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DramaShare Ministries

He's Here Too

He's Here Too

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Cast Number

We have fears and concerns when we are alone, that's natural.

Problem is we can get over-the-top and listen to the wrong people's advice. Even though we are alone, God is always with us.  Through all adversity, God is everywhere and will look after you. Even a king like David needed care when he hid from King Saul, God was there, cared for him and confronted him.

Cast: 4

  • Gary, he's the guy being advised
  • Cindy, advisor
  • Stan, another advisor
  • Florence, you guessed it, another advisor

Bible Reference: Psalm73: 23

Set: bare

Lighting: standard

Sound:  wireless mics if available

Song: none

SFX: none

Costumes: standard

Props: none really needed as they can be mimed

Special Instructions: none

Time: 12

Sample of script:

(Gary enters stage, stands at center stage, looks at his watch, looks around. Cindy enters stage, sees Gary, crosses to him.)

Cindy: Hey, Gary! What’s up?

Gary: Oh, hi, uh, uh. (Embarrassed) I’m sorry, but I can’t remember your name. I know you are from school, but I just can’t think of your name.

(Cindy smiles.)

Cindy: That’s okay! Everyone has been the new one on the street at some time! My name’s Cindy.

Gary: Right, right! Sorry! I was just going to catch the bus. I thought I would see what a Saturday afternoon was like downtown!

(Cindy looks quite concerned.)

Cindy: That’s great, uh, Gary. I mean, if you really feel you are ready for such a big step!

Gary: Big step? What do you mean?

Cindy: Well, I mean that taking the bus isn’t as easy as it looks! Are you going alone?

Gary: Of course, I’m going alone! I’ve taken the bus by myself hundreds . . . no, wait . . . thousands of times!

Cindy: Well, that was back in the city where you used to live. This is a much bigger city, and there are a lot more buses to get mixed up! Don’t you think this is a little soon to be taking a bus on your own?

(Gary thinks for a moment.)

Gary: Well, I guess I never really thought about it like that before. I mean, I have the bus schedule, and I do have extra money in case I really get lost and need to take a cab home. But maybe I shouldn’t do this all alone.

Cindy: Well, of course, the decision is up to you. But I sure wouldn’t want to be all alone in a strange place, that’s for sure. At the very least, I suggest you wear this hard hat.

Gary: You are joking, right? I mean, you don’t honestly suggest that I should wear a hard hat while riding the bus, do you?

Cindy: Fine, suit yourself. Just don’t come walking over to my house with two broken legs.

(Cindy exits stage left, leaving Gary thinking.)

Gary: Maybe she’s right. Maybe I shouldn’t try and take the bus by myself while I am still so new to the area. Well, I guess I will just walk. And just in case, I’m gonna maybe wear this hard hat.

(Gary turns to stage left and then back to stage right, as if to indicate he is walking a distance. Stan approaches Gary from stage right.)

Stan: Hey, you! Hey, buddy! What in the world do you think you are doing?

(Gary looks around to see if Stan may be speaking to someone else.)

Gary: Who, me?

Stan: Yeah, you! Get over here! What were you thinking?

Gary: Do I know you?

Stan: Obviously not! The name’s Stan. Stan Schmidt.

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