DramaShare Ministries
I Surrender All
I Surrender All
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Ananias and Sapphira's lives help us look at areas in our lives.
What changes do we need to make to conform to God’s will for our lives? The drama gives different examples of instances where we try to “hide stuff" from others and from God.
Optionally, the hard-hitting song “Surrender All” is interweaved, presenting the “concept,” and the song’s individual verse gives the congregation an opportunity to reflect on areas in their lives.
Cast: 3 m or f
- Actor 1 hides finances, holds check book
- Actor 2 hides need for recognition, holds large name tag and large Bible
- Actor 3 hides secret addictions, holds rolled up magazine
Bible Reference: Matthew 5:14
Set: standard
Sound: wireless mics if available
- Optional, the song, “Surrender All” may be found online
Lighting: standard
SFX: none
- check book, large name tag, large Bible, rolled up magazine
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions:
- Three actors are seated separately in different parts of the congregation, hiding that they are anything other than just part of congregation. At the appropriate time the actor stands, moves down the aisle, ending up at the front.
- approximately 3 minutes for each monolog, total 9 minutes (plus song)
Time: 9
Sample of script:
(Actor 1 stands, moves to the aisle.)
Actor 1 (very outgoing):
What I have . .
All that I have . . .
It’s all yours, Lord!
All! Everything! Yours!
Use it, Lord . . .
Use me, Lord!
Use it all to your glory, Jesus!
It’s all yours!
(Holds up checkbook.)
All yours!
(Actor stops, hesitates, becoming more hesitant and secretive.)
Actor 1 (hesitant):
Well, not . . . all . . . all! . . As in . . all . . .
I mean, . . no one gives like . . all . . .
I mean, . . first there are the expenses . .
Lord, I know you expect expenses to come off the top . . .
Man! . .
Cost of living going through the roof . . . taxes . . . you name it!
And my daughter Chelsea needs braces. . .
I swear, if you looked in her mouth, you’d say she was born in a windstorm—her teeth are that crooked!
And a man’s (woman’s) first duty is to family . . .
Like the good book says, “Charity begins at home.”
(Thinks, frowns.)
I think that was in the Bible . . . Ephesians, likely . . .
Lots of great stuff in Ephesians, for sure! . .
Or was that in Focus on the Family?
No matter . . . for sure, family needs are super important!
(Has a new thought.)
And my time . . .
Lord, you just go ahead . . . point out things that need to be done around the church . . .
You know I am the first in line to volunteer—whatever the task!
Just not Tuesdays, OK? . .
Tuesday is my lodge meeting, and you know full well, Lord, that is my outreach to the unsaved.
And not carpentry work—that’s just not my thing.
Or visitation—I am not into visiting. . .
Well, fact is, visiting is simply not my gift . . .
Especially hospital visitation—that for sure just creeps me out!
But other than those few things . . .
Money for expenses . . . and Tuesdays . . . and carpentry . . . and visiting . . .
(Pauses, then remembers.)
Oh! And did I mention I am not into outreach? . . .
I admire those whose gift is sharing their faith, but, hey, that’s just not me, right?
I like that part in the Bible where it says . . .
“Go into your closet and praise the Lord your God in private.”
I believe that’s in Ephesians as well . . .
Hey, but like I say . . . you need it done, Lord . . . you need some bucks . . .
You know where I live!
(Actor starts to walk off stage, then turns back.)
Actor 1:
Oh, and I am no good at teaching, so much as I would like to . . .
count me out for teaching Sunday School . . .
And my singing voice is awesome . . .
But, Lord, I am your man (woman)!
(Actor 1 exits offstage.)
(Song: "I Surrender All" – first verse and chorus.)
(Actor 2 stands, moves to the aisle.)
Actor 2:
Nice size congregation here today . . . Praise the Lord!
Reminds me—I gotta go greet the folks as they leave worship . . .
Making visitors feel welcome in their church experience is super important!
(Worried look.)
Where did I put my name tag? . . .
(Searches pockets, pulls out an oversized name tag.)
Oh, thank goodness—here it is!
I had me this big name tag printed up—my name in bold colors, big letters . . .
It’s super important that folks have a name to put with their church experience!
Guess you could say I am the unofficial point man (woman) for the church here.
Enormous job that . . . but crucial.
Pastor suggested I round up a few others in the church to help—spread the work around, free me up a bit . . .
I thought about it . . .
For the life of me, I couldn’t think of anyone who could do the job.
It’s not as easy as it might appear, you know . . .
Being in the right place at the right time . . .
Visible and available . . .
That’s where my name tag comes in handy . . .
(Admires name tag.)
And my big old Bible.
(Holds up Bible, admires it.)
Pure leather-bound!
Words of Jesus in red lettering!
Seven different versions, including King James!
Kinda heavy to carry around . . .
Print is kinda small and hard to read . . .
But the way I see it—this Bible’s not a "for reading" kinda Bible.
More of a “for seeing” kinda Bible.
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