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Holding Pattern Experience

Holding Pattern Experience

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A sermon or Bible study with discussion suggestions speaks of “holding pattern” experiences.

We are not the first or the last to go through "holding patterns"  where God seemingly doesn’t listen to our prayers. . . . Want a "for instance?" . . . What about Jonah who needed a "fish ride?"

Cast: 1

(sermon or Bible study)

Bible Reference:

Jonah 1:6 - 2:10

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 20

Sample of script:

On an early Monday morning I left home to fly to Toronto.  A gorgeous morning, the sun was shining, the birds singing, I guess you could say that everything was right in my life.  I had a mid-afternoon appointment in Toronto, and therefore my schedule was tight, but I had made the decision to leave home on Monday morning rather than on Sunday night, rationalizing that it wasn’t worthwhile to incur the extra expense of an extra day of hotel and meal costs.  Since I was flying from west to east, it meant that I was crossing two time zones, and actually losing two hours in transit.  So the connections would definitely be tight.

I should have known that things were starting off badly when the taxi arrived at my house twenty minutes late.  But the very accommodating taxi driver assured me we would make it in lots of time, and so we did.

Arriving at the airport, the first thing I noticed was the long line-up at airport security.  Immediately I became annoyed with how inept were these security people.  Why could they not more quickly do this very elementary job of checking for guns, explosives, blunt instruments and chemicals.  I mean, it’s not exactly nuclear science!

A woman in the line-up ahead was causing problems as the scanner detected something that required additional screening.  Man!  What gives with these travellers?  Don’t they know what you can or can not have in your luggage?

Worried, I checked the time, this was going to be close!  I wonder if they hold these flights if people have not had time to go through screening?  They had better; after all it is their fault for not having a sufficient number of properly trained personnel to handle this mundane task.

This incredible nuisance!  All because of 9/11 terrorist activity long ago in another country at the other side of the continent!  (fake worry)  Oh, yeh, better be careful here!  The airport at our little city of will likely be struck by terrorists!  Yeh, right!  Terrorists wouldn’t even be able to pronounce the name of our city, much less find it.

At the speed of an aged snail, the line-up inched it’s way forward until finally it was my turn to go through screening.

What’s this you are asking me?

That instrument in my briefcase?

Scissors, what does it look like?

I am not allowed to carry scissors?

Look closely at them ma’am!  They are made of  . . . plastic!  Those scissors have round ends and consider the process of cutting lightweight paper as Mission Impossible!  Oh, yeh, watch out for him!  He is armed and dangerous, carrying  . .  plastic scissors!

Oh man, forget it!  Throw the scissors in the garbage, lets move on with life, I have a plane to catch!

Yes, yes that is my laptop computer.  It has my name on it, doesn’t it?

Start it up?

Is that really necessary?

Oh, fine, here then!

Oh, great, I forgot to plug it in last night, the battery is dead!  Sorry, I can’t do it, but you can see it is obviously a brand new Dell computer.

Plug it in and start it?

Don’t you guys have anything better to do?

And you, back there in the line-up, just settle down, it’s not my fault, OK?

OK, fine, it’s plugged in!  There it’s booting up.


Shut it off now?

Do you realize it has to go through it’s cycle or it can wreck the computer?

Come on computer, takes an hour to boot up and shut down, seems like!

Ridiculous, you ask me!

Do you see the time?

OK, finally, all packed up, now then, I need to run to, let’s see, Gate A7, where’s that?  Oh yeh, over there, down the . . .  . .

What’s that?  Is this my wallet and ticket?

Yes, of course you know its my wallet and ticket, you forced me to empty my pockets and put everything in that dumb little tray to go through the scanner!  Ridiculous if you ask me!  Do you realize how easy it would be for someone to steal wallets left on the tables at screening?

Yes, I guess there are security cameras but . . .  what’s that?  I have only five minutes to get to my gate?  Ohhhhh mannnnnnnn!

Finally!  The gate!

My what?

My ticket?

Now where did I put it?

What’s that?

Oh, yes, you’re right, I guess it is, like, in my hand.

Whewwwwwww!  Now just to settle down . . .  yes, yes, a newspaper would be nice.

Look at the time!  We are going to be late taking off!  Don’t they realize that not all of us on this plane are on our way to some fool tropical paradise or simply visiting Aunt Liz!  This is business, now get on with it!

What’s that?  Some passengers are late going through screening?  Now whose fault is that?  By waiting for them you make me miss an essential business appointment!

Well, OK, everyone on board, so let’s get with it!

Hellllloooo!  Pilots!  The doors are closed!  Now what’s the delay? . . . Fine, but do they need to do a check on every last system on the entire plane?  My guess is they did the same checks before they left the last airport; so what’s to go wrong in a 45 minute flight?

Well, at last airborne!

Pardon?  Do I want breakfast?  . . . .  A strawberry bagel and coffee?  . . . . I will force myself to pass, but thanks. . . . I will be able to have the lunch later on ..  . cheese and lettuce sandwich? . . . I really am not that hungry, but, again, thanks.

Well, here we go, at least I will get some time to read my presentation on the flight.

Let’s see, “Carter versus ANL Resources”.

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