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Green Bible Church
Green Bible Church
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Religious Correctness in the Church
A church "inner group" interrogates—sorry, cross-examines—oh wait, questions a church "newcomer" about her faith.
This script explores the evil of pride and conceit in the church.
Cast: (8, likely female)
- Sister Saved
- Sister Redeemed
- Sister Friendly
- Sister Hospitality
- Sister Correctness
- Sister Responsible
- Miss Seeker
- Offstage Voice
Bible Reference:
Proverbs 16:18
Plain stage with a table at the center.
Technical Details:
- Sound: Wireless mics if available.
- Song: None.
- Lighting: Standard.
- Sound of knocking.
- Tea cups on table, chairs.
- Large green books meant to be Bibles, plus one black Bible.
- Traditional "church" clothing for most characters.
- Miss Seeker dresses casually.
Special Instructions:
- None.
⏳ Approximately 10 minutes.
Sample of Script:
Offstage Voice:
The Open To All Green Bible Church invites you for tea at our tastefully fuchsia-colored church on the corner of Good Street and Better Avenue. So come to the Open To All Green Bible Church, where all things will be done graciously and in good taste.
(Group of women wander onto the stage, chatting and carrying large green Bibles.)
So anyhow, Sister Saved, like I was saying, I am sooooo encouraged by your choice of a new green Bible! Why, you are just such a blessed example of all that’s good in the Open To All Green Bible Church.
So nice of you to say, Sister Redeemed! But the thing is, I am just doing my small part to be an effective witness.
And a fine example you are, for sure, Sister Saved. Not like that, *(leans in, whispering) Emma Pinkerton.
Was that not a caution—Emma coming to the Open To All Green Bible Church Annual Tea and Homemade Pickle Night with a… non-King James Version Bible?!
Whatever is this world coming to, that’s all I can say!
Yes, Sister Redeemed, and—to add to the sacrilege—she was carrying a… yellow… Bible!
Oh, the shame of it all, Sister Saved!
What a lovely tea table. I am so thankful that we've taken the time to do all things decently and in good taste.
Decently and in good taste indeed, Sister Hospitality!
Yes, Sister Hospitality, you have the table truly lovely, as it should be, since we've invited an unbelieving seeker today. Sister Friendly is bringing her. What an opportunity to introduce her to the Lord.
So very true, Sister Correctness! …Now, we will just take a few minutes to pray for the seeker’s soul while we wait for Sister Friendly and Miss Seeker.
(All move to seats at the table, bow their heads, and quietly pray.)
SFX: Sound of knocking
Here they are now—it's Sister Friendly and Miss Seeker. Ladies, please come in and join us.
(Sister Friendly and Miss Seeker enter. Sister Hospitality introduces everyone.)
Welcome, welcome Miss Seeker, so nice to have you with us at Open To All Green Bible Church! I just know you will feel the warmth and acceptance from all the ladies here... Now, I would like you to meet Sister Saved, and there is Sister Redeemed. You already know Sister Friendly. This is Sister Correctness, and I am Sister Hospitality…
I am very pleased to—
Sorry to interrupt, Miss Seeker, but here at Open To All Green Bible Church, we just feel like it’s best to chat over a nice cup of tea… so let’s do that first…
(Responsible pours tea.)
And what do you like in your tea, Miss Seeker?… Cream?… Sugar?… A touch of lemon, perhaps?
Actually, I don’t drink tea—just water will be fine.
No tea?… But all of the ladies at the Open To All Green Bible Church drink tea—orange pekoe tea, actually. Isn’t that right, Sister Correctness?
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