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Harold The Angel Expanded

Harold The Angel Expanded

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Harold the angel in training is looking for a job where he can serve mankind. And he will take anything . .  well, anything except singing in the heavenly choir that is. His buddy, the angel Gabriel, agrees to help find Harold a place in which to serve and the result is, well, not what Harold had expected.

An easily staged five-scene drama plus an optional opening scene with little children singing carols

Cast: 20+ m or f

  • Harold: A boy angel could be age 10-18.
  • Gabriel: The archangel
  • Harold friend and mentor. Man probably 20-30
  • Choir Director: The heavenly choir director. Older man.
  • Jesus: Silhouette - and Voice.
  • Messenger: Any age male or female, to make heavenly announcements.
  • God: Depicted by glowing light behind screen. Booming deep voice
  • Host of Heaven Choir: As many as available, (singing only).
  • Shepherds: As many as available
  • Mary: Young woman
  • Joseph: Young man
  • Baby Jesus: A wrapped doll will do
  • Jr. Choir Director and small children’s choir
  • Husband
  • Wife
  • Woman #1
  • Woman #2
  • Woman #3
  • If children or youth available use for shepherds, angels, and choir

Bible Reference: Luke 2:8-14


  • All scenes are in heaven, therefore blank set, some backdrops if available

Sound: wireless mics if available


  • Hark the Herald Angels Sing
  • Away in the Manger
  • While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks By Night
  • Emanuel

Lighting: as available, spotlight

SFX: trumpet sound


  • Risers for Choir,
  • Panel or curtain for Silhouettes,
  • Sword for Gabriel,
  • Scroll for messenger,
  • trumpet or horn,
  • Medallion,
  • Card board sheep
  • manger scene.


  • likely traditional

Special Instructions: none

Time: 55

Sample of script:


(Small children stand on risers, singing simple Christmas carols.)

Jr. Director: Okay, all you new little angels, if you want to be in Heaven’s Choir, you need to start practicing today! So let’s get started!

(Kids sing their songs.)

Jr. Director: That was super! I will tell the Choir Director that she can look forward to some very talented little angels in the near future!

(Children exit to their seats.)

Scene 1: Heaven

(Heavenly setting with optional smoke for effect or angel hair spread on the floor. Harold is lying on his stomach, head hanging off the edge of the stage, gazing intently. Gabriel enters, wearing a robe like the other angels but with a special glittering vest denoting rank and authority, and a sword strapped to his side. Gabriel sees Harold and crosses to him.)

Gabriel: [sighs] Not again.

Harold [grins impishly]: Why, Gabbie, what do you mean?

Gabriel [sternly]: You spend all of your time watching people on Earth.

Harold: Yes, but just look at them. What a mess. All they do is destroy one another.

(Lights dim slightly on stage and brighten in the audience. A couple in the audience begins to argue.)

Husband: Can’t you do anything right? How many times have I told you NOT to sign me up to help at church?

Wife: But dear…

Husband: No “buts”! You volunteer all the time—enough for the both of us!

Wife: But I thought…

Husband: I don’t care what you think! That’s the problem—you DON’T think!

(Lights shift to another side of the audience where a group of women are gossiping.)

Woman #1: Did you hear about Mary? I can’t believe she did that!

Woman #2: Well, I can! She only pretends to be a Miss Goody Two Shoes.

Woman #3: If I were Joe, I would dump her in a heartbeat.

Woman #1: Can you believe the story she’s telling everyone?

Woman #2: As if anyone would believe it anyhow. She is such a liar…

Woman #3: Hey, did you hear about George? I heard the other day that he…

(Lights return to Harold on stage.)

Harold: Look at the sickness, the pain… (painfully) the sin. There is no one to help them. Why doesn't God do something? Doesn’t He care, Gabbie? It makes me so sad.

Gabriel: God will do something, Harold. He’s God, and you’re not. He knows what He’s doing. You need to trust Him.

Harold: But when? They need help now. I don’t understand the delay. Sometimes I think I can’t stand watching all this pain and suffering.

