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DramaShare Ministries

Hands Up

Hands Up

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Jehovah Nissi, the Lord is my banner.
A name that symbolizes God's protection and guidance over His people. Moses used this name after God gave Israel a miraculous victory over the Amalekites. It serves as a reminder that God leads and defends us in our spiritual battles.

2 (M or F)

Bible Reference:
Exodus 17:15


Wireless mics if available






Special Instructions:

12 minutes

Sample of Script:

(Actors walk on stage, talking)

1: What’s going on? Why have you got your arms all tied up?

2: I am doing my homework.

1: Okkkk! You are doing your homework? Mind telling me what hanging your hands from the ceiling has to do with homework?

2: Worked for Moses.

1: I take it Moses is a friend of yours?

2: Moses is a friend of all Christians.

1: No question that’s important, but why did Moses hook his arms to the ceiling?

2: Actually, he didn’t use rope—Aaron and Hur held Moses’ hands up.

1: Aaron and Hur would likely be friends of Moses, is my guess.

2: Good guess.

1: So Moses found that having his hands held up helped his homework, I assume?

2: No, Moses didn’t go to school as far as I know.

1: Then why was he doing homework?

2: Homework? Moses was fighting the Amaleks.

1: So we are talking video games?

2: Video games? They didn’t have video games in Bible times! You sure can be confusing!

1: So we are talking Moses Moses here? As in...

2: Who did you think we were talking about? Moses Bainbridge?

1: No, of course not, I knew it wasn’t Moses Bainbridge we were talking about. (pause) Wait a minute, who is Moses Bainbridge?

2: No idea, I assumed he was a friend of yours.

1: But you were the one who mentioned his name.

2: I was using the name in jest.

1: In jest?

2: Yep.

1: Would you mind telling me what all this has to do with your homework and with you sitting here looking dumb with your arms over your head?

2: Well, when the Israelite armies were fighting the Amaleks, Moses was supposed to keep his hands up in the air.

1: Why?

2: Because while his arms were in the air, the Israelite army was victorious.

1: Must have been hard on Moses’ arms, being up in the air all the time.

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