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Meeting Between Two Mothers

Meeting Between Two Mothers

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Mothers of Jesus and Judas meet on a dusty Jerusalem street a week after the crucifixion,  What if the mother of Jesus and the mother of Judas had been friends as children, had drifted apart as young women, and if they then came back together through the association between their sons? Did this actually happen? Not likely. But, what if . . . ?

And what would have been their actions, reactions, words, thoughts, emotions?
We know Judas’ father was Simon Iscariot; nothing in the Bible is recorded of his mother, we have named her Rebecca. In developing the characters of Mary and Rebecca, we tried not to sensationalize, nor trivialize, any of the participants in this Bible happening. But if the incidents in this drama actually happened, both Mary and Rebecca would have had motherly dedication and love, each for her own son. So in the hearts of each mother there would have to be a belief that the other woman’s son had been responsible for the death of her own son.

Our prayer is that in our handling of these sensitive issues we have been reasonably successful, and that our humble efforts are “an acceptable offering”.
Includes Upper Room scene and conversations, communion. This is one of our most popular scripts, now selected by more than 35,000 churches, schools and groups for major Christian skit, church drama and outreach ministry.

Cast:  14

  • Mary, mother of Jesus, middle age
  • Rebecca, mother of Judas, middle age
  • Jesus
  • Judas (a taller person, sharp features for profile view)
  • 11 disciples

 Bible Reference:  Luke 22:21


  • very bare stage with a long table the Last Supper, where possible the two women will act directly between the audience and the stage
  • The first part of the drama will have voices pre-taped and actors will mime the thoughts, the emotions of the two women are too raw to allow them to speak to each other. Only after they have thought through their emotions can they talk openly. Therefore, voices must be taped in advance, ensure actors have very carefully memorized taped lines so they can “react” properly to the taped thoughts.

Lighting:  standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  none

SFX: none

Costumes:  Traditional

Props: none

Special Instructions:  none

Time:  60

Sample of script

Mary enters the stage from left, Rebecca from right, both deep in thought, heads bowed, meeting in the middle, almost running into each other yet they scarcely look up. Just as they go to move away (at which time their backs are to each other), both stop and look up and out into the audience. Both think for a moment then a look of recognition comes to their faces.

Tape on as actresses react to the thoughts spoken:

Mary: I'm sure that was Rebecca, the wife of Simon Iscariot, you know, Rebecca, mother of Judas. I haven't seen her since, since the day my son, Jesus was, was killed. Not that I want to see her, much less to talk to her.

Rebecca, mother of Judas: Do my eyes deceive me, or was that Mary, mother of Jesus? I had just assumed that Mary returned to Nazareth after, after her Son was, was, you know, taken.

Mary: What right does she have to be here? Surely the family of Simon Iscariot has already caused enough pain and suffering.

Rebecca: Oh how the sight of Mary takes me back in memory. Far before the awful experience of the cross, Mary and I were children together in Nazareth. We were best friends. We played together. We dreamed of the future. The men we would meet and marry. The fine sons we would raise to bring pride to our families and glory to God. Oh that the reality could be as pleasant as the dreams.

Mary: Always we dreamed how our sons would be best friends, - just as we were best friends. Best friends indeed! Better for me and for all of mankind had we never heard the name of Judas, son of Rebecca and Simon Iscariot.

Rebecca: I remember how we always stood up for each other when other children would mistreat us. You see, we were friends!

Mary: When I became pregnant all of my friends and neighbors believed that my situation was scandalous and that I should be stoned. . . .
Well - not all of my friends. Rebecca always defended me. Rebecca was so kind to me. How could the kindness of Rebecca create the evil of Judas?

Rebecca: I remember how difficult it was for Mary when the whole town turned against her. I pleaded with everyone, especially with Joseph, that they would see God's hand in this pregnancy. But no one would listen to me. So I prayed that God would speak to Joseph. And God answered my prayer. One day Joseph stood up to the crowds and came to Mary's defense.

Mary, mother of Jesus: You know, I guess I owe a great deal to Rebecca. But that doesn't justify what she did to my son.

Rebecca, mother of Judas: And then we all had to go to Bethlehem with our families for the census. Poor Mary, she was so uncomfortable. It was so near to the time when her baby was due. While our family was in Bethlehem my father ran into some old friends from Judea and Father invited them to our tent. The family had a son, Simon. Simon and I were immediately attracted to each other. So it was to our mutual pleasure that our fathers arranged a marriage between Simon Iscariot and myself. I visited Mary to tell her the news. She had news for me as well, she had given birth to a baby who she named Jesus. We joked about how I would someday have a son and that he and this baby Jesus would become friends. Then Mary and I said our goodbyes and I left to return to Judea with my Simon.

Mary, mother of Jesus: I was sorry to see Rebecca leave for her new life in Judea. However there was so much going on that day. We had many visitors, among them the very angels of God. Then we left Jerusalem in haste and Rebecca became no more than a pleasant memory. Oh how I do wish that she and her son had never touched my life again.

Rebecca, mother of Judas: My Simon was a good man. We had a good life together. God soon blessed us with a son who we called Judas. Ah, he was the apple of his father's eye, and of mine as well, of course. Being a mother.

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