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DramaShare Ministries

He Set Me Free

He Set Me Free

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Cast Number

The Chains of False Promises

The promises of Satan are false and hollow, leading to a life chained to failure and defeat. In this drama, Satan offers all the “good things in life” but only delivers despair.

However, Jesus offers freedom from these chains—a symbolic drama with a powerful message.


  • Devildressed in black
  • Jesusdressed in white
  • Mandressed in green

Sample of Script

(Scene opens. Man enters, walking back and forth, looking for something.)

(Devil comes on stage, smirking, eyes locked on Man, approaches slowly.)

"What are you looking for?"


"Well, now, it just so happens that I know where you can get that..."

Man: (eagerly)
"Really? Please, tell me—where? Where do I find happiness? I must have it, now!"

Devil: (teasing, holding Man back)
"Wait, wait, not so fast! First, you need some things...
If you want to make something of your life, you must first be famous!
Yes, yes! And you must be rich!
And, where would you be without power? You must be powerful!
And don’t forget—you must be smart and cunning!"

(Man listens eagerly, nodding.)

"Yes! Fame, riches, power, and wisdom! I want them all—now!"

"Wait, wait! There is more—much more!
To obtain these things, you must have degrees from the most prestigious educational facilities.

And don’t forget—MONEY!
Yes, yes, yes, you need lots and lots of money!

You, of course, will have to work hard—very, very hard!

You must never forget that you—and you alone—can achieve all these things.
Don’t let anyone tell you that happiness comes from any source outside yourself!
You alone can give happiness to your life...
You alone have control over your own destiny...
You must believe that whatever you want in life is available to you, and know that you alone can achieve it!"

"Yes, yes! I want it! I must have these things!
Without them, I can never be happy! And I must have happiness!"

Devil: (grinning)
"So, tell me then—what must you do?"

"I will go to all the best colleges and earn prestigious degrees.
I will need a great deal of money.
Nothing shall stop me! This shall be mine!"

"Very, very good! Now, tell me—why do you need all these things?"

"I need these things because I must be famous and powerful...
so that I can be... someone."

Devil: (smirking)
"And indeed, someone you shall be! That is your right!
And my good fellow—I have something very important to help you every step of the way!"

(Devil hands Man the end of a chain.)

"This chain shall ensure your success.
Now then, hold tight to this—never, never let go!

You must always believe in yourself, for it will take only you—and this chain—to keep success with you, forever!"

(Devil paces, circling Man, then turns back toward him.)

"Now then, this shall be your new Creed in Life. Repeat after me:"

Devil & Man: (chanting together)
"Money is all that matters in life.
Fame is all that matters in life.
Power is all that matters in life.
Status is all that matters in life.
I am all that matters in life—no other one, and no other thing matters in life.
I shall triumph over all things, for I am supreme!"

(Devil circles around Man, winding the chain around him.)

"Remember, you must always believe in your Creed in Life!"

(Man, at first speaking normally, begins to get louder and louder.)

"I believe it!
I believe it!
I believe it!"

(Lights fade to black as Man continues chanting...)

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