DramaShare Ministries

Laying the Foundation

Laying the Foundation

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A church is laying a new foundation, building a new church. In this comedy three people from the church building committee are getting together with someone from the Home Depot to make plans for the concrete. The results are . . interesting to say the least.

Cast: 4 (m or f, any age)

Set: 2 chairs set close together are the “car”
(Optional) could have backdrop of The Home Depot

Costumes: Home Depot person would be wearing a store vest

Lighting, sound: standard

Sample of script:

Sal and Dal are sitting in the “car”, Dal drives

Sal: Dear, please be careful, you know how many accidents there are on this street.

Dal: Yes dear, I am being very careful.

Sal: But please hurry a little too, you do realize we are in a hurry, don’t you dear?

Dal: Yes dear I realize . . .

Sal, fear: Careful you don’t hit that big truck!

Dal: Dear that big truck is on the other side of the road.

Sal: Well, Dal, you know how trucks are all over the road!

Dal: Never had an accident yet Sal. .

Sal, fear: Up there Dal, red light!

Dal: It’s OK dear, I usually wait until I am within a block of the red light before I apply the brakes.

Sal, looks at watch: Oh Dal, do you see the time! . . We are supposed to meet Maggie at The Home Depot in twenty minutes!

Dal: My guess is that we should make it since we are within one hundred yards now.

Sal: Yes Dal, and sitting here at this red light! . . . Dal, look, the light has turned green, what are you waiting for Dal?

Dal: I usually try to wait for the cars ahead of me to start moving before I do Sal.

Sal, shouts out the “window”: Look you, up ahead, in the Ford Pinto! Move it, will you, the light is green! . . . Look it's a green traffic light, not a banana, chances are it's not gonna ripen!

Dal: Dear would you please not say things like that when the driver ahead of us is six foot seven and looks like a linebacker on a mission?

Sal, pointing: OK, over there, Maggie is waiting for us. . . . . Maggie, we are coming!

A church is laying a new foundation, building a new church. In this comedy three people from the church building committee are getting together with someone from the Home Depot to make plans for the concrete. The results are . . interesting to say the least.

Cast: 4 (m or f, any age)

Set: 2 chairs set close together are the “car”
(Optional) could have backdrop of The Home Depot

Costumes: Home Depot person would be wearing a store vest

Lighting, sound: standard

Sample of script:

Sal and Dal are sitting in the “car”, Dal drives

Sal: Dear, please be careful, you know how many accidents there are on this street.

Dal: Yes dear, I am being very careful.

Sal: But please hurry a little too, you do realize we are in a hurry, don’t you dear?

Dal: Yes dear I realize . . .

Sal, fear: Careful you don’t hit that big truck!

Dal: Dear that big truck is on the other side of the road.

Sal: Well, Dal, you know how trucks are all over the road!

Dal: Never had an accident yet Sal. .

Sal, fear: Up there Dal, red light!

Dal: It’s OK dear, I usually wait until I am within a block of the red light before I apply the brakes.

Sal, looks at watch: Oh Dal, do you see the time! . . We are supposed to meet Maggie at The Home Depot in twenty minutes!

Dal: My guess is that we should make it since we are within one hundred yards now.

Sal: Yes Dal, and sitting here at this red light! . . . Dal, look, the light has turned green, what are you waiting for Dal?

Dal: I usually try to wait for the cars ahead of me to start moving before I do Sal.

Sal, shouts out the “window”: Look you, up ahead, in the Ford Pinto! Move it, will you, the light is green! . . . Look it's a green traffic light, not a banana, chances are it's not gonna ripen!

Dal: Dear would you please not say things like that when the driver ahead of us is six foot seven and looks like a linebacker on a mission?

Sal, pointing: OK, over there, Maggie is waiting for us. . . . . Maggie, we are coming!

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