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DramaShare Ministries

Lifelong Friends

Lifelong Friends

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A 40-year-old woman takes the audience on a nostalgic journey through her life, reminiscing about the friendships that shaped her at different stages.

  • Childhood: She recalls playing dress-up, imagining careers, and having deep conversations with her best friends.
  • Teen Years: She and her friends formed a band (The Pink Ladies), navigated crushes, fashion trends, and rebellious ideas.
  • College & Marriage: Some childhood friendships remained strong, with one friend becoming her maid of honor and another still pushing fun ideas—like adding highlights before the wedding!
  • Motherhood & Adulthood: As life moved on, new friends became a lifeline during motherhood, marriages, and personal struggles.
  • Heartfelt Moments: From supporting a friend through grief to celebrating new life, the monologue captures the ebb and flow of relationships—some friendships last a lifetime, while others leave an indelible mark before drifting away.

Genre:  light-hearted, with both serious and funny elements

Time:  10 minutes

Cast Breakdown:  This can be done many different ways.  It can be done with the woman live, and video clips of the friends and others.  It can be done with the woman live and the other voices only done audibly, or can be performed with all characters present, making little vignettes throughout the sketch.

Message:  The enduring importance of friendships throughout life’s ups and downs.

Biblical References:

  • Proverbs 17:17“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.”
  • Ecclesiastes 4:9-12“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor...”

Church year season:  any

Suggested use:  women’s retreat, women’s event, seeker service, (we used it for a charity benefit to help a family in our congregation who has a child battling leukemia)

Synopsis:  A woman reminisces through many years, stressing the importance of friends at each stage of life.

Characters:  woman, age 40ish.  Other characters would depend on how sketch is performed.

Props: also depend on performance of sketch

Costumes:  woman, modern dress.  Other dress depending on age of character. 

Director’s tips:  we had the woman sitting mostly on a stool.  The hard part in staging comes in making the audience realize it is the same character’s growing up together, sharing various life milestones.

When I was young, one of my favorite things to do was to play dress-up with my friends. I could dress up to be a doctor, a teacher, or a fairy princess. And when I stepped into those costumes, that’s what I became—a preacher, a grocer, or the queen ready to give a most important speech. The sky was the limit. Imagination and good friends… that’s what made childhood so unique and special.

Beth: (spinning, dressed up)
Now listen here, all you students! I have had about enough of all this talking! Do you need to be sent to the principal? Well, that is a good thing because Dad’s at work right now. But I’m glad you are ready to listen to me because I’ve got so much to tell you. Did you know, students, that an important piece of information just came to me? My mom told me that if a stork really tried to carry a baby to the owner, it probably wouldn’t be able to fly. Now that leaves me with a whole lot of questions… (fade out)

As a teen, my friends and I played in a band together. An all-girls thing, you know. We called ourselves the—get this—Pink Ladies. Believe it or not, we thought it was original. We thought we were it. No, we knew we were it. It was fun. We became somewhat popular… who could ask for more? I remember after each practice, we’d just sit and talk, and laugh. We’d solve the problems of the day… what we’d wear to school, how we’d get that certain someone to notice us, where the sale was on the cool jeans that we thought we needed to keep us in that ‘hip’ group. We laughed. We thought we were really something… all part of being a teen.

Abby: (dressed as a teen)
Ok, you guys, now be straight with me… what do you think about me adding some really blonde streaks?

It would be amazing… you know it. I mean, not to say that it isn’t great now, but it would be incredible.

Would your mom let you do it?

Well, I was thinking about just getting it done and kind of telling her afterward.

Ali & Stacy:
Uh, uh… no way… wouldn’t do that… done that before… not a good idea….

When I walked down the aisle, my closest friends stood beside me in support. Stacy—she was one of my bridesmaids, and believe it or not, she was the drummer from the Pink Ladies. We actually became college roommates when the band split after high school graduation. We thought we were pretty cool in college, too. I always loved Stacy. She had a free spirit, kind of a wild side. She didn’t think twice about doing things that most of us wouldn’t even dream of.

Ok, I have a great idea… how about just a few red highlights before the wedding? Come on… it would look incredible with the white gown.

How could you not love someone like that? Beth—she was my maid of honor and my favorite dress-up friend. We would always fight over who would be the queen and who would be the measly princess… who would nab Prince Charming, and who would be left with the ogre. She’s walked with me through many stages in life. Lots of friends have come and gone, but not Beth… I’m certain she’s here for the long haul.

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