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DramaShare Ministries

Lost Opportunity

Lost Opportunity

Regular price $10.00 USD
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This drama explores Peter’s well-documented denial of Jesus on the night of His arrest, offering a fresh perspective on this pivotal moment in The Rock’s life. Traditionally, we assume that the servant girl and the guards in the High Priest’s courtyard were accusing Peter to have him arrested. And while that may have been their intent, what if their questioning came from a different place—one of genuine longing to know and follow Jesus?

In this retelling, the servant girl and the guards who confronted Peter are secret followers of Christ. As a servant of the High Priest and soldiers of the Roman army, they could not openly express their faith. Their questions, rather than being threats, were born out of a desperate desire to find and serve Jesus.

This drama weaves together Peter’s monologue—his reflections on the events leading up to the crucifixion—with a re-creation of the courtyard scene, offering a powerful new lens through which to view his moment of denial.

Run-Time: 25-35 minutes.

Cast: 8 Speaking Roles & Extras

Speaking Roles

  • Simon Peter – A large man with a deep, commanding voice.
  • Ruth – A servant girl, late teens to early 20s.
  • Martha – A servant girl, mid-20s.
  • Maximus – A tall Roman centurion, mid-20s.
  • Phillip – A shorter Roman centurion, mid-30s.
  • Annas – High Priest, middle-aged, very rotund.
  • Caiaphas – High Priest, mid-to-late 20s, dressed lavishly.

Non-Speaking Roles

  • Jesus – A man in his 20s or 30s, with a slight build.
  • Extras – Various roles, including soldiers, shepherds, elders, and townspeople. These characters gather in the courtyard of the High Priest, witnessing the outdoor "trial."

A "fire" can be made out of tin foil wrapped around a rotating electric rotisserie illuminated by a spotlight.
A raised platform in the background from which the High Priest presides over the trial. It should appear that this is the balcony of his bedroom.
Sets of the exterior of the High Priest's palace and adjacent homes

Two or more spotlights on the courtyard scene. The balcony should be highly illuminated whereas the area of the fire in the courtyard should be somewhat dark with shadows.

- Soldier's attire
- Period costumes for both peasants and elders

- recording of a rooster crowing
- a microphone for the High Priest
- one or more microphones around the fire
(ensure that all mikes are well hidden)

The courtyard scene takes up almost all of stage with the High Priest's balcony at extreme upstage left and the fire at extreme downstage right. At upstage right will be the outside wall of a house adjacent to that of the High Priest. When Jesus is led away from the trial he is taken out to upstage right, (behind the adjacent house). It will appear that there is a street leading off in this direction.

Scene: The Courtyard of the High Priest

While the set is still dark, voices are heard in the distance.

Jesus: Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.

Peter: Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.

Jesus: I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.

Silence for 30 seconds. Then, in the darkness, Peter speaks.

Peter: After Jesus was arrested, all the other disciples were frightened, and they fled. Well, I did too, but I followed at a distance. They took Jesus to the home of the High Priest, Annas. It was no secret that Annas and his son-in-law, Caiaphas, had long been plotting to put the Master on trial. Caiaphas had, in fact, told all the Jewish people that it would be good if one man died for the people.

(Lights slowly come up on the courtyard scene. The "fire" is turned on. Jesus is led into the courtyard by Caiaphas and a mob of townspeople, soldiers, and onlookers.)

Caiaphas: Summon for us the High Priest, Annas. We have arrested the treasonous Nazarene and require the services of the High Priest that he be judged at once.

Servant: The High Priest has gone to bed and has asked not to be disturbed.

Caiaphas: You will do as I say—immediately!

Servant: Very well, as you say. After all, he is your father-in-law.

(The servant goes inside. All actors freeze, except for the two servant girls, Ruth and Martha, and the two soldiers, Maximus and Phillip, who move to a position in a semi-circle behind the fire.)

Peter’s Voice (narrating): I carefully moved closer to the courtyard of the High Priest. I had to determine that it was safe to enter. (Blustering tone) No! I was not afraid! I... I knew that I must choose the proper moment to rescue the Master. (Now in a more subdued tone) Many people had gathered near the home of the High Priest. Among them were two servant girls and two soldiers who had gathered around the fire, which had been lit to protect against the cool night breeze. The four were talking quietly together. I tried but was unable to hear what they were saying.

Ruth: Maximus! Phillip! Surely there must be something that you can do. There will be no justice for the Master.

Phillip: How many times must I warn you not to talk so? We are in grave danger if it becomes known that we are followers of the Way! Now control your tongue, woman, before you have us all arrested!

Martha: Phillip is right, Ruth. It will do no good for ourselves or the Master if we are arrested.

Maximus : But we can't simply sit here and allow this mob to falsely accuse the Master. Come Phillip, we both have our swords. Let us go now and by force take the Master!

Phillip: I will have no more of this senseless talk from either of you. Now Maximus, Ruth. You must control your emotions. Don't you think that I suffer as much as you do with the treatment which Jesus is receiving. But the fact is that two men will have no opportunity against the mob.

Ruth (sarcastically) : Then brave Phillip, what is your plan? Do you intend to allow them to crucify the Master? Have you forgotten our oath that we will follow the Master?

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