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DramaShare Ministries

Kids Christmas

Kids Christmas

Regular price $10.00 USD
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A children's story of the Nativity. This play, at our suggestion, was written in its entirety by a small group of children ages kindergarten through 3rd grade from London Heights Baptist Church in Kansas City, Kansas. It is their very own rendition of what the birth of our Savior might have been like in the children's own words. They worked at a local Pizza restaurant for over two hours straight putting this together in between bites of pizza. Its beauty lies in its innocence and simplicity.

Cast: 10 m or f

Bible Reference: Luke 2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample Script:

Narrator: Long ago, in a town called Nazareth, there lived a young woman named Mary and a young carpenter named Joseph. One night, an angel came to Mary and said:

Angel: Mary, don’t be afraid. I bring you good news. You are going to have a very special baby. His name will be Jesus, and He will be the Son of God.

Mary (to audience, skeptically): Who is this guy… really?

Angel: I am the Angel Gabriel.

Mary: But how can that be? I am not even married… and what about Joseph? Whatever can I tell him?

Angel: Don’t worry, God will take care of EVERYTHING!

Narrator: Do you think Mary will say yes? What will happen if she says no?

Narrator #2: I bet she says no.

Narrator #3: I hope she says yes.

Mary (thinking aloud, pacing): Well… yes… no… yes… no... maybe... well, yes! I’ll do it—so long as God is by my side, and as long as YOU tell HIM… (points to Joseph).

(Applause for Mary as all exit stage except the narrators.)

(A child runs across the stage holding a sign that says “2 days later.”)

Narrator: Two days later, an angel comes to talk to Joseph while he is sleeping.

Angel: Joseph, wake up!

(Joseph yawns, rubs his eyes, then suddenly jumps straight up.)

Joseph (panicked): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Who are you, and what are you doing in my bedroom? And how did you get in my house? Did I forget to lock the door again? I’m gonna get in BIG trouble now!

Angel: Don’t be afraid… and don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife. I am the Angel Gabriel. The baby Mary is carrying is the Son of God.

Joseph (still confused): Wow… are you a real angel? I’ve never seen a real angel before. So……. how did you get past my door? And the alarm? You know… my dog… my BIG dog, Sam?

Angel: I didn’t. I just walked through your wall.

Joseph: Well, why did you do that?

Angel: Because I CAN!

(Pause for laughter.)

Angel (serious again): So, Joseph, will you be the foster father of Jesus?

Joseph (hesitates): I need time to think!

Angel (clasping hands together, pleading dramatically with a big smile): PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!

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