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Matters of The Heart

Matters of The Heart

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YWAM script Boy plays with girl's heart, but God repairs the damage. Giving your heart to God. Being completely transparent, honest and pure. A very popular script, written by: Youth With a Mission (YWAM) Rainbow Company, Korea Adapted by: David Suhs Published with permission.

Cast:  2 clowns (1 m & 1 f)

Bible Reference:    Matthew 6:33

Set:  bare

Lighting:  standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song:  Seek Ye First background music

SFX:  none

Costumes:      standard

Props:     none

Special Instructions:   none

Time:  5

Sample Script:

(Girl Clown (G.C.) stands center stage in a neutral position as music begins. She starts walking, then transitions into running in place.)

  • G.C. (pantomimes hearing a call from somewhere, looking around curiously. She discovers the call is coming from heaven.)
  • G.C. (questions aloud): "Who, me? You're calling me?"
  • G.C. (draws a heart above her left breast using the index fingers of both hands.)
  • G.C. (seems to pull her heart from her body and offers it to heaven.)
  • G.C. (pantomimes holding a beating heart, squeezing her hands together rhythmically to indicate its heartbeat. She lifts it heavenward in offering.)
  • G.C. (expresses great joy, then resumes running with excitement, her chest out proudly.)

Boy Clown (B.C.) enters, pantomiming running past G.C. He suddenly does a double take, noticing her and becoming interested.

  • B.C. (flirts with G.C.)
  • B.C. (draws a heart above his left breast using both index fingers.)
  • B.C. (indicates a desire to exchange hearts with G.C.)
  • G.C. (motions heavenward, indicating she cannot give her heart because she has already given it to God.)
  • B.C. (continues his advances toward G.C.)

(After some hesitation, G.C. finally gives in. She looks heavenward and asks God for her heart back.)

  • G.C. (presents her beating heart to B.C., initially reluctant.)
  • B.C. (begins playing with G.C.'s heart, tossing it casually in the air.)
  • B.C. (throws it higher and higher, teasing G.C. by pretending to drop it.)
  • G.C. (becomes increasingly worried and fearful as B.C. mishandles her heart.)

(Finally, in playful excitement, B.C. drop-kicks G.C.'s heart. He attempts to catch it but misses.)

  • B.C. (realizes his mistake, appearing shocked and guilty. Slowly, he backs away and disappears, leaving G.C. alone.)
  • G.C. (stands in shock, staring at her broken heart.)
  • G.C. (slowly begins to cry.)
  • G.C. (kneels down, carefully collecting the shattered pieces of her heart in both hands.)
  • G.C. (shakes the pieces several times in her hands, desperately trying to restore them.)
  • G.C. (listens for a heartbeat, but there is none. She remains broken and alone.

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