DramaShare Ministries

Lay Down My Burden

Lay Down My Burden

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a short comedy skit based on the Biblical principal of never carrying more than we can handle.


Keywords: burden, struggle, pain, comfort


Bible Reference:     Matthew 11:30


Cast:       3 males, or 2 males & 1 female, any age (from early teens up)






Set:        “Store” interior: tables or shelves that hold merchandise.


Special effects:      None


Props:      Suitcases, gym bags, or carry-ons of various sizes


Costumes:   Street clothes


Lighting:    Standard


Sound:      Standard


Special  instructions:
The bags should contain enough weight to permit the “customer” to realistically show heaviness.


Time:      3 minutes



Sample of script:


The scene is the interior of (what looks like) a luggage store.  Two angels, Michael and

Gabriel, stand together TALKING.


Michael:     I’m telling you, Gabe, the Angels are gonna win.


Gabriel:      How can you say that, Mike?  They’re doing lousy this year.


Michael:     Hello!  Heaven to Gabe!  They’re the angels


A CUSTOMER enters carrying a small suitcase/gym bag.


Customer:    Excuse me, is this the Burden Store?


Michael:     (smiling)  It is indeed.  How can we help you?


Customer:    (hefting the bag with difficulty)  I’d like to exchange my burden.  It’s just too darn heavy.


Michael:     (obviously surprised)  Really?  That’s odd — you shouldn’t have been given more than you could bear.  (takes the bag and opens it)  Well, let’s take a look.  What’ve you got in here, anyway?


Customer:    Oh, the usual stuff, I guess.


Michael:     (looking through the bag, nodding)  Yeah, pretty much standard: pain, heartache, illness, sin…  (looks up a customer reproachfully)  A lot of sin.


Customer:    (shrugging, embarrassed)  Yeah, I guess I may have put most of that in there myself.  But a lot of it isn’t my doing.  (pointing to the bag)  Like the pain.  I didn’t want any of that!  Is there any way I can get rid of it?  Or at least lighten it up somehow?


Michael:     Hmmm, let me think.  (sets the bag down near Gabriel, motions to the store)  Tell you what; it’s a little unorthodox, but here’s what I’ll do.  Take a look around and try out what we have.  If you find something lighter than yours, feel free to take it.


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

Burden Store has a customer who wants to try to trade down in the weight of burdens he is carrying, finds that it is a very accommodating process.
A short comedy skit written by former DramaShare member, Rusty Harding, based on the Biblical principal of never carrying more than we can handle.
Keywords: burden, struggle, pain, comfort

  Cast:    3 males, or 2 males & 1 female, any age (from early teens up)

  • Michael
  • Gabriel
  • Customer

 Run-Time: 3 minutes
Set:   “Store” interior: tables or shelves that hold merchandise.
Special effects:      None
Props: Suitcases, gym bags, or carry-ons of various sizes
 Costumes:  Street clothes
 Lighting:  Standard
Sound:      Standard
 Bible Reference: Matthew 11:30

Special  instructions: The bags should contain enough weight to permit the “customer” to realistically show heaviness.

Sample of script

The scene is the interior of (what looks like) a luggage store.  Two angels, Michael and

Gabriel, stand together TALKING.

Michael:     I'm telling you, Gabe, the Angels are gonna win.

Gabriel:      How can you say that, Mike?  They're doing lousy this year.

Michael:     Hello!  Heaven to Gabe!  They're the angels

A CUSTOMER enters carrying a small suitcase/gym bag.

Customer:    Excuse me, is this the Burden Store?

Michael:     (smiling)  It is indeed.  How can we help you?

Customer:    (hefting the bag with difficulty)  I'd like to exchange my burden.  It's just too darn heavy.

Michael:     (obviously surprised)  Really?  That's odd -- you shouldn't have been given more than you could bear.  (takes the bag and opens it)  Well, let's take a look.  What've you got in here, anyway?

Customer:    Oh, the usual stuff, I guess.

Michael:     (looking through the bag, nodding)  Yeah, pretty much standard: pain, heartache, illness, sin…  (looks up a customer reproachfully)  A lot of sin.

Customer:    (shrugging, embarrassed)  Yeah, I guess I may have put most of that in there myself.  But a lot of it isn't my doing.  (pointing to the bag)  Like the pain.  I didn't want any of that!  Is there any way I can get rid of it?  Or at least lighten it up somehow?

Michael:     Hmmm, let me think.  (sets the bag down near Gabriel, motions to the store)  Tell you what; it’s a little unorthodox, but here’s what I’ll do.  Take a look around and try out what we have.  If you find something lighter than yours, feel free to take it.


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