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DramaShare Ministries

Hate Sin Love Sinner

Hate Sin Love Sinner

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Cast Number

Hate the sin, love the sinner.

That’s what we are called to do, right?
A man and a woman at bus stop see a woman in short skirt walk by. The reaction displays humanness.

Cast: 2

  • Man, likely 30-40’s
  • Woman, likely 30-40’s

Bible Reference: Romans 12:9

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • BUS STOP sign


  • woman dressed standard
  • man dressed in nice clothes but colors don't quite match

Special Instructions:

Very important: when unseen person "walks by" the two actors, director must coordinate "the seeing" where the unseen person comes onstage, move their eyes and heads as unseen person "moves" across the stage to offstage on opposite side. In rehearsal practice the reality and timing of this happening by having a real person cross the stage, do not rush this happening as this is the prime occasion of visual conflict in the drama.

Time: 5

Sample of Script

(A woman stands on stage in front of a bus stop sign. She checks her watch, rolls her eyes.)

(A man enters the stage and stands beside the woman.)

Man:        Good morning . . . nice morning.

(The woman looks the man up and down, gives a small smile, then looks away. Both actors mime looking at an unseen person who approaches and then walks away. The man smiles, while the woman rolls her eyes and shakes her head, unimpressed.)

Woman:      It is so hard to believe how some people will dress!

(The man looks around, confused, trying to see someone.)

Man:        Excuse me?

Woman:      Some people must never look in the mirror before they go out in public!

(The man looks around again, thinks for a moment, then looks down at himself, suddenly embarrassed.)

Man:        Sorry, I guess these colors don’t go together real well, do they? . . . My wife always reminds me to watch mixing different colors.

Woman:      No, it’s not you . . . (looks the man up and down) . . . although I can see your wife’s concern. . . . But I was referring to the . . . woman . . . who just walked past.

(The man looks around, still confused.)

Man:        Woman?

Woman:      Well, you could hardly miss her!

(The man looks around more thoroughly, still confused.)

Man:        Guess I must have . . . missed her . . . I guess.

Woman:      Not sure how you could have missed that performance! How some women can go out in public with a skirt that short is beyond me!

(The man looks around again, still trying to understand.)

Man:        Short skirt?

Woman:      Well, can you see yourself going out in public wearing a skirt that short?

Man:        Actually, men in my family are more jeans or shorts type of guys . . . Although, I am of Scottish ancestry, and some in my family have been known to wear a kilt at times.

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