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Grandpa's Christmas Storytime

Grandpa's Christmas Storytime

Regular price $20.00 USD
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Gather around the tree as Grandpa takes you on a hilarious and heartwarming journey through the greatest story ever told! Grandpa’s Christmas Storytime weaves humor, playful missteps, and touching moments into a retelling of the nativity story like you’ve never seen before. With quirky angels, wise-cracking shepherds, mischievous donkeys, and a few unexpected surprises, this fun-filled play reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas.

Perfect for all ages, it’s a joyful celebration of love, hope, and the miraculous night when heaven met earth. Don’t miss this delightful twist on the greatest gift of all!

Production Details

Run Time: ~30 minutes
Cast Size: 19+ actors


  1. Grandpa – The warm and witty storyteller.
  2. Brynlee – An excited child who loves asking questions.
  3. Jarrett – Another inquisitive child who helps correct Grandpa.
  4. Gabriel – The angel who delivers the message to Mary.
  5. Mary – The young woman chosen by God to give birth to Jesus.
  6. Joseph – Mary’s faithful husband.
  7. Centurion – Emperor Augustus’ assistant.
  8. Emperor Augustus – The Roman emperor issuing the census decree.
  9. Innkeeper – The overwhelmed innkeeper.
  10. Shepherds (2+) – Watching their flocks and sharing jokes.
  11. Sheep – Played by children or props with dramatic "baa-ing."
  12. Angels (1+) – Bringing the good news to the shepherds.
  13. Baby Jesus – Played by a doll or a real baby in the manger.
  14. Star – Young child dressed as a star.

Set Requirements

Stage Areas

  • Grandpa’s Story Corner: Armchair, cozy Christmas tree, decorations.
  • Mary’s Home (Stage Right): Simple setting with a chair and table.
  • Emperor’s Throne Room (Center Stage): A decorated throne area.
  • Bethlehem Stable (Stage Left): A small stable with a manger.


  • Starry night sky for the shepherds’ scene.
  • A bright star guiding the Wise Men.
  • Bethlehem scenery for the stable scene.


  • Armchair, small table, blanket, and cocoa cup for Grandpa.
  • Pickleball paddle and ball.
  • Gifts for the Wise Men (gold box, frankincense jar, myrrh container).
  • Shepherds’ crooks.
  • Manger, hay, and stuffed animals for the stable scene.
  • Toy or prop donkey.

Costume Suggestions

  1. Grandpa: Cozy clothes with a Christmas sweater or shawl.
  2. Mary: Simple robes with a headscarf.
  3. Joseph: Basic robes with a satchel or staff.
  4. Donkey: (Optional comedic twist) A gorilla costume labeled as "Donkey."
  5. Gabriel: White or light-colored robe with a sash and optional wings.
  6. Emperor Augustus: Dark robes with a gold crown or headpiece.
  7. Centurion: Roman soldier’s costume (red sash, helmet, and belt).
  8. Wise Men: Colorful robes with headscarves or crowns.
  9. Shepherds: Earth-toned robes with scarves or hoods.
  10. Angels: White robes with optional halos or small wings.
  11. Sheep, Chickens, and Pigs: Black or white shirts and pants with simple “ear” headbands. Cheap animal masks are a fun option!

Biblical References

  • Matthew 1 & 2
  • Luke 1 & 2

SCENE 1: Grandpa Story
(The stage is set with a cozy Christmas corner. Grandpa sits in a comfortable armchair with a blanket and a cup of cocoa. Brynlee and Jarrett sit on the floor nearby, eyes wide with anticipation. A Christmas tree glows softly behind them.)

Grandpa’s Living Room

Grandpa: (Smiling, looking at the kids)
“Well, Christmas Eve is finally here, isn’t it? And that means it’s time for a special story—a story that’s been told for hundreds of years.”

(Grandpa pauses for effect, leaning in slightly.)

“Now, this isn’t just any story. It’s about a starry night long, long ago, in a place far from here, where a very special baby was born.”

Brynlee: (Whispering, excited)
“Is it about Baby Jesus?”

Grandpa: (Winking)
“You’ll just have to listen and see.”

“Our story begins with a young woman named Mary, who one day received an unexpected visit from an angel. And not just any angel, but a mighty one named Gabriel, who traveled all the way from… Texas!”

