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DramaShare Ministries

Just As I Am

Just As I Am

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This monologue explores the internal struggles of a lost individual reflecting on the famous Billy Graham altar calls. It highlights the power of prayer over advertising in drawing people to God. Through an emotional journey, the speaker realizes that prayer—not promotions—is what truly leads people to Christ.

Run-Time: 5 minutes

Cast: 1 actor

Props & Costuming:

  • Props: A Gideon Bible (optional)
  • Costume: Scruffy, threadbare clothing to reflect the character’s hardships

Biblical Reference:

  • Psalm 5:1-3 – “Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray…”
  • John 6:44 – "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them..."

Sample Script Excerpt:

Just As I Am – Monologue

Music: "Just As I Am" played on organ. One verse at moderately high volume prior to actor speaking, then softly in the background as actor speaks.

Actor: (Enters, visibly overwhelmed by the impact of the song.)
That song! I'm trying to remember! Let me think. Religious, as I recall.
(Hums the first line.)
Billy Graham! That's it! People coming down from the seats up high. Billy Graham is saying, "Come right now. Your friends will wait for you."
Friends, what friends? If I had friends then maybe I wouldn't be where I am today, lost and alone!

Look! More and more people are coming from all over the stadium. I wonder what brought these people to the crusade?
Advertising, I suppose. TV and radio commercials, full-page ads in all the newspapers. Yeh, that's it, advertising! All the Christians watch lots of TV, devour the newspapers.

But, wait! I heard that the crusade isn't really for Christians! It's for people like me, for people who are seeking, searching.
With where I'm at in life, I can't see myself responding to a commercial, inviting me to attend a crusade. Sure! Everyone who is hurting! Come out to the stadium to listen to Billy Graham.
No, that won't work for me!

Well, if not advertising, what then?
I just wish that those, those, Christians realized that what I really want, what I really need, is not so much to come to a crusade. I need to come to Him.
Advertising isn't going to get me to Him!

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