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DramaShare Ministries

Inconvenient Servanthood

Inconvenient Servanthood

Regular price $12.00 USD
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This drama explores the contrast between two perspectives on serving others. One character views acts of service as inconvenient burdens, while the other sees them as opportunities to serve Christ. Through their parallel monologues, the audience witnesses how attitude shapes the experience of helping others. The drama emphasizes the Christian calling to serve selflessly and concludes with a powerful reminder from scripture about serving "the least of these."

Run-time: Approximately 10-12 minutes

Cast: 2 actors (male or female, any age)

Set: No specific set required

Sound: Lapel microphones for both actors (if available)


  • Actor 1: Dressed in fancy or expensive clothing
  • Actor 2: Dressed in casual, everyday attire (jeans and a t-shirt)


  • Ideal: Stationary spotlights on each actor
  • Alternative: Standard stage lighting

Performance Style:
The play is performed in a “split-screen” format, with each actor positioned at opposite ends of the stage, speaking to the audience as if unaware of the other. Through their contrasting attitudes, the drama highlights the true heart of servanthood.

Sample of script:

(Lights slowly come up before actors enter.)

(Actor 1 enters from stage left and takes position. At the same time, Actor 2 enters from stage right and takes position.)

Actor 1 (tired, wiping his brow):
What a day! I’m beat! I don’t think my feet have ever been this sore before!

Actor 2 (panting, smiling):
Whew! What a day! I don’t think I’ve ever met so many new people in one day before!

Actor 1 (looking to audience):
I can’t believe all the stuff I had to do today! And you know what? I still have more stuff to do!

Actor 2:
I can’t believe all the things I got to do today! I feel like I just got started on what really needs to be done!

Actor 1:
Let me tell you what kept me away from my work!

Actor 2:
I’d love to share with you all the cool things God allowed me to do today! Always full of surprises!

Actor 1 (complaining):
First of all, I got a phone call at 8:00 this morning – 8:00 on a Saturday morning! You can just guess what I told the guy on the other end of the phone!

Actor 2:
There I was, sleeping, when all of a sudden, the phone rang. It was Pastor Ken from church—he was looking for a few people to come and help him with a few things.

Actor 1 (irritable):
My luck! It was Pastor Ken from the church wanting some volunteers to help out with some stuff.

Actor 2 (excited):
What an answer to prayer! I was just praying that week that God would show me where I can help others more!

Actor 1:
What a headache! Didn’t Pastor Ken realize I was in school all week and this was Saturday? Saturday! I don’t deserve to have to run around after some strangers and help them with every picky thing!

Actor 2:
What a privilege it would be to help some people in our community. This would be the perfect time to get to know them and invite them to a church service!

Actor 1 (leaning toward the audience):
I don’t know why, but for some strange reason, I told Pastor Ken I would help out. I really should have said no, because I already did some good stuff last week when I helped Mom carry in the groceries from the car. I do that every now and then because it makes me look like such a good kid!

Actor 2:
I didn’t have to think about it for a second—I told Pastor Ken I would be happy to help out with this! After all, this is our job as Christians—we should be focused on serving and helping others.

Actor 1:
So then I told Pastor Ken to pick me up around noon, that way I would have time for my shower and breakfast. Also, I wanted to catch the new episode of my favorite show. I couldn’t miss it! After all, I have to be good to myself!

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