The “Good News of Great Joy” from a Senior’s Perspective
When we, as seniors, tell about Christmases gone by, are we focusing on the old but ever-new good news of great joy, or are we reflecting on the tough times, the struggles? If it is the latter, we may be planting a seed that the good news wasn’t, in our thinking, that great after all.
- 1 senior (plus 1 offstage voice)
Set, Lighting, Sound, Costumes:
- Standard
- Scroll (made from paper on a rod)
- Bibles
- Laptop or iPad
Time: 20
Sample Script
Offstage Voice (reading from Luke 2:10-11):
I bring... to you... good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord.
Actor comes on stage, looks out into the audience, waves, acknowledges unseen persons, listens to their questions, speaks to them.
Hey, how are you?
Haven’t seen you for a bit, how’s it goin’?
Bit of a chill in the air, huh?
Winter’s on its way... whether we like it or not, is my guess.
Oh well, winter’s not all bad, you know.
I mean, ‘specially if you’ve been around as many winters as I have...
And what you gonna do anyhow... it is what it is, right?
(hears a comment)
What say?
(listens, reacts)
Like you say... soon be Christmas, for a fact!
Christmas... kinda nice, you know...
In spite of the cold and snow!
Christmas... have the grandkids home...
You will simply not believe how Timmy has grown...
And Ellen... knock-down gorgeous child, that one!
Takes after our side of the family, is what... not that I am gonna mention that to my daughter-in-law. She doesn’t always appreciate my sense of humor, for a fact!
The wife—she’s not doin’ that great, hard for her to travel...
So, like I say... family is comin’ here...
For sure we will go to the Christmas Eve service down at the church.
Family tradition for sure...
Wouldn’t miss that...
Essence of Christmas...
“Good news of great joy!”
Way I understand it, that was the thing in Bethlehem...
“Good news of great joy!”
Still is... still good news... great joy.
(pauses, thinks)
Well... maybe not anymore as much... good news... and, likely not as much... great joy.
Know what I mean?
I think maybe the young folks today are... I dunno... maybe not so much into... that kinda good news... and for certain, they’re not into the notion the Christmas story is the reason for... great joy.
Know what I mean?
I mean, back at the beginning... Bethlehem... it was, for a fact...
Good news of great joy!
Know what I mean?
Offstage Voice (reading from Luke 2:10-11):
I bring... to you... good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord.
Actor turns, walks upstage, picks up a scroll, excited, walks back downstage.
Never in all my years here in this little town of Bethlehem have I heard such news!
Never have I seen this much excitement... such... well... such joy!
Joy... Matter of fact, that’s the word Timothy and his friends used!
Timothy, he’s the head shepherd, him and his guys look after the temple sheep in the valley below town here.
This particular night, Timothy and his shepherds come screamin’ into town, sayin’ they had just seen a bunch of angels.
(points out into the audience, nods in agreement)
Exactly, that’s what me and the guys said too... what angels are gonna come talk to a bunch of shepherds!
I mean... no disrespect, but... I mean... these guys are like... shepherds!
And shepherds are... well... just shepherds.
I mean, they hang out with... sheep... know what I mean?
And shepherds... they don’t care much about neat and tidy issues, if you get my drift.
My guess is that visitin’ a bunch of shepherds isn’t high on angels’ bucket list of things to do, for a fact!
Regardless, Timothy and his guys swore they had been visited by angels...
I kinda snickered and said to the shepherds, “What did these angels say to you guys?”
Right away Timothy shot back at me...
“Good news of great joy!”
“Good news of great joy!”
Me and the guys weren’t real sure what that meant...
Fact is, I’m not sure Timothy and his pals were that sure themselves...
But I am here to tell you...
Them shepherds had the greatest joy I ever did see... before or since!
And that joy was some infecting!
Before long, most of the whole town was excited, joyful, about this message!...
(pauses, thinks, speaks slowly and reflectively)
Good news of great joy.
(pauses, gets excited)
Good news... of great joy!
Actor turns, moves upstage, lays down scroll.
Offstage Voice (reading from Luke 2:10-11):
I bring... to you... good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord.
Actor picks up a 1800’s Bible, turns, comes back downstage.
The new world!
Here in (name of state or province)!...
In the year eighteen ought nine...
Imagine!... My family and I left our home in Europe a year ago, just after New Year’s, and we arrived here just six months ago.
Here we are in a new world... new life... new home!
In our new home for Christmas!
God is good!
(holds up a letter)
Just got a letter from our family back home.
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