
  • Dan Dedicated – Experienced church member, suddenly the new Sunday School director.
  • President Parker – President of the church board, thinks he's safe.
  • Random Church Member – Gets the most important task: coffee and cookies!

Run-time: 6-8 minutes
Bible Reference:

  • 1 Peter 4:10-11Use whatever gift you have received to serve others.
  • Colossians 3:23-24Work as if you are working for the Lord.
  • Matthew 9:37The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
  • Hebrews 13:2Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers.

Scene Opens

(Leader enters holding a framed "UP-AN-AT-IT" volunteer award.)

Wow! Wasn’t that awesome to hear that (insert name of actual church volunteer) was recognized with the UP-AN-AT-IT Award for their amazing dedication?!
(Leads applause, hands award to the recipient, volunteer exits stage.)

Alright, folks, moving right along—now, I am SO PROUD to announce that Misty McFine—someone brand new to our congregation—has graciously agreed to be our new music coordinator!

(Misty, sitting in the congregation, GASPS, half-stands, then SITS DOWN QUICKLY. Leader pretends not to notice.)

Misty! No good hiding. Where are you?

(Misty stands, completely in shock.)

Wait… I… I said I might sing a solo once in a while, but…

Solo… Leader of the entire music ministry… Same difference! Tomato, tomahto!

(Tearing up) I wanted to serve, not become an everyday slave!

(Misty sits down, shaking her head.)

(Pats her on the back) Oh, you’ll be fine! Colossians 3:23 says,
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters!"
(Winks at Misty.)

Enter Florette – Bass Guitarist?

Now then, we have Florette… Uh, what was her last name? Met her down at the car wash last Friday!

(Florette shakes her head “NO” from the audience.)

(Waves her forward) Come on down, Florette! Way I see it, you’d be perfect for our lead bass guitar player!

(Gasps from the congregation.)

(Confused) But… I don’t play bass.

No worries! Matthew 9:37 says, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few!" We just need workers! You’ll figure it out!

(Florette shakes her head in disbelief, sits down.)

Enter Gary – VBS Volunteer

And now, moving on… Gary Goodhearted!

(Gary smiles, waves modestly.)

Let’s give it up for Gary, folks! He has graciously volunteered to run our entire VBS this summer!

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