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Growing Together
Growing Together
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Silent Struggles: A Three-Scene Drama on Chat Addiction
Internet chat addiction is a silent struggle—even among Christians.
In this three-scene drama, a Christian wrestles with computer chat room addiction but cannot bring himself to acknowledge his struggle or seek help. A friend invites him to a small group, where he meets others facing the same issue.
Rob is a sincere believer struggling with this particular addiction. Each Sunday, he brings it before the Lord in prayer, yet he sees no progress. His frustration grows as he wonders why God doesn’t simply remove the temptation. Over time, Rob comes to understand that God often works in us and through us—not in isolation, but through relationships with other believers.
This drama highlights the importance of:
- Encounter – Experiencing God in the congregational/larger-group setting.
- Encouragement – Experiencing God through relationships with others.
- Engagement – Experiencing God through ministry and action.
Cast: 7 m or f
- Rob – Main actor
- Kent – Small group leader
- Rhonda – Small group participant
- Charmaine – Small group participant
- Julianne – Small group participant
- Roland – Co-worker
- Pastor’s offstage voice
Bible Reference: 1Corinthians 10:13
- none required, can be dressed up with church, living room and workplace sets in each of the scenes respectively
Sound: wireless mics if available
- altar call music
- enough to separate scenes
SFX: none
Props: none
Costumes: standard
Special Instructions:
- can be used as a self-standing drama, or a sermon illustration with the pastor’s message in between (after) each scene.
Also very useful for a series of outreach and inreach programs offered through the church
Time: 20
Sample of script:
Scene 1: Encounter
(The church service has ended. The sanctuary lights are low. The pastor’s voice fades in from offstage.)
PASTOR: (voiceover)
... And perhaps God is calling to you right now. Don’t let this moment go by...
Come, bring that issue before a loving God. He is able to deal with that issue in your life.
I don’t know what the issue is, but God does, and He wants to meet with you—right here, right now.
Come now.
(Worship music plays softly in the background. A spotlight rises on stage left as Rob walks slowly to the spot and kneels.)
ROB: (praying, struggling)
Lord... that issue...
The same issue. The issue that has brought me here—it seems like every time the pastor announces an altar call, an invitation for prayer… I am sure that everyone in the congregation must snicker a bit...
(Mocking voices echo in his mind.)
"Here comes Rob again..."
"Old altar-call Rob, there..."
"Back for prayer again..."
I mean, no one actually ever says that… probably never even thinks it, I guess...
The people here at church are good, kind, supportive...
And it's not as if I’m a bad person… I mean, I’m a Christian… like the pastor says, a sinner saved through grace...
I come to church every Sunday—wouldn’t miss it. I teach Sunday school—fifth-grade boys.
I attend most church activities during the week when I can.
It’s just that…
This... issue...
(Shakes head, sighs.)
Lord, why is it that I can’t seem to... deal with... confront this?
(Pauses, frustrated.)
A thousand times I’ve wanted to talk to the pastor, to ask for help, but...
I’ve tried to talk to some folks here at church... but the words just won’t come out.
Know what I mean?
I mean, what would they think of me?
How would they react?
And would they keep my awful secret… my secret...?
([Optional] At the end of this scene, a speaker comes onstage to elaborate on the need for small groups.)
Scene 2: Encourage
(Stage right. A spotlight rises on Rob, kneeling beside a chair at home.)
ROB: (praying, exhausted)
Well Lord, here I am again… Sunday has come and gone…
The organ music is just a memory now…
And… the… issue… in my life… is still alive and well...
(Sighs, leans back.)
God, You own the cattle on a thousand hills—why can’t You have a toll-free line...?
(Pauses, then chuckles bitterly.)
Sorry… bad joke, in bad taste, kinda...
But if You could just call me... just call me, let me hear Your voice...
Like I said, zap this… issue… clean outta my life!
Lord, it’s just that I simply can’t take it anymore...
I can’t keep going when it seems like...
(The phone rings. Rob frowns and tries to ignore it.)
Oh, just great…
(Looks up, half-smiles.)
([Optional] Another speaker elaborates on the need for encouragement from others.)
Scene 3: Engage
(Lights up on stage. Rob is seated at a desk. Roland enters and follows him.)
Hi, Rob. How’s work going for you today?
ROB: (frustrated)
Gotta tell you, Roland, this accounting software is about to drive me out of my mind!
You’ve done a great job on a really tough project, Rob.
(Rob shifts uneasily, hesitating before speaking.)
Roland… remember last week you told me about how your wife was having issues?
Computer… chatting issues?
ROLAND: (sad, sighs)
Yeah. It’s tearing us apart…
I do appreciate you so much, Rob—being able to talk with you, knowing that my wife’s problem wouldn’t be spread all over the office.
Well… sorry I didn’t do more for you. More to help, when we talked.
That’s fine, Rob. I’m not sure that anyone can help…
It’s just good having someone I can talk with.
Well, that’s where you’re wrong, Roland. There are folks who can help.
ROLAND: (defensive)
Sue will not agree to going to a shrink!
I’m not talking about psychiatrists—though they can be useful.
But there’s this woman at my church who was a chat addict and…
ROLAND: (angry, cutting him off)
My wife is not an addict!
She made some wrong choices, but she’s not...
ROB: (gently)
The point is, Roland… this woman at church has been through what your wife is going through… and she can help.
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