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DramaShare Ministries



Regular price $10.00 USD
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Cast Number

Gossip. The terrible effect it can have in a church.

Bible Reference:
2 Timothy 2:16


Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:

1 minutes

Sample of script:

Actors come on stage

Woman1: I have a question to ask you dear, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, you understand. . . I was just wondering what you knew about that new usher in church last week?

Woman2: The one with that outlandish suit? Well, actually, I don’t know much except I heard he just lost his job, lives on the (emphasize) West Side, and he was seen with Jenny Stewart on Saturday night. Other than that I don’t know a thing.

Woman1: Well, understand, I am not gossiping or anything . . .

Woman2: Of course not, no one would ever accuse you of gossip!

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