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DramaShare Ministries

Here O My Lord

Here O My Lord

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Cast Number

Eucharist, celebration of communion, elements: bread, cup.

DramaShare wrote and performed this script for a denominational gathering of youth and young adults in Colorado.

The Eucharist is celebrated in many churches but mostly not completely understood. Works well with all age groups late teens and up.

Cast: 4+ m or f

  • 3 actors
  • 1 or more singers
  • several people who partake of the elements when passed around

Bible Reference: Matthew 26:6-28

Set: bare

Sound: wireless mics if available


Lighting: spot(s)

SFX: none


  • large loaf of bread
  • communion elements of bread and cup

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions:

  • Crowd come on stage, animated but silent, after a moment actors and singers come on stage. Ensure that the entrance of singers and actors doesn’t look as a group coming on stage, but as individuals showing up. Crowd mimes a communion scene as bread and cup are passed around, very briefly. Just prior to actors speaking the crowd will freeze, and remain in this position throughout drama.

Time: 15

Sample of script:

1: The old crowd showing up for church. These are my friends, I’ve known them forever! Never see me missing from church!

2: I’ve just become a Christian! It’s so exciting! Well, for me it’s exciting anyhow. Strange how some of the Christians I meet, ones who have known the Lord for years, they don’t seem very excited about Him.

3: My mountaintop experience has been crushed by an avalanche! Seems I’ve gone from a close relationship with someone I thought to be the Lord of all life, to the point where I question how I could have ever believed in anything so abstract. See these people showing up for church, I wonder how many, just like me, are questioning their faith?

actors freeze, singer(s) come to life


Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face;
Here would I touch and handle things unseen;
Here grasp with firmer hand eternal grace,
And all my weariness upon Thee lean.

singers freeze, actors come to life

1: Celebrating the Eucharist. Communion. Just one of the things we observe in the church. Quite often, actually.

2: Wow! Being a part of the celebration of God’s presence.

3: One of the many rituals of the church.

actors freeze, singers come to life

Here would I feed upon the bread of God,
Here drink with Thee the royal wine of heaven;
Here would I lay aside each earthly load,
Here taste afresh the calm of sin forgiven

singers freeze, actors come to life

1: Sharing the bread and the cup. It’s done to, . . . well, we do it because it’s, . . important. Always has been.

2: Such a symbol of the presence of God in our midst, His forgiveness, His calming power in every area of our lives.

3: Tugs at your heartstrings, but, really, just another one of the meaningless traditions of the church.

actors freeze, singers come to life

This is the hour of banquet and of song;
This is the heavenly table spread for me;
Here let me feast, and feasting, still prolong
The hallowed hour of fellowship with Thee.

singers freeze, actors come to life

1: I’m a Christian. I would never miss Eucharist. Of course not! It’s just a thing us Christians do.

2: Fellowship with the Lord of all creation!

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