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DramaShare Ministries

He Is Mine

He Is Mine

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Cast Number


Breaking the Bondage: A Power of Prayer Mime Drama

A youth hooked on drugs turns his back on family and friends, but through prayer, it is proven that God can break the bondage, illustrating the power of prayer.


  • 12 mimes
  • Jesus (dressed in white)
  • 2 Friends (dressed in black)
  • All others (in neutral colors)

Estimated Runtime

Since mime performances rely on movement and pacing, timing can vary depending on how long each action takes. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Opening Scene (Son & Friends, Parents Enter) – 1.5 - 2 minutes
  2. Parents Plead & Friends Resist – 1.5 minutes
  3. Parents Pray, Worshippers Join – 1.5 - 2 minutes
  4. Son Hesitates, Friends Pull Him Back – 1.5 minutes
  5. Pastor Joins, Appeals to Son – 2 minutes
  6. Pastor Calls for Jesus, Jesus Arrives – 1.5 minutes
  7. Jesus Lifts Parents, Confronts Friends – 2 minutes

Total Estimated Runtime:

10 - 12 minutes

  • If movements are slow and dramatic, the piece could stretch to 15 minutes.
  • If actions flow quickly, it could be closer to 10 minutes.

Sample of Script

(Scene opens.)

  • Son and two Friends are laughing, obviously stoned on drugs.
  • Parents enter, see Son, and begin crying. They try to convince him to leave with them.
  • Friends laugh at the Parents, mocking them.
  • Son looks at Parents, as if wanting to go with them, but Friends take his arms, urge him to stay, and give him more drugs. Son moves to the side of the stage with them.

(Parents hold each other, still in tears. They kneel and begin to pray.)

  • Five Worshippers come on stage, see Parents, and kneel in a circle around them, praying.
  • Son glances toward Parents and Worshippers, takes a couple of hesitant steps forward, but Friends hold him back again and give him more drugs.
  • Son returns to Friends.

(Parents and Worshippers continue looking upward, praying earnestly.)

  • Pastor enters and joins Parents on stage.
  • Parents point toward Son.
  • Pastor walks to Son, urging him to come to his Parents.
  • Son takes a few steps toward them, but Friends give him more drugs.
  • Pastor, upset, returns to Parents.

(Pastor signals to all to invite Jesus—using hand movements to show invitation. They all pray earnestly.)

  • Jesus enters, dressed in white.
  • Jesus approaches Parents, lifts them up, and embraces them.
  • With a sorrowful expression, Jesus moves toward Son.
  • Jesus touches Son’s shoulder and begins to guide him toward his Parents.
  • Friends try to hold Son back.
  • Jesus turns quickly toward Friends and stamps his foot hard on the floor. (If this does not make enough noise, use a drum sound or sound effect.)

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