Gabriel: No one loves mankind more than God Himself. You must be patient. Like I said before, He has a plan, and He knows what He’s doing. (pauses) Which reminds me, aren’t you supposed to be at choir practice about now? The Choir Director is not going to be happy if you’re late again.

Harold: But Gabbie, choir practice is for sissies. I'm bored with it. I want to do something for mankind. I want to help ease their suffering and pain. I want to be a help to the poor, a strength to the weak. I want to do something big… really big for mankind. I don’t want to go to choir practice.

Gabriel: Just like God has a plan to rescue mankind, He has a plan for Choir—and a reason for you to be in it. You may not see it now, but if you don’t apply yourself, you may miss what God has in store for you. I don’t think you want to miss God’s mission, now do you?

Harold: [grumbling] Oh, alright. I’ll do it, but I’m not going to be happy about it.

Gabriel: That’s a good angel. Now off with you.

(Harold heads in the wrong direction.)

Gabriel: Uh, Harold? Yoo-hoo! I think choir practice is the other way.

Harold [bummed]: Oh yeah! OK. I’m just never going to understand why God thinks I need to be in the choir. Sissy stuff to me… just plain sissy stuff.

Gabriel: As a matter of fact, I was heading that way myself. I’ll go with you… that way I know you’ll get there.

Harold: Oh, Gabbie… you’re no fun. Might as well get this torture over with.

Gabriel: Harold… let’s see a little more enthusiasm here. You know who’s watching.

Harold: [reluctantly] OK. Since you put it that way.

(They exit toward choir practice.)

Scene 2: Choir Practice

(The Choir Director stands, arms crossed as Harold arrives.)

Choir Director [sarcastic]: Well, Harold, we're so glad you could finally join us. (pauses) Late as usual. I don’t know why you have been commissioned to the choir when you’re nothing but trouble. You hear me? Trouble! T-R-O-U-B-L-E. I have complained again and again, and they still haven’t removed you. I should…

(Harold squirms on one foot, then the other, looking at Gabriel for help.)

Gabriel [interrupts]: Miss Director, you’re looking mighty angelic today. Sorry about Harold being late. He was with me, and we just sort of lost track of time. I'm sure you can find it in your heart to forgive him, can’t you, ma’am?

Choir Director [still sarcastic]: Again? Gabriel, I don’t know what you see in this boy. An angel of your stature shouldn’t be bothered with this lazy boy when there are so many others far more deserving of your attention. Like Michael—now there is one fine, up-and-coming angel.

(Gabriel directs Harold to his place on the risers. Harold sneaks to the back row, trying to hide behind others.)

Gabriel [exiting]: Thank you, Miss Director. I knew you would see it my way. Mark my words—Harold is going to be part of something very important one day, and you’ll be the one who trained him.

Choir Director [grumbles]: Part of something big indeed. Hmmph! I can't even get him to show up for choir on time. How in the world is he ever going to be part of something big? OK, choir, where were we before everything in heaven had to stop for Mr. Harold? Oh yes, our theme song… from the top.

(Choir begins to sing “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” Harold fidgets, distracted by something offstage. He sneaks off, gets closer and closer, then ends up lying on his stomach, gazing at the world again.)

(The Choir Director notices Harold is gone, looks around, motions for the choir to keep singing, then sneaks over to Harold.)

Choir Director [sarcastic]: Fascinating, isn’t it?

Harold [totally engrossed]: Oh yes, it is fascinating. You see, these people over here on this side are fighting with these people over on that side…

(Actors dressed in camouflage with “bloody” gauze wrapped around their heads appear on either side of the church.)

Choir Director [taps foot]: What a pity.

Harold: Yes, imagine all that pain and bloodshed just so they can say they won. They are in desperate need of help.

Choir Director [yells]: HAROLD!

(Harold gulps.)

Choir Director: Uh-oh is right, young man. I should say you are in trouble. What do you think you’re doing? (Harold starts to answer.) Don’t answer that! (motions back to the choir) Since you're too busy to practice, I assume you know your part.

(Harold, nervous, sings terribly.)

Choir Director [exasperated]: Stop! Stop! That’s enough! Choir dismissed! And Harold—DON’T BE LATE TOMORROW!

(Harold, relieved, races offstage.)

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