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DramaShare Ministries

Merry-Go-Rounds and Daisies

Merry-Go-Rounds and Daisies

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Cast Number

An elderly man, Grampa, reflects on his life, expressing a wish to have made more mistakes, taken life less seriously, and embraced more spontaneous joy. He imagines doing things differently—traveling more, enjoying simple pleasures like sunsets and ice cream, and worrying less about unnecessary precautions. As he finishes his thoughts, a young girl approaches and reminds him that life is more fun when he’s with loved ones. Encouraged by her words, Grampa smiles, takes her hand, and agrees to ride a merry-go-round and pick daisies together, embracing the very joys he longed for.

Cast:  7

  • Grampa, (could be Gramma)
  • Young girl (or boy) pre-teen to teen
  • others as available
  • a more or less steady stream of people pass by in front of Grampa, could be:
    • a boy and girl walk by hand in hand
    • two boys walk by, throwing ball back and forth
    • young parents walk by with baby in a baby carriage
    • father with child on his shoulders
    • older couple hand in hand
    • friends, (m or f), in silent conversation

Bible Reference: Ecclesiastes 8:15


  • Park area with park bench at centerstage
  • entire set is meant to be a park area with the bench at a somewhat elevated level at upstage center. Across the downstage is a park walk where the other actors will stroll by in front of Grampa as he observes their strolling and reflects on his memories.

Lighting: standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: none

Costumes: standard


  • cane
  • baby carriage
  • ball

Special Instructions:

  • Lines could be prerecorded with actors miming actions
  • It is important that lines be delivered with great feeling and that the acting on stage be very outgoing and emotional.
  • actors wholly engrossed in their own activity and pay no attention whatsoever to the audience or to Grampa. Also they must be entirely silent, miming interactions.
  • Grampa will pre-tape the first lines. He must speak slowly, with great emotion and leave space between the lines or main thoughts so that his lines appear to be ramblings and remembrances. Occasionally Grampa may chuckle as though he is recalling a particular pleasant memory or as though chiding himself on what he has or has not done.

  Time:     4

Sample of script

Grampa comes on stage, sits on park bench, speaks, pre-recorded

If I had my life to live over again,  . . . I'd try to make more mistakes next time.

I would relax.

I would limber up.

I would be sillier than I have been this trip.

I know of very few things that I would take as seriously.

I would take more trips.

I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets.

I would do more walking and looking.

I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans.

I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones.

You see, I am one of those people who lives prophylactically and sensibly and sanely
hour after hour, day after day.

Oh, I've had my moments; and if I had it to do over again, I'd have more of them.

In fact, I'd try to have nothing else. . . 

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