Jarrett: (Frowning, correcting him)
“No, Grandpa! Angels don’t come from Texas!”

Grandpa: (Feigning surprise, then with a twinkle in his eye)
“Well… that’s not true. I’m from Texas.”


Grandpa: (Clears throat, continuing)
“Anyways—oh, right—well, Gabriel came from Heaven, which is even farther away than Texas.”

(Lights shift to a new area of the stage where Mary stands. Gabriel enters, gracefully removing a cowboy hat before approaching her.)

Mary’s Home

Gabriel: (With an air of grace)
“Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.”

Mary: (Startled)
“Oh! Who are you?”

“Do not be afraid, Mary. I am Gabriel, sent to tell you that you will have a very special child.”

Grandpa: (Narrating with excitement)
“And Mary looked up and said—”

Mary (Tara): (Holding up a pickleball paddle and ball, teasingly)
“Oh, you mean like a champion pickleball player?”

(She playfully bounces the ball, maybe even hitting it toward Gabriel.)

Jarrett: (Shaking his head, exasperated)
“No, Grandpa! She’s going to have Jesus—way better than a champion pickleball player.”

Grandpa: (Chuckling, nodding)
“You’re right! And so, Gabriel explained that this would be the child of God.”

Gabriel (Jace):
“You will give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.”

(Mary looks up with awe and gratitude, nodding slowly.)

Mary (Tara):
“I am the Lord’s servant. May it happen just as you have said.”

(Gabriel gently exits; Mary gracefully moves toward the back of the church as the lights shift to a warm glow.)

🎵 SONG: "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" (Sung by the cast or choir.)


SCENE 2: The Degree
(The stage shifts to a regal scene. A red-draped door at the back opens with a flourish as Emperor Caesar Augustus and his troops, led by Centurion Kale, march in. Trumpet fanfare plays as they move to the center of the stage.)

“Meanwhile, the evil, sinister Roman Emperor Augustus, wearing a dark and foreboding robe, was about to make an announcement.”

“The Emperor stepped forward, pulled out his lightsaber, and…”

Brynlee: (Excitedly imagining)
“Ooooh, he then swings the saber at the Centurion and chops his arm off and then he goes after the town’s people and…”

Grandpa: (Interrupting, waving his hands)
“Whoa… whoa… okay, okay, no lightsaber. Instead, the Emperor Caesar Augustus cleared his throat, straightened his hair, and gave everyone his coolest look.”

(Emperor Augustus straightens up, brushing imaginary dust from his robe, and adopts a serious, regal expression.)

“Citizens, hear me! There will be a census, and everyone must go to their hometown to be counted.”

“That means you’ll have to pack your bags right now, everyone! Even if it means traveling with all your… um, um…”

Jarrett: (From the stage, shouting out)

Centurion: (Enthusiastically echoing)

Emperor: (Perplexed, raising an eyebrow)
“Goldfish? Why Goldfish?”

Centurion: (Scratching his head, sheepish)
“I don’t know what came over me. I just felt compelled to say Goldfish. Now I feel like eating Goldfish. Want some?”

Emperor: (Rolling his eyes, exasperated)
“Okay, fine. Just pack your family and go to your hometown. Leave your goldfish at home.”

(The Emperor and his troops exit with a flourish, as the stage transitions to a softer light.)

🎵 SONG: "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (Sung by the cast or a soloist, accompanied by a gentle instrumental.)

SCENE 3: Mary, Joseph and Donkey
Scene 3: Setting Off for Bethlehem

(SFX: Footsteps on gravel, occasional donkey brays—or, in this case, gorilla grunts. Mary, Joseph, and their “donkey” enter from the back of the church, slowly making their way up the aisle toward the stage. The "donkey" (a person in a gorilla suit) occasionally flexes and acts up, playfully causing minor havoc among the audience.)

“Mary and Joseph complied with the decree and journeyed from Nazareth to Bethlehem with their trusty gorilla... named Donkey. Joseph and Mary traveled very slowly because Mary’s baby was due to be born soon. During the trip, the donkey would terrorize all the people.”

Jarrett: (Grinning, adding details)
“The donkey flexed his muscles.”

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