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Gospel According To Josh Series

Gospel According To Josh Series

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God's Promise, Protection, Pathway, Picture, and Power

A 5-day program for Vacation Bible School or children’s ministry, based on the Biblical truth that when God is with us, He will provide strength and courage.

Program Overview

Each day focuses on a specific theme, supported by a Bible verse:

  1. Monday (God’s Promise)
    “When God is along, you’re courageous and strong.”
    Bible Verse: Joshua 1:5-9
  2. Tuesday (God’s Protection)
    “When God protects, just imagine what’s next.”
    Bible Verse: Joshua 2:2-21
  3. Wednesday (God’s Pathway)
    “It will be okay when God leads the way.”
    Bible Verse: Joshua 3:5-17
  4. Thursday (Picture What God Has Done)
    “Picture today the way you will pray.”
    Bible Verse: Joshua 4:19-24
  5. Friday (God’s Power)
    “Plug into God’s power with a shout every hour!”
    Bible Verse: Joshua 6:1-15



  • 3 roles (male or female)
    • In all segments: Josh and Posh
    • Plus an additional character each day (can be the same actor):
      • Day 1: Person
      • Day 2: SS
      • Day 3: Marty
      • Day 4: Susan
      • Day 5: Leslie

Bible Reference:
Joshua 1–6


Wireless microphones (if available)



Sound Effects (SFX):


  • Day 1: Huge pea made out of Styrofoam or similar material
  • Day 2: Camera, trench coat, dark sunglasses
  • Day 3: Construction tools, hard hat, tool belt
  • Day 4: Painting, paper, materials
  • Day 5: Video game and batteries


  • As available and fitting
  • Day 2: Trench coat
  • Day 3: Construction clothing

Special Instructions

  • Special rap song continues through the drama. Being a rap, there’s no formal music—just have fun with it!
  • While rapping, the actors and children are encouraged to “Walk like Egyptians.” See this example for guidance.


  • 12 minutes per day (total: 60 minutes)

Sample Script: Day 1 – God’s Promise

Theme: “When God is along, you’re courageous and strong.”

(Actors Josh and Posh enter the stage, carrying a huge Styrofoam pea. The scene begins with them humorously introducing the theme of courage with the prop representing faith.)

Scripture Passage: Joshua 1:5-9
Memory Verse: “Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 1:9

Scene 1: Introduction

Josh comes on stage, sits on a chair, reading a book. Soon, Person enters, appearing very tentative and obviously afraid of everything around them. Josh notices Person and crosses to them.


Person (jumps, terrified):
Who... Wha... Who are you?

Hey, didn’t mean to scare you. My name’s Josh, and I am...

(Josh holds out his hand to shake, but Person pulls back.)

Don’t touch me.

(Josh takes a step back.)

Sorry to startle you, I just...

Well, you are a stranger, and this is like a strange place, and I...

Well, yes, we haven’t met before, so I guess I am a stranger, and...

I just like never, ever could talk to a stranger...

Well, like you said, I am a stranger, and you are kinda talking to me and...

Oh my, that’s true! I am talking with you, and I don’t like that! I am bad frightened...

(Posh enters, pushing/pulling/dragging a large replica of a pea. Person is very frightened and hides behind Josh. Posh stops and wipes his forehead with a large hanky.)

Scene 2: The Pea

You simply have no idea just how much hard work it is moving this around!

What... is that?

Seriously, you don’t know what this is?

No, I seriously don’t know what that is. Now, are you going to tell me?

Thought everyone would know what this is.
(points to Person)
You know what this is, right?

I don’t care to know what that huge monster thing is. It just makes me so afraid! What if it falls over and lands on top of me and...

Wow! This is really something—you both don’t know what this is? Real strange!
(pushes the pea further downstage toward the audience and points to the children)
You guys know what this is, don’t you?

(Posh encourages the children to say it is a pea.)

Exactly, boys and girls, this is a pea.
(to the others)
And to think you two didn’t know this was a pea.

Well, I knew it was a pea. It’s just I don’t know what it does or why you are bringing it out here.

Posh: (amazed)
You don’t know what a pea does? How could you not know what a pea does? What is your name?

Well, I am Josh.

Josh, you amaze me—not knowing about peas!
(turns to Person)
And seems you don’t know what a pea is either, do you?

Person (shy):
I... well... I’m afraid... I’m afraid I just didn’t know what to say.

Josh: (to Posh)
And what is your name?

Posh (proud):
My name is Posh.
(to the children)
And what does my name, Posh, start with?

(Encourages children to say “P.”)

That’s right! Posh starts with “P.”
(points to pea)
Just like this pea.

Scene 3: Courage and Promise

Josh: (astonished)
Posh? Your name is Posh?

Yes, Josh. My name is Posh, Josh.

Person (confused, to Josh):
Your name is Posh Josh?

No, not Posh Josh. Just Josh.

You are Posh Josh Josh?

No, not Posh Josh Josh. His name can’t be Posh Josh Josh.
(to Josh)
If your name was Posh Josh Josh, then my name would be Posh Posh Josh Josh.

Person (to Posh):
So let me get this straight... your name is Posh Posh Josh Josh... and
(to Josh)
your name is Posh Josh Josh? Couldn’t your parents come up with normal names?

Wait, you’ve got it all wrong. My name is Posh.

And my name is Josh.

Posh (to Person):
And what is your name?

Oh, I can’t tell you that. I would be afraid...

Afraid? Why would you be afraid?

Well, I am afraid to tell you my real name, so just call me... Person.

Person? What kind of a name is Person?

Maybe not so bad...
(to the children)
Boys and girls, what does Person start with?

(Encourages kids to say “P.”)

You are right! Person starts with “P,” just like my name, Posh, and just like this pea.

Well Posh, I can see where your name starts with “P”… and that’s cool… And this here… pea… it starts with “P” as well…
But… Person… I mean, who would want to call himself… Person?

Well see, it’s just that everything is so very scary… and, I mean, I just can’t do anything right!… And I am not strong… And, I guess I am just a loser!

Josh, annoyed:
Hey, hold up there, Person!
See, God made you and God never did make losers, understand?

But I can’t run as fast as some of the guys, and I can’t hit a baseball very good and…

So you aren’t the world’s best baseball player, you are good at some other things, right?

Well, I am kinda good at math, and I do have a really awesome bottle cap collection.

There you go!… Fact is, God made you, and God sees you as courageous and strong.

Person, shocked:
Me?… I am courageous and strong?

Certainly are!… You need to remember, God said when you do His will, His strength will live in you.

He said that?

More than said it, God gave us His assurance.

Assurance, huh?… I do believe we have another “P” word here!
(to children)
What are we saying when we tell someone that for sure we are gonna do something?
(urges children to say “PROMISE”)
That’s right!… “P” is for… PROMISE… God promised that He would be with us wherever we go, and that His courage and strength would live in us.

That’s right, Posh. God tells us to be strong and courageous.

Wow!… I never realized God gave us that kind of promise!

Sure did, Person!

Actually, my name is Peter (or Penny if female).

Awesome, another “P” word… Like, (points to pea) pea and Posh…

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