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DramaShare Ministries

Graffiti Everywhere

Graffiti Everywhere

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When being instructed to “take the message everywhere,” somehow the signals get lost or misinterpreted. A message that is entirely the Great Commission somehow gets lost in the translation… maybe sounds familiar, huh?

Written by longtime DramaShare member Mr. Techie Karl Wagner.

This drama was performed in statewide competition by New Life Community Church, Oshkosh, WI, and was chosen for the national competition in Charlotte, NC, in August!
Congratulations Zack Pawlosky and team!


9 (m or f)
1: Indifferent and content to wonder
2: Sarcastic and totally indifferent
3: Kind of a “smart aleck”
4: In their own world, but understands that everywhere is being talked about
5: A female who panics and faints at everything
6: A 60s hippie type
7: Just is
8: A dreamer
9: Tries to think clearly

Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:



  • A banner with “Acts 1:8 EVERYWHERE”

Special Instructions:

  • This starts and ends with a scene somewhat similar to the opening and closing scenes from the play Waiting for Godot. Two of the characters, 1 and 2, were roughly based on Vladimir and Estragon. Just their sarcasm and indifference, but it basically ends there.
  • Throughout this short sketch, there is confusing guesswork on the part of the actors, along with some bizarre behavior.
  • Small hints are made as to the need for Jesus in our lives (mentions of demons, possession, oppression, sickness, the need for healing, great physician, etc.), but the cast is more interested in the graffiti and not the people.
  • My concept of writing this was that the actors congregate, staring at the banner, like a group of guys watching the Super Bowl on TV. They are so into looking at the banner that all the other stuff is acknowledged, but they barely even look at it, like the girl who faints. Yeah, she needs help, but it isn’t their problem.
  • Character 4 was written with a guy in mind, but when it was first done, a girl played the part. It was very clever because Actor 4 basically does a “guy type of thing,” constantly quoting song lyrics or movie scenes. This added an interesting layer to the performance.
  • The cast can be trimmed down, and lines can be combined to suit your needs. The only character written as gender-specific is 5. It could also be funny if a guy screams and faints. If so, be sure to adjust pronouns or references.

Times: 5

Sample of Script:

(Scene opens with Actor 1 seated on the floor, looking confused. He is staring at a banner that simply reads “Acts 1:8 EVERYWHERE.” Actor 2 enters, talking.)

2: So, there you are, again.

1: Am I?

2: I searched everywhere for you. I thought you were gone forever.

1: Me too.

(Actor 3 enters.)

2: So how have you spent your time?

1: I’ve been here contemplating this graffiti.

3: I thought you were waiting for a sign from God.

2: He found graffiti instead.

1: Everywhere… what do you think it means?

3: It means somebody wasted good paint. How should I know?

(Actor 4 enters.)

4: Hello, I’m Johnny Cash... I've been everywhere, man, I've been everywhere, man, crossed the deserts bare, man, I've breathed the mountain air, man...

2: You’ve never been out of your own town, much less everywhere.

(Actor 5 enters with Actor 6.)

5 and 6 (together): What are you guys doing?

2: Contemplating graffiti... what do you think it means?

6: Hmmm, Everywhere… it’s like… it’s like, oppression, man. It’s everywhere, man. Keepin' us in our place so the establishment can force us into blind submission...

3: Did you take your meds this morning—

1 (interrupting):—or maybe you took too many. (Turns to 5) What do you think?

5: It could be anything, you know, like, germs... (getting panicked) Germs... just waiting for us... (Screams) They're everywhere! (and faints)

(Actor 7 enters.)

7: Does she need help?


1: She needs a physician, a great physician... But what's more important is this graffiti....

(5 gets up and rejoins the crowd.)

7: Everywhere...

4: I will be there, and everywhere... Here, there, and everywhere… (Beatles song: Here, There, and Everywhere)

7: What is his problem?

2: He's possessed...

7: By demons?

3: So far it's just Johnny Cash and Paul McCartney.

5: It’s a warning... demons... devils... (screams) They're everywhere! (and faints)

(Actors 8 and 9 enter.)

8: Does she need help?

All: Yes!

5 (getting back up): Did I faint again?

2: No, I hit you with a baseball bat… of course, you fainted! Now control yourself.

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