DramaShare Ministries
Hey You're Good
Hey You're Good
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A group of people show (very unclearly) that they are practicing in order to be good at what they do. Contrast this with celebrating God's goodness to us.
Acknowledging and Celebrating God’s Goodness in Our Lives
Keywords: Goodness, Blessing
Cast: 5 actors, any age or sex
Set, Props, Costumes, Light and Sound: All standard
(1 enters stage, noticing 2.)
1: What’s this, 2, you gone into fencing? You are very good!
2: Fencing? No, what makes you think I’m into fencing?
1: Well, the (mimes fencing) parry and thrust thingie kinda clued me in.
2: You thought I was fencing? No, no, just practicing my footwork, I’m going dancing tonight.
1: Dancing? Those are dance moves?
2: Yep, see... (mimes fencing, hums along) da dum da da da da dum. Nice slow waltz.
1: Well, it looks a lot more like fencing to me.
2: Do I strike you as the type to go out for fencing?
1: Well, likely more the fencing type than the dancing type. Your two left feet seem like they would be a prime giveaway.
2: Now, that’s not nice! Why, I mean...
(3 & 4 enter stage, miming rowing a boat.)
2: Wow, you guys are good!
3: Well, we have been practicing soccer skills for a long time, and, like you say, it shows.
4: 3 is especially good at heading the ball.
1: What are you talking about, soccer? You guys are rowing a boat.
4: I don’t think so! Soccer, that’s our game.
3: Besides, I get seasick in a bathtub.
2: But that’s not the way you play soccer, you use your feet, not your hands when playing soccer.
4: Your feet? You mean like when we (mimes rowing), like this... that’s not right for soccer?
3: And I have to get used to using my feet?
1: ‘Fraid so.
3: That’s a bummer.
2: Well, if you want to be good, that’s what you’ve gotta do.
4: Well, we do want to be good.
2: Something tells me that none of us are all that good at what we are trying to do. Guess we have to work a lot harder to show people our goodness at our activity.
1: Makes sense. No one can show goodness without a lot of practice.
3: Well, what about God? Isn’t He always good?
4: Well, maybe I guess God is always good, but what has that got to do with anything?
3: Well, just thinking... God’s goodness never ends, we can always count on Him for our many blessings.
1: He is always there, blessing us, isn’t He?
2: Isn’t it awesome? Every time, no matter what, He is always providing His blessings.
4: You know, we just finished our stewardship campaign, and I remember thinking at the beginning, wow, we will never make it. But we did.
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