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DramaShare Ministries

How Deep The Father's Love

How Deep The Father's Love

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Cast Number

Prodigal Son parable in a contemporized manner.

A son returns home to find that the father has died. But the “other brother” welcomes the prodigal home and explains all that the father has done in preparing for the prodigal’s return.

We wrote this script for Lynne Marie Prock in California, who said: "This is awesome!!!!  I really appreciate the time and trouble you took to write this.  You are extremely gifted.  This is exactly what we wanted!!!!  I know lives will be touched by this drama."

Cast:  2 m age 20+

Bible Reference:  Luke 15:11-32

Set:  bare

Lighting: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX:  none

Costumes:  standard

Props:  none

Special Instructions:   none

Time: 8

Sample of script:    


(Phil is seated at a table or desk on stage, going over papers. He yawns, tired, rubbing his eyes. After a few seconds, there is a knock on the door.)

(Without looking up) Come in.

(There is no movement.)

(Louder) Door’s open—come in.

(Johnnie very slowly steps onto the stage. Phil sees him and immediately jumps to his feet, excited.)

(Overwhelmed) Johnnie! … Dad was right—you did come home!

(Hesitant, turns to leave) I… I shouldn’t have come… I…

(Urgently) No, Johnnie! You are home—this is where you should be. It’s what Dad wanted… what Dad… wants… Please… stay!

(Voice breaking) I was too late… I… am too late… Dad’s…

(Softly) I’m sorry you missed the funeral, Johnnie… It was… a kind of… celebration.

(Angry tears fall) I was on my way home when I heard that he was… that Dad had… died.

(Frustrated, pained) And just like everything I’ve ever done in my whole life, I… screwed up… I was too late!

(Turns away) Look, it’s no use. I gotta go—I gotta get outta here… I should’ve never come back… I should…

(Johnnie turns to leave, but Phil grabs him. Johnnie sobs in his arms.)

(Gently) Don’t go, Johnnie… You are home… where you belong… where you’ve always belonged.

(Pulls away, angry) Maybe you’ve forgotten, Phil! … When I left here two years ago, I demanded that Dad pay me out with my share of the business. I said some sick things… I don’t belong here!

(Firmly) Your name is Johnnie Williams… and this is the Williams home… and this town is home to Williams Enterprises—the family business. So whether you like it or not, you are back home, Johnnie! This home is your home, and the business is your business too.

(Shakes head) You aren’t listening! … Dad paid me out—he gave me the value of my share of the business. And I blew every penny of that money on a two-year binge, dishonoring my father… with drugs, alcohol, and crap you don’t even want to think of!

(Frustrated, gestures wildly) So don’t say any of this is mine. It’s not!

(Phil sorts through the papers on the desk, finds a few pages, and hands them to Johnnie.)

(Calmly) That’s not what Dad’s will says. (Flips pages, reading aloud) Says here you and me are partners in Williams Enterprises, Johnnie.

(Shouting, distressed) Noooooooo! … This can’t be! … This is stupid! … I got my share! I don’t deserve anything! I deserve to be kicked out of here and—

(Cutting in, steady) Well, Johnnie, you remember what Dad always said… in this life, people don’t always get what they deserve.

(Shakes head, struggling to process) Why would Dad do this? … It makes zero sense! … And what do you think of this, Phil? … You were the one who stayed home and ran the business—all of the business should be yours!

(Holding out the will) Check out the will… That’s not what Dad wanted.

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