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DramaShare Ministries

Hiding the Light

Hiding the Light

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Cast Number

A monologue about a woman who is enjoying her brand new pride and joy house, and this home is the absolute number one achievement of her whole entire life, everything is perfect. . . . Oh, and did I tell you, she wants everything about the house to be hidden, entirely unseen by anyone.

It is a humorous look at how we deal with showing off God’s presence in our lives to those around us.

Cast: 1 f (monolog)

Set, lighting, sound, costume: standard

Props: duster, small “penlight” flashlight

Bible Reference: Matthew 5:14-15

Time: 5

  • duster, small “penlight” flashlight

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

Script Sample

(Actor is busy dusting, tidying up her house, humming cheerfully.)

(Humming) La la la la la la...
(Frowns, leans in to inspect an invisible piece of furniture, then pulls out a penlight and shines it on the spot.)

Oh my, is that dust? I must have missed it!
Mustn’t have that, must we? Tut tut! That would never do!

(Looks around with a big, proud smile.)

This, after all, is my dream home!
I just can’t believe it... we finally have our perfect home—everything we’ve dreamed of, and more!

All those years of planning, dreaming... not to mention the saving up so we could afford this mansion!

Wow! But it was all worth it... now that it has finally happened!

(Pauses, suddenly “hears” something and frowns.)

The doorbell?
Wonder who that could be? I wasn’t expecting anyone...

(Beat. Thinks for a moment.)

Maybe if I’m just real quiet, they’ll go away...

(“Hears” the doorbell again. Frowns, annoyed.)

There it is again!
Whoever it is, they sure are persistent, I tell ya!

(Pauses, puzzled.)

No idea how anyone knows we’re home... I came in before daybreak, was careful not to turn any lights on... I even dragged a tree branch behind me to cover my tracks so no one would know I was here.

(“Hears” something again. Frowns deeply.)

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