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DramaShare Ministries

Is It The Real Thing

Is It The Real Thing

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Cast Number

Telling the real thing from the fake, what is faithful and true?

This monologue speaks of a young girl who gets a fake "Barbie", not the real thing. A Dad that buys a no-brand gadget, not the real thing. This book I see (the Bible), is that the real thing? How do you know for sure what is the real thing and what is an imitation?

What can be counted on to be faithful and true?

Cast:  1 monologue (m or f)

  • m or f child to late teen

Bible Reference: Proverbs 30:5

Set:      bare

Lighting:  tandard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song:     none

SFX:       none

Costumes:  standard


  • Barbie doll
  • large Bible

Special Instructions:   none

Time: 3

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage carrying Barbie doll

Just look at this doll!

I got it for my birthday a week ago.



One week!

Might as well throw it in the garbage!

You know, when I unwrapped it at my birthday party I was so excited!  Imagine, a “Simply Susan” Barbie doll!

Well, turns out you open up the package, you are in for a big surprise!

It’s not the real thing!

Feel sorry for my Gramma.  She bought it for me.  Told me, “Pam, I heard you talking about Simply Susan Barbie doll, minute I laid eyes it I had to have it for you!”

Poor Gramma!  She didn’t notice that on the label it said, “Simply Suzette Barbie Look-alike.”  Looks much the same from the outside, but open the package, it’s a cheap imitation, nothing but junk!

My little brother was saving up his money, wanted to buy a Hillman Extreme Racer Z38.  You got it, the one advertised on TV!  “The Hot Wheels classic of the year.”  “Powerful friction motor” they tell you.  Shows it going up big hills, flying through the air!

My brother goes to the store, buys this car of his dreams.  Gets it home, guess what?  Says on the box, Hillside Extreme Racer Z38.  Not Hillman, Hillside.  So what difference can a few little letters make?

My brother starts playing with it, tries out the “powerful friction motor”.  It is a dynamo all right, so long as it is going down hill!

Junk!  Another cheap imitation.

Gotta tell you, my Dad loves a bargain! 

I remember last fall, Mom was reminding him, for the gazillionth time actually, it’s time to replace the furnace filters before winter comes.  Now most people will go to the local hardware store, buy a furnace filter, right?  Not my Dad!  Super-Shopper goes on-line on the computer, finds these filters from the Isle of Masamopachimo I think it was, orders them in, brags how he saved $1.65 on each of the 78 filters he had to buy to get this deal.  Eventually the shipment comes in, Dad goes to install the filters, I ask him what the warning notice, “not exactly same as original equipment” means, Dad says, “Don’t worry about it, these little puppies gonna do just great!”

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