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DramaShare Ministries

Honor Your Parents

Honor Your Parents

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Relationships in the family can be the basis for life, negative or positive. Unfortunately many children grow up in family situations which are less than promising in teaching the positive values important to generate responsible parenting in generations to come. Parents need to "parent" in a manner which will create living examples to be mirrored in the lives of their children.

Children deserve to be in homes where parents always attempt to project the love and care exemplified in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Parents "attempting" to live up to the high example of God do not always achieve such lofty standards. But, win or lose, parents deserve the love and respect of their children.

This script was written by Alex Read, 12 year grandson of DramaShare founder, John Alexander, making Alex the 3rd generation writer in the family.

Cast: 2
Zack,11, Cody’s friend
Cody,11, friendly boy

Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes: standard

Props: cookies and a cookie jar

Bible reference: Exodus 20:12

Time: 3-4


(Cody stands near the entrance, excited as Zack steps in.)

Come on in, Zack! I know Mom was baking chocolate chip cookies this morning. Would you like one?

Well... are you sure your mom won’t be mad at you?

Mad? ... Why would Mom be mad about having a cookie?

Well, my mom has a fit if I eat up all the cookies.

Who said we were going to eat up all the cookies? Mom wants me to have a treat—a cookie and a glass of milk—when I get home from school.

So you can’t eat all the cookies either?

Well, why would I? It’s a treat, not a time to pig out.

(Shrugs) Just like I thought—all parents have dumb rules!

How do you figure? What’s dumb about respecting your parents?

“Respecting parents”? ... “Cookies”? ... What’s respecting parents got to do with cookies? Respect is about the big junk in life.

Respect is about everything we do. No matter whether it’s big junk or little junk, respect is respect. And parents deserve respect from their children.

Why should they get respect? They don’t ever respect us!

No way! My parents respect me, same as I respect them.

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