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Josiah Committed

Josiah Committed

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Josiah became king at age 8 after the assassination of his father, King Amon. He is best remembered for the time when his High Priest found an old scroll when renovating the temple. After hearing the contents of this scroll King Josiah became a believer and set out to rid the country of idols and idolatry.

May be used alone or as a compilation with scripts: “A Moment Of Salt” the story of Lot’s wife and “Steadfast To The End” which is the story of Stephen.

Note each of these individual scripts are made up of 5 separate segments. If used as a compilation you could have the three actors on stage together and each performing Segment 1, then Segment 2, etc.

Theme words: steadfast  unwavering unswerving resolute committed dedicated unfaltering persistent firm

Cast: 1 (monolog)

Bible Reference: 2 ings 22-23
Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 3

Sample of script:  

Josiah 1:
I was the boy king.
King Josiah.
I became king at age 8 after the assassination of my father, King Amon.
Being king of Judah is far more than simply being in charge of the laws of the land—more than setting out and enforcing expectations and responsibilities.
The king of Judah must also guide the spiritual focus of the land.
It is in this area that many kings of this land have failed.
My father certainly was deficient in this area... As was his father, Manasseh.
Manasseh, my grandfather, is remembered mainly for adapting the temple for idolatrous worship. At the time when I became king, I had neither the knowledge nor the experience to know if the worship of idols was a good or bad thing. I simply knew that my grandfather’s acts had placed idols above the worship of Yahweh.

One thing I saw as king was that the temple was in need of renovation, and so I ordered my high priest, Hilkiah, to do so.
In the process, Hilkiah discovered a scroll, many years old, described as “the Book of the Law of Yahweh by the hand of Moses.” It was said that this was the very same sacred writing which Joshua had received from Moses.
Having an interest in such artifacts, I requested my secretary to read for me from the Book of the Law.
Amazing truths I found within that book!
Instructions on how to live, how to act and interact, following the lead of Yahweh, said to be the only true God.
And the Book of the Law stated unequivocally that the worship of idols was an abomination, repugnant to the Lord God Yahweh.

Josiah 2:
Within the contents of the scroll were oft-mentioned predictions of how Yahweh would punish and even obliterate those countries who would succumb to idol worship. The severity of the calamities which would come to offenders was something not easily ignored.
The more I considered this and all the writings in The Book of the Law, the more I was convicted. One could not escape the truth, nor the consequences.

Josiah 3:
Needing more information, I contacted the prophetess Huldah. Her knowledge and grasp of the contents of the scroll were my final proof that this was indeed a warning not to be taken lightly.
She assured me that the punishments predicted were indeed inescapable for those who would ignore the law.
I was somewhat encouraged when the prophetess assured me I would be saved since I not only listened but was prepared to act.